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United Kingdom
7 Posts |
Posted - 12/01/2006 : 6:27:30 PM
I am into my 3rd session of hypno- analysis. as i suffer from social phobia and anxiety. I have been told that i may need up to 10 sessions. but i feel this is going knowhere. Hypno analysis or analictical hypnosis is suppose to get to the "root" of the problem and therefore all my anxious symptoms disapear! where as hypnotherapy only stops the ive been told by my hypnotherapist. during my sessions my hypnotharapist puts me in a very pleasent state of relaxation, and then asks me to tell him what ever is in my head, weather it be silly, stupid, trivial, mundane, funny etc etc. this is call "free association. I have been told that by doing this free association my sub concsious mind will lead me to the root of my problem and i will know about it when this happends I am starting to have a few doubts about this type of therapy. does anyone know if it really works. I must admitt that i have relived some old memories during my sessions and i have felt very relaxed (like i was floating upside down!!!) it felt great!!!!!!!! but I reaaly do think that i might not be able to access the root of my problem. Is it possible for the unconscious to block out bad memories, as i really dont feel that I have had a bad experience in life to cause my social phobia.
United Kingdom
399 Posts |
Posted - 12/02/2006 : 06:21:42 AM
What I am about to say might, conflict with a number of practitioners, yet one thing that I really hate is when, so called hypnotherapies, are just out to make money, 10 sessions, 7 sessions to many, free association, will not lead to finding a route core issue.
That requires, a very simple, set of questions; can you remember when this first started to happen? And did anything significant happen around that time? 12 months, leading up to you noticing? If No, then it’s more than lightly, that you have learnt this way of functioning from, from a sibling, sometimes school, is the reason from this, reading in class, and not feeling good about doing so, maybe your mum, dad, or other family members, have a social phobia, if this is so, then you might have learnt, and picked up, this way of responding to the world.
If easy to deal with, I am sure you know, at least, one person that seems to do well, with people, now let’s play, if you did not have this issue, how would you like to feel? Would you like to add some other good feeling to this? Can you step into that feeling? Now just lets, try something, just imagine that you could feel this good, sometime in the future, say 10 years from now, and see, hear and feel, just how wonderful, that might be, make it more powerful, and meaningful so you, feel safe and balanced, now just, imagine that feeling, and keep it with you, while we do something very different, keeping this good feeling with you, can you remember the first time, you had that issue? Just a guess will be ok, now just step back, from that first time just a few minutes, step into you good feeling, and walk through, that time with this new feeling, now go no to the next, and the next, all the way until you get to the hear and now, now do it a number of other times, only each time do it faster and faster, up to 7 times, now come up to the hear and now, and think about, feeling even more at ease, comfortable, now take that comfort, and keep it with you while you run all your social issues backwards, each time run it faster, and faster.
Now just think for a few seconds, about one past time event, where you had that, you know how does it feel now? As anything changed?
I would really consider looking for, someone, who is going to be there for you, and not just your money, a session lasting more then three sessions on the same issue, means a number of things, that person that you working with does, not have a clue, 2 there in it just for the money, 3 that there are not qualified and are out of there depth.
95% of social phobias have been learnt ever from school, or family and friends, and the other 5% from personal trauma or abuse.
My little game comes from NLP, and is a modified change history pattern. Hope this was helpful.
If it has consciousness it's already in a trance. |
United Kingdom
7 Posts |
Posted - 12/02/2006 : 07:59:32 AM
Hi Jay. Thanks for your reply. I found the information very useful! I was told by my hypnotherapist that my social phobia has come from a bottled up emotion from when I was younger. I was told that I would never be able to find the cause of my problem unless I was under hypnotherapy. to be honest, I really dont think that i have experienced a trauma in my childhood years. My parents are quite shy people and maybe I have learnt their behavour. I have also been driving myself mad trying to find the root of my problem. allsorts have been going through my mind...IE was i abused as a child? (im pretty sure I wasnt!but because my hypnotherapist says that I have probably suffered an emotional issue when i was younger I feel that something bad may have happened to me.
Also..lets just say that I discover the root cause during a session, I am tolsd that when i discover it (the moment of enlightment) all my phobias will just disappear!!! this doent sound right!!! can you sugest any questions I should be asking my hypnotherapist?? He is a registered pychotherapist and a registed Hypnotherapist...just dont wanna get ripped off! |
United Kingdom
399 Posts |
Posted - 12/02/2006 : 10:13:09 AM
“My parents are quite shy people” from that response, it seems to me that you have just found what the cause of the issue, it seems, to me, and yes it a big guess, on my part, that what you have done is just learnt, this Social phobia response from you folks, I would not go looking any where else, knowing where an issue was created, will not in and of it’s self make it redundant, in fact it could make the whole issue even worse, as your whole history and the way in which you view, people, times and event, could just change, then a whole new host of issues could be created
Our brains, are by design, set up to protect us, and seeking out possibilities of how things could have been created, in my point of view is pointless, and painful memories, are best left, in the past, where they belong, it seems to me that your therapist, might not be listening to what you are saying with you have told him, that you feel your child hood was, ok and he still seeks on looking for, possibilities of abuse, then I would just walk out and find, someone that has had some up to date training, with in the last 2-3 years.
Ok let’s get to your route cause, you was born, simple as that, now what do you what? Out of life? How specifically do you want to feel, hear, see and be in the world?
We human only have two real fears, all the others have been learnt, fear 1 loud noises, 2 fear of falling, every other fear has been learnt, so it’s really simple to sort out.
Questions, what happens if I find the cause and it overwhelms me and makes me feel even worse?
How do you know, that by finding what the cause is it will fix everything related to this issue?
Let me Linda show you what I mean, can you think of a really good time in your life? As you think about this wonderful time, can you remember, what were there, the colours, the sounds, and how you felt? Now if you make it bigger and brighter, does it make it more powerful, or if it was a little dimmer, is there a contrast? Now go with bigger and brighter, or the other way, depending on what makes it more powerful, now as you thing about this wonderful time, when it’s at its peek, press your finger and thumb together, and do this 7-11 times, once you have do that, if you would just go and get a class of water, or just go for a very quick walk, just for a few minutes, jus around the house, now press your finger and thumb together, do you start to get the good feelings back? If you did this well, then you should have created what is called an anchor, now in this case, you was working with a positive memory, yet the same thing could happen, could very well yet in a not such pleasant way, by locating the negative, and in so doing so could cause, some real problematic, issues.
For change to happen you only need a vague sense, of when some behavior started, this creates a synaptic potential response, then you build a new set of behaviors, of how you want to respond in the future, then you, anchor, these new ways of being in the world, then using your imagination, you take all these new learning to a time just before, anything ever happened, and you anchor it in that time back there, then you live your life, through, these new ways of being in the world, and when you get to the hear and now.
You might be pleasantly surprised, that you have just, worked that thing out for your self.
I hope this was helpful, I am very against, the idea, of people being ripped off, and from the sounds of the person you’re working with, and he/she seems to be in it only for the money. That might a wrong view on my part, yet it fits my criteria, of somebody who does not know what the hell there are doing.
You keep you self well, and if you have any more questions, the forum is here.
Ask about his/her refund policy, if they don’t fix the issue why should you pay.
If it has consciousness it's already in a trance. |
United Kingdom
7 Posts |
Posted - 12/02/2006 : 10:46:09 AM
thanks jay! you talk alot of sense! I have a session to go to on monday and I will put the questions to my therapist.
thanks again |
1 Posts |
Posted - 12/10/2006 : 08:25:23 AM
Hi Jay
You really simply don't unsterstand the psychology of unconscious anxiety.
Symptom substition?
Do you really think that anxiety just dissapears with suggestion therapy? All your actually doing is replacing it, hence the anxiety finding another route, so in actual fact suggestion or any other symptom directed therapy is just wasting clients money and I really hate it when so called hypnotherapists work this way making money for nothing really.
Just my thoughts.
Mac |
United Kingdom
399 Posts |
Posted - 12/10/2006 : 3:02:05 PM
Hi Mac
Anxiety is primarily, the osculation, between two of more conflicting, neuro-emotional associated energies, also know as conditioned responses, that create a bonding in the brain and the muscles, the neuro chemical, patterning that keeps the anxiety in place is neither, dependent on or related to the actual time index of when the first association play was laid, so not having to find the route cause, is not so important, and gives the practitioner, a level of flexibility, in his/her approach.
if you knew anything about how the brain worked, and the way in which the patterning and recoding, occurs then you would see, not only do I fully understand, how the mind-body encodes information, yet have the understanding to make the shift in a simple way, the mind-body encoding process, is very simple, unambiguous, on/off up/down/ yes/no signals, now just so you know, I am not a hypnotherapies, even though I have do have a Diploma is hypnotherapy, I am primarily, and NLPer and an Advanced behavior modeler, with 13 year of reading and studding, and modeling, the most up to date learning’s, from cognitive psychology, with a specially in preconscious process and psycho-emotional dependency profiling, what that means in short is that I know more about the way in which emotions are created and stored in the mind-body than you could ever imagine.
Psychology is primarily, based on the medical model, and in being so, uses the premises, of symptom substation, the patterns that I use, actually change and recode, the way in which, the old patterns are programmed in the mind-body system, and in doing so, change the way in which the old behaviors, work, and as I only use the resources, that the person going through the process them selves then the work is a lot more effective and credible.
The brain and the body are multi-sensory encoding systems, as I will show you if you will play along, sit up straight, yet in a comfortable way, bring a smile to your face, and life your head up, breathe fully and deeply, now staying in that posture, think about something that is a little irritating, keeping in the same posture, its hard to do in it.
Well that just what I do with language.
Thank you very, very much for your feedback; it delights me, when people point things, out.
Just an added note, I only charge the people I work with, once the change work as been completed, and tested in the real world, which means, if I don’t do what the client as come for, then I don’t get paid, so my success rate, in very, very high, which means I get to charge £100-300 a session.
With this added benefit, if for any reason after a six week real world test, there is any clean up work that needs to be done, then is for free. And there are not that many people who can stand to that.
If it has consciousness it's already in a trance. |
Edited by - Matrixman on 12/10/2006 6:41:35 PM |
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