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United Kingdom
3 Posts |
Posted - 09/04/2008 : 10:17:41 AM
First a high to all on the forum as this is my first post.
Is it possible to use meditation as a way of self hypnosis. I have been meditating for over 15 years, but for me this has always been a slow organic way of self development, linked to my spiritual well being, combined with religious study.
I now want to look at a very specific problem I have and was considering going to see a hypnotherapist, but from what I have read some say that both are very similar just suggestion is involved with hypnosis.
If meditation can be used how and when do you make these suggestions. |
Edited by - captain on 09/04/2008 10:38:50 AM |
724 Posts |
Posted - 09/05/2008 : 12:01:02 AM
I'd agree that the two are similar in regards to mental state. Very different in regards to application. Achieving your meditative mental state and applying self-hypnosis techniques should get you some results, depending on the issue you are addressing.
Regarding the comment "just suggestion is involved with hypnosis".... That is accurate if the hypnotist has limited training. Hypnosis is much more involved and dynamic with a better trained hypnotist.
With out knowing your specific problem, in general, a person will have a higher chance of success if they make use of a good, qualified hypnotist first. Then reinforce that work with self-hypnosis.
Good luck, Patrick Glancy, BCH www.glancyhypnosis.com www.quickhypnosis.com |
Patrick Glancy, CI, BCH www.salemhypnosissolutions.com |
32 Posts |
Posted - 09/05/2008 : 12:05:59 AM
I think this is a really interesting question which hasn't been addressed really in research anywhere. What are the similarities and differences between hypnosis and meditation? Hypnosis requires a certain amount of focused attention, so would meditating increase someone's succeptibility to hypnosis?
United Kingdom
3 Posts |
Posted - 09/05/2008 : 09:55:45 AM
quote: Originally posted by patrickg
I'd agree that the two are similar in regards to mental state. Very different in regards to application. Achieving your meditative mental state and applying self-hypnosis techniques should get you some results, depending on the issue you are addressing.
Regarding the comment "just suggestion is involved with hypnosis".... That is accurate if the hypnotist has limited training. Hypnosis is much more involved and dynamic with a better trained hypnotist.
With out knowing your specific problem, in general, a person will have a higher chance of success if they make use of a good, qualified hypnotist first. Then reinforce that work with self-hypnosis.
Good luck, Patrick Glancy, BCH www.glancyhypnosis.com www.quickhypnosis.com
Thanks for your answer Patrick, but I do have a coupe of questions as a follow up to your answer and how you feel meditation may have or have not similarities to hypnosis. When you say you will get better results with well-trained hypnotherapist is this because there is a better understanding of psychology and how the mind works. It seems to me through meditation that problems tend not to be as simple as they are perceived by the individual. For instance on top of a lot of other problems over a 6 year period starting at the age of 10 my parents split up. Because of this through my early life I had major problems adjusting to a normal life style causing me a lot of problems. Latter on through meditation and guidance I was able to transcend and look at my life as an observer to understand it, and then let go of any negative emotion’s, guilt, blame etc that I had. A good example was an incredible guilt I had for my parent’s divorcee, which I was able to see through meditation as my mother transferring her guilt onto me, and me carrying that guilt around for years. I was then able to let go of these negative emotions. This did not happen over night and with hypnotherapy would this also take some time to get too. Is this the way a good hypnotherapist would work to look at a problem as a whole as every thing tends to go deeper then we think. I see all these hypnosis adds saying make your self happy successful confidant, but I do not understand how things like this can be solved with a quick fix, but tend to take time.
Last night when mediating I made a mental effort to look at the problem I want addressed (which I thought was more of a habit, that Is why I thought hypnosis may have been the solution). When meditating you tend to let things unfold on their own rather then being very specific as to what you want to achieve. Individual purpose is about the self (which is another discussion), so this was a very new approach to me. When meditating on the said habit I saw that this was linked to other issues I have and contemplation took over making me look at the problem as a whole, now hopefully leading to a resolve. Now would a hypnotherapist or self-hypnosis just try to stop that habit through suggestion, for example telling you are going to be successful and confidant at work without really finding out why you may not being successful and confidant in work. Or would they/you address the problem over a long period of time and slowly work your way through it. If not the underling reasons for what you want to resolve/achieve are still not being addressed and just being buried a bit more, this I would not see as healthy in the long run. For example you may find your wanting to be successful at work is more about your doubt that you will be successful at work, so would it not be better to look at why you doubt your self and address this problem.
Excuse grammar education not to hot.
Edited by - captain on 09/05/2008 10:39:28 AM |
724 Posts |
Posted - 09/05/2008 : 10:25:53 AM
Meditation seems to achieve certain mental qualities that are similar to hypnosis; hyper-focus, time distortion (time passing more quickly or slowly than it feels), an objective perspective of self (compared to subjective). I believe both hypnosis and meditation would show more prominant alpha and theta waves than a 'normal' waking state mind.
Meditation would not make a person more 'susceptible' to hypnosis... not the right word, since everyone is able to achieve the state. Having practiced makes the person better at hypnosis. More practiced and less afraid of mentally 'letting go'. (interestingly this is the same for people that have used drugs and alcohol in their past.)
Patrick Glancy, BCH www.glancyhypnosis.com www.quickhypnosis.com
Patrick Glancy, CI, BCH www.salemhypnosissolutions.com |
724 Posts |
Posted - 09/05/2008 : 10:52:53 AM
You're welcome :)
First we need to clear-up that all hypnotists are not the same (or equal). Hypnosis as you have understood it, is weak and gives unreliable results, especially for big issues. I have some pages that should help describe what you're talking about with the work scenario - www.quickhypnosis.com/resource
A well trained hypnotist will have a better understanding of behaviors and how they work. They will have a larger variation of techniques to draw from and apply to the current issue. Problems seem to rarely be as simple as they are often perceived to be. A bad 'habit' is often just a symptom of something deeper. A well trained hypnotist is able to trace a behavior to it's source. Much like you describe doing for yourself. Self analysis can be very difficult and elusive for people. I know it is for me. So, once finding the source of the issue, addressing it, like you describe. It is often a case of memories with strong emotional associations. The stronger the emotion, the more vivid the memory. The more vivid the memory, the more the mind reacts to it as a current event - affecting your life decisions. Addressing/correcting/changing the perspective, like you describe, is key. This can be the toughest part of things, depending on the memory. I see some doozies. But, it is often very quick. Between one and three sessions for even the ugliest traumatic memories. After that work is in place a hypnotist, or yourself, can use suggestions to reinforce and clean-up things. Hypnotists that only use suggestion to address an issue may get some short term results.. but.. like you said, it is often not enough.
I'll excuse your grammar if you'll excuse mine.
Patrick Glancy, BCH www.glancyhypnosis.com www.quickhypnosis.com |
Patrick Glancy, CI, BCH www.salemhypnosissolutions.com |
United Kingdom
3 Posts |
Posted - 09/05/2008 : 2:46:43 PM
Thanks once again Patrick. So really the out come is the same for meditation and hypnotherapy on a personal correcting and changing bases if done correctly by a good hypnotists, but the approach is different.
The link was very enlightening.
Grammar excused 
Kirk |
Edited by - captain on 09/06/2008 2:04:00 PM |
724 Posts |
Posted - 09/06/2008 : 12:26:49 AM
Roger that... And it is rare that a person is able to find their own emotional memory associations reliably. It seems to work for you at this point? Patrick |
Patrick Glancy, CI, BCH www.salemhypnosissolutions.com |
369 Posts |
Posted - 09/06/2008 : 3:35:41 PM
I had the opportunity to have some Yoga Meditation training during my high school days and I was happy to find out, later while studying Hypnosis, how helpful and similar that training was. The relaxation exercises that the Master used was a series of spoken suggestions on how to relax every muscle in the body and slowly moving from one region of the body to the next until the entire body was completely relaxed. This would slowly progress from the toes to the head and finish with the relaxing of the eyes and then back to the brain. While the (induction) process took about 45 minutes it is amazing how much the results felt like the very best hypnosis state.
The suggestion was given while in this “body – mind” completely quiet, relaxed state - something similar to: “Anytime you wish to return to this state and be as relaxed as you are right now, simply put your thumb and your finger together into a circle and you will immediately be returned to this exact state.” I use these words in almost every session I have ever done to give the client tools for self hypnosis; only I add to the end; ”…where you will be able to give yourself wonderful and beneficial suggestions to improve your life.”
Doing self hypnosis for me was simplified due to that early experience. To this date, I only need a few seconds to sit close my eyes and put my thumb and fingers together and I am instantly in the zone. It is amazing how refreshing and focusing a 15 second Self Hypnosis session can be. I know that the meditation experience certainly gave me an advantage
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