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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ForumMaster Posted - 05/29/2003 : 11:16:14 PM
From: Darleneca (Original Message) Sent: 5/31/2000 7:09 AM

Is anyone out there doing stage hypnosis? If so I would really enjoy hearing from them. I have this burning desire to get into the entertainment side of the business and promise to use it not nto humilitate anyone but to entertain. I tried private practice for four years but almost starved to death! I want to change careers (have been in healthcare administration for more than 20 years) and am ready to use my 25+ years of hypnosis training now for fun and profit! I don't know where to start. If anyone would like to help, I'd love to hear from you.

Best Regards,



13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dreampilot Posted - 12/11/2007 : 1:02:48 PM
Darleneca Hi,

You know this may seem a little abrupt but oh well here goes.

Using direct suggestion, creating an entertainment, Controlling an audience, running a business called 'show' and staying ahead of the pack needs more than an understanding of how to relax someone. It also needs a thing called talent, and that you have or you don't. It can't be taught.

That aside by far the best thing to do is go watch. Forget you tube or net videos, if you go see mine at www.youtube.com/jonchase what you will see is highly edited great and fabulous hypnosis. What you won't see is me falling on my butt.

Go watch as many of us as you can. Watch how we handle fakers. Watch how we deal with busted microphones, obnoxious family members and friends in the audience. Watch how we build our shows to provide light and depth, colour and vibrancy. This will give you an amazing understanding that although sadly even those who just do routine after routine and get away with it, there are the showmen who craft and choreography and those are the ones who will EARN their name and reputation and still be around in ten years time.

As for humiliating and ridiculing this is a myth. It's a myth that it can be any other way for those who set out to see it that way. I prefer to see it as amateur improvisation, rather like karaoke on speed. And I understand crowd control enough to be able to manipulate my audience to see it that way also. BUT, we get people to act inappropriately, to depth dive their creativity and imagination and that is of course both comedic and ridiculous. It can be no other way.

Next, after watching, read a couple of good books - search stage hypnosis on amazon.com - I can recommend whole heartedly the number 1 at this moment

Get a video masterclass both the good and the bad.

Next train with someone. Absolutely vital that you are well mentored. Get your rust shined and your bad habits smashed before you go out mesing in peoples heads. Stage hypnosis is very powerful stuff to the somnambulists that accept it. They will and can injure themselves and others. This is the voice of experience by the way, at last count I'm close to 80,000+ successful stage inductions down to what has been called, somnambulism, Eisdlae state and many others.

Stage is the original hypnosis. Briaid, Messmer, Baudoin, Coue, Erickson, Elman, LaFontaine; None of these guys used anything but direct suggestion - we can argue Erickson's indirect stuff but I think that's more to do with interpretation by trick-cycleists than by what he actually did.

Then when you are sure you have an act test it. Offer to do a free show for a local charity. They get the cash, you get the experience and feed back and without the stress.

Next decide if you want to be a less than 1000 dollar act or to actually get paid.

The less than's use agents. Not only do they pay the agency fee or commissions (Sometimes both) they are also being sold down... works like this.

The agent has clients - clubs, bars, showrooms, highschools etc.,- for who they regularly supply acts. Now for the agent you are just another act. Acts come and go, clients however stick around longer, generaly have much nicer tempraments and tend to not smell as bad.

Now who is the agent working for? The one off act that suplies 1% of their earnings, or the clients who provide 100%? The agent will always try to sell you in at the lowest price so that the client feels they got a good deal and orders more acts. The thing is that the agents job is a no brainer. It takes a modicum of intelligence to be an act but none at all to be an agent. And you have the one thing they don't, you have a show, and it's that the client wants.

Go get your own shows. Everything from a wedding to a wake is doable. (I know, in most cases they are the same thing) Every bar wants peopler in on slow nights, every club needs stars. Go there, zap someone. Play. Even at private parties you can pick up the above lifetime highlight parties and even the odd club, bar etc. Try doing that with therapy.

As for theatres even easier - they are all for hire!

Hire a small 300 seater arts center for 100 bucks. Spend another 200 or so getting some local kids to shove a flyer under every wiper parked there at every show for a month before - these people go to the place and will again. Next give a free ticket to every petrol station [gas stop? - I'm a Brit and we use petrol owner for allowing you to put a poster in their store.

Now do some maths. 200 seats at 25 dollars a seat - 5000 dollars. Less 300 costs plus 50 each for your sound and lighting crew 400. That gives you an income of 4600 for the seats. Add to this, if the show is local or not, the 20 stop smokings, 10 anxiety states, 4 phobias and the embarrassing rash that you get - do those enmasse the next morning if not in your own town - then sell every one there a tee-shirt, book and a cd and you have a potential income of over 5 or 6 k per night.

Just think of doing that in a 2000 seat theater?

So, get well taught. Get good at self promotion. And come and join the real hypnotists earning the real cash for real service - there is no better cure than laughter after all.


the world famous Academy of Hypnotic Arts
dreampilot Posted - 12/11/2007 : 11:45:19 AM
[i]Originally posted by Davidcharles Sent: 9/7/2000 3:01 PM

Don't do it!

Stage Hypnosis damages Hypnotherapy.......

I have to disagree David.

With experience on the boards and off I find it's incompitence that damages the profession.

In my experience the people who I have seen in consultation largely complain that they went to see a therapist and did not 'feel' hypnotised.

It's also my experience that stage hypnosis usually encourages sales for therapists.

I think it's time to realise that hypnosis is just hypnosis.

world famous Academy of Hypnotic Arts
Ramleck Posted - 02/28/2006 : 08:46:42 AM
I agreed with Mr. Lee

Hypnostage is the pub for hypnotherapy.
StageHyp Posted - 02/17/2006 : 3:25:39 PM
Seek out the best and go to them. Do EVERYTHING they tell you, and humbly listen when they direct you, and act on their suggestions. The legendary Ed "Hypno Ed" Madden can be seen at his website, www.hypnoed.com. He was my best friend in the world, and he taught me the real reasons we do Stage Hypnosis. There are several DEMO videos from a few of his shows on the website. They will inspire you.

Stage Hypnotist Simone
ForumMaster Posted - 12/25/2005 : 01:23:30 AM
How old do you have to be to learn anything?

How old are you? According to the registration agreement - the one you agreed to when you became a member here - you must be 18 or older to post in our forums.
shaleen Posted - 12/22/2005 : 09:14:41 AM
how old do you have to be to learn hypnosis/hypnotheropy?
n/a Posted - 12/16/2005 : 2:30:15 PM
If you want to be a stage hypnotist--you have to have the ability to entertain people first---
the exhibition is secondary
Lee Darrow Posted - 12/26/2004 : 10:54:07 PM
Original post by Davidcharles Sent: 9/7/2000 3:01 PM

Don't do it!

Stage Hypnosis damages Hypnotherapy.......

Sorry to disagree, but without stage hypnosis, hypnosis as a therapeutic modality would have long since gone the way of the dodo bird. It's the stage hypnotists that keep hypnosis in the public eye and keep it popular.

While I strongly disagree with the stunts currently being done by many of our brethern in the UK on stage (nudity and onscene acts particularly), I am of the belief that a stage show can be a positive influence on the public's collective consciousness as far as hypnosis goes.

The key is to present the routines in a manner that shows just how much fun someone can have with their own imagination! It's worked for me for over 36 years and has taken me all over the western world...

Lee Darrow, C.H.
ForumMaster Posted - 05/29/2003 : 11:17:59 PM
From: BillGladwell Sent: 9/10/2000 11:08 AM

You mentioned something about starving to death. Expect that for a while in the entertainment business. I did clinical work for five years and suddenly decided to enter the entertainment side. After two and a half years of doing my show, it's supporting me and my family now. However, it still has a long way to go, and it's a lot of hard work. I'm not telling you this to discourage you but to prepare you.

How do you start? Get a gig. I started in the middle of a restaurant with twenty-five people in it. Also... fail. You're going to fail at a couple gigs. These are learning experiences. They actually weed out the people that have a chance of making it and the ones that don't. My fist gig I got $100.00 for 90 minutes of work. Since then, my show has been cut down to 60 minutes, and I get paid an average of $750.00 per show.

Good Luck,

Bill Gladwell

ForumMaster Posted - 05/29/2003 : 11:17:29 PM
From: HypnoDoc Sent: 9/10/2000 5:41 AM

Perhaps if the person(s) doing the Stage Show took the time to educate the audience to the clinical benefits of Hypnotherapy, this might be more helpful in the long run. Since thousands of people see Hypnosis Stage Shows every week this may be our best advertisement. I think (imho) encouraging this kind of educational portion in the show would be better than telling people not to do it.
ForumMaster Posted - 05/29/2003 : 11:17:12 PM
From: Davidcharles Sent: 9/7/2000 3:01 PM

Don't do it!

Stage Hypnosis damages Hypnotherapy......

ForumMaster Posted - 05/29/2003 : 11:16:52 PM
From: Dolce Sent: 9/1/2000 4:39 PM

My ex-tutor (Brian Glenn) runs a stage hypnosis correspondence course. You can visit his website at http://www.header.fsnet.co.uk

It doesn't mention anything on his website about the stage course but email him and see what he says.

I don't know where you are from but Brian is from the UK.

He may only offer this course to ex-students but it is worth asking him for info.

He is a brilliant tutor with lots of experience on stage. He now runs clinical hypnotherapy courses all over the country and has his own practice as well.


ForumMaster Posted - 05/29/2003 : 11:16:31 PM
From: Lindsay Sent: 5/31/2000 3:48 PM

Join your local theatre group.

Seek opportunities to talk to local sporting & social clubs about hypnosis.

watch videos of stage hypnotists @ work.

Attend hypnosis shows.

Become a "groupie."

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