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10 Posts |
Posted - 03/01/2004 : 09:10:13 AM
Got 2 questions for you,...hope you can help me understand this better.
I hypnotised a person couple of days ago. She went easily into hypnosis and responded well to my suggestions. The only suggestion she didn't respond to was going to sleep at my command! I had to tell her to close her eyes and go back to sleep...everything is drifting far far away etc...
Can you explain this? I'm am sure that she went quite deep into trance.
One more question. I have found that it's difficult to hypnotize people when it's noisy or there is something that distracts them. How on earth do you hypnotize someont when there is alot of noise in the background or when someone is experiencing pain etc...?
Any tips would be appreciated!
Lucid |
United Kingdom
399 Posts |
Posted - 03/01/2004 : 2:08:01 PM
Lucid first of all as your profile says your only 12 then you should wate till you get a bit older and then find yourself a good school to learn, this very basic stuff, hypnosis is a good skill to learn, and even though you might want to experiment with this stuff, You really should, take this massage, and wate untill you are a grown up before you start paying, around with other peoples minds.
Yet if you are going to bypass this advice, then you should know one thing, that being a hypnosis is a relationship between you and the person/s you are doing this with, and you will not have any-power over somebody/anybody, and hypnosis only work by this relationship out of respect for each other, and not by power vs weekness.
Your abilities to hypnotise somebody comes down to confidence, and once you have the skills, that a good hypnotist has, then you will be able to work in any environment.
So grown up, and read much, go to a good school and learn well.
Matrixman |
If it has consciousness it's already in a trance. |
Edited by - Matrixman on 03/01/2004 2:17:23 PM |
10 Posts |
Posted - 03/03/2004 : 05:53:34 AM
Hi Matrixman!
There was a problem with my Profile sorry. I didn't see that it said I was 12! lol I am 26 years of age and current;y studying Hypnotherapy. So my apologies. Hope you will reply to my message now!
Kind regards,
Lucid |
United Kingdom
399 Posts |
Posted - 03/03/2004 : 08:19:41 AM
Hi Lucid hope your learning is going well.
The first thing that you might consider is how can you make the noisy background apart of the on going experience, what words could you us to allow that part of the experience to aid your on going session.
Maybe you might say something along the lines of and even though there is a lot of noise in the BACKGROUND that where noise belong just in the background and as you let that and that noise happens in just it’s own ways you might just like to drift away into a deep calming relaxed trance, and just allow the outside world just happen, now as you listen to the sound of my voice you might like to think about all the nice thing’s that you can learn about in this time etc.
If you was not sleepy, would you go to sleep if somebody asked or told you too? Try to make you suggestions more play full and with a little more flexibility this way you are working with the on going processes, instead of trying to have power create a relationship, so something like this might work yet it’s just and idea, I don’t know if you can remember a time when you felt relaxed and comfortable, or if you can just become just so relaxed in just the right ways, that give you all the comfort that you NEED right now, you might begin to think about some times when you started to feel just a little sleepy and as you can remember how to feel this way, maybe you could just for a few little whiles just close your eyes and drift off in to a pleasant daydream, etc.
Working with pain this can be a little tricky because it might be a tooth, or a muscle or something else.
Yet like all thing’s there more than one way to skin a cat, And I hope you don’t mind this next bit as it just a little advanced yet I will brake in down at the end.
These are just a set of thoughts that you could consider could you not? Your reply would be yes, you see when you get into the habit of using this stuff day in and day out, the way you learn to us language become a little game, now as you begin to play this game you can just s t a r t t o s l o w right down a n d as you do this in just the right way you can create a rhythm with in the way you us your voice and if you pace your voice with the person your working with, then you can just ask them to start to tell you about the time in there life that they where in the best ways of being, when they had, didn’t have any more pain back there before this time, and as you get then to remember that time and the other time that they felt so good you can ask there to feel that way, all the time.
Pain is telling you and them that something is not as it should be so make sure that it’s been check out by a Doctor and once that’s been done, using hypnosis not cut out the pain is a good thing to do, our mind-body works a little like a chemical factory and by thinking about how to get the best relief for pain you might like to try this when you have the person in trance just have them imagine taking a pain killer pill and has they might have at one time in there real outside life, there will have a imprint of that memory. So that’s one way to work with pain.
Ok this is just a few ideas and that's all there are ideas.
Matrixman |
If it has consciousness it's already in a trance. |
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