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2 Posts

Posted - 03/12/2005 :  10:44:48 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This following web site http://www.dangers-of-hypnosis.co.uk contradicts what hypnotists and hypnotherapists are saying.
What is the Truth?

Edited by - jezzwhiz on 03/19/2005 10:49:48 AM


305 Posts

Posted - 03/12/2005 :  12:40:33 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have just finished replying to that on hypnosis.com and have no wish to repeat myself, but nothing said there contradicts what we say on this or the other board, it is just said in a manner that is intended to promote the book rather than reply to a question or promote truth. Danger exists, and nobody denies it as far as I know from my readings, but asking "what is the truth" seems rather redundant since the poster has doubts, but asks those who already are committed to the sensible use of hypnosis.
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670 Posts

Posted - 03/12/2005 :  4:11:39 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
What is the Truth?

The truth is that this post is made by the person who owns the web site to promote the book it sells - not a person looking for any answers as the post implies.


If you are going to come in here and blantantly try to promote your book - why not use your real name in your posts? We welcome your opionions and interaction but keep your advertising where it belongs.

Since you have made no post in the forum what-so-ever before and you seem to have purposely registered under this name in order to make this one single post to try to promote the web site and book - we have moved your post to the advertising area where it belongs.


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Posted - 03/19/2005 :  11:07:04 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for keeping this posting in. Some forums feel they need to remove it. I suppose because of fear? Or maybe because they feel it is spam? Yet hypnosis.com refuse to allow it, yet allow other links to other websites.
My question "What is the Truth?" is aimed at provoking each individual to think a little deeper upon this subject. Truth in itself is almost like multi-faceted jewel, each face with a different story, yet each true to itself.

Loving Kindness


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United Kingdom
445 Posts

Posted - 03/19/2005 :  12:00:51 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Legislative Committees in numerous states have repeatedly determined that licensing of an occupational group shall be required ONLY when the unlicensed practice is proven to represent a threat to public health and safety.
There has never been a DOCUMENTED case of harm from the use of hypnosis, other than claims of sexual interactions, which are common to the counseling professions including psychiatrists, psychologists, ministers, and others who engage in individual counseling, with and WITHOUT HYPNOSIS!

Gil Boyne
[Gil Passed Away May 5, 2010]
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Lee Darrow

5 Posts

Posted - 03/21/2005 :  4:15:21 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
One thing I find interesting about the web site and the author is that I can find NO reference to his every having performed a stage show, anywhere. His site claims that he performed for over 20 years, yet I can find No reference to him under his name, whatsoever.

This brings into question his publication. One has to wonder whether he is allied to or affiliated with Traci O'Keefe, author of the other book on stage hypnosis scare propaganda - you remember her, the one with the degree she got from the diploma mill in California that doesn't require a residency and allowed her to submit a "doctoral" thesis that included the "case" of Svangali and Trilby as a genuine happening, instead of the fiction it was.

Until he can show some proof of his exploits on stage, this guy's street cred is pretty poor, especially the photo of the lady with the facial damage - that appears to be a Tom Savini make up photo from Dawn of the Dead! Questionable, to say the least.

This guy is the first stage hypnotist I've ever run across in my 36 years in the business that hasn't posted his curriculum vitae with regards to his showbiz history.

One has to wonder why.

Lee Darrow, C.H.

"No matter where you go, there you MIGHT be!" - Heisenberg
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United Kingdom
445 Posts

Posted - 03/21/2005 :  7:13:51 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello Lee, Well Done! I debated Traci O'Keefe in London, England, several years ago. O'Keefe began by stating that she was a "Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherfapy" and that her research had revealed 3500 cases of harm as a result of the use of
hypnosis. I replied that her "Doctorate" was a home study degree available to anyone who paid $6,000 for it. Further, the use of it is illegal in several states in the USA. I continued by stating that 32 legislative bills created to restrict the use of hypnosis to licensed healing arts and mental health professionals in the USA had been defeated. The all failed on the same issue-they were unable to document a single one of the verbal allegations of harm. Traci rersponded by saying, "there is a lot of misinformation be given here tonight" I responded by saying,"that's right, Tracy, and it's all coming from you." Tracie picked up her stock of books including her other book titled,TRAN-SEX-U-ALL which is her account of her surgical transformation from man to woman and her life as a woman and left in a huff. She left England shortly after and went to Australia where she is now an officer in the
"Transgender and Transexual Association"

Gil Boyne
[Gil Passed Away May 5, 2010]
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1 Posts

Posted - 05/29/2005 :  07:32:23 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am making this posting in response to the libellous postings made about me on this site by Lee Arrow Posted - 12/26/2004 : 10:50:20 PM and Mark-gil Posted - 01/18/2005 : 03:43:34 AM, which I have requested that the forum master remove.

Firstly gentlemen it would be nice if you could spell (my name is spelt TRACIE), and it would be even better if you could get your facts correct, but out of politeness I will use the term ‘gentlemen’ anyway as it is my nature to be kind. You are both over-confident in believing that you have read my book “Investigating Stage Hypnosis” carefully. It is plain from your misquoting of the material within it that your felonious comments betray you plainly have not.

As for your comments on my academic qualifications, anyone can judge that for themselves from my website and it is a shame that you did not bother to do that before making your public statements. My suggestion to all stage hypnotists is that they should ask Paul McKenna the British stage hypnotist, who withdrew from trying to sue me in one case of libel and was found guilty of libel against me in another case at the High Court of the Strand, London, whether he thinks that it’s worth getting into a legal battle with me.

To criticise or attack a person’s work or intellectual ideas is one thing but to try and do that by attacking the person themselves shows a lack of argument, is immature, infantile and uneducated. Your comments were not contributing towards the greater debate on hypnosis but the kind of comments emotively made obviously from a defensive position of feeling threatened. If my work was as ineffectual as you try to suggest, why would you be reacting the way you did?

Stage hypnosis is dangerous as documented by many researchers quoted within my book. As for Gil Boyne, was he not the man who was refused entry into the James Braid Society in London? Mmm, I seem to remember I was there at the time. I do not remember having any debate with Gil Boyne and I think it is probably a fantasy of his imagination. It’s also very curious why Gil Boyne appears to be somewhat obsessed with the fact that I am a woman of transsexual origin. As a sexologist, I find his obsession rather strange. Perhaps he has a phobia of transsexuals, or perhaps he may even have a phobia of me in particular. If so, maybe there is a good hypnotherapist out there who would be kind enough to help him get over it.

Dr Tracie O’Keefe DCH (Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy).
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305 Posts

Posted - 05/29/2005 :  11:51:38 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
First of all Tracie with an i, I have never met you, and know nothing
about you, so my comment, and there is only one, is that I am always suspicious of anyone who claims a doctorate in Hypnoisis. Perhaps you could explain how you came by it, since I know of no such title which is recognised worldwide, though one is indeed recognised in one US state I understand? This later hardly disposes me to feel confident in its value. Rather like those certificates purchased over the internet at inflated prices, but of less value than the paper they are printed on....It does add credibility to the comments made by Gil however to those who have nothing else to base an opinion on....
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United Kingdom
445 Posts

Posted - 05/29/2005 :  10:26:39 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Tracieokeefe- It's time to refresh your memory!
If you can prove libel, I invite you to take your best shot!
When you wrote and published your book, you filled it with unfounded allegations from persons who had an established bias toward those who practice hypnotherapy and lack an accredited degree in Medicine or Psychotherapy. None of your horror stories can be documented!
When you don the robe of an academic by using a degree acquired with home study, you invite rebuttal and critique.
Stage hypnosis is dangerous as documented by many researchers quoted within my book. As for Gil Boyne, was he not the man who was refused entry into the James Braid Society in London? Mmm, I seem to remember I was there at the time. I do not remember having any debate with Gil Boyne and I think it is probably a fantasy of his imagination. It’s also very curious why Gil Boyne appears to be somewhat obsessed with the fact that I am a woman of transsexual origin. As a sexologist, I find his obsession rather strange. Perhaps he has a phobia of transsexuals, or perhaps he may even have a phobia of me in particular. If so, maybe there is a good hypnotherapist out there who would be kind enough to help him get over it.
Dr Tracie O’Keefe DCH (Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy).


Time for a Reality Check
It was approximately four years ago, (before you escaped to Australia) that I was invited to attend the second organizational meeting of the James Braid Society, a social organization for those who had an interest in the uses of hypnosis. The invitation was proferred by Charles Montagu, a member of the House of Lords in Parliament and Director of the Health Partnership--a highly successful group of physicians, psychiatrists and complimentary practicioners. In the inital formation meeting (I was not present)
the founder stated that any person who practiced or offered presentation of stage hypnotism programs would be banned from membership in the James Braid Society. This cause loud outcries of dissent and a compromise was offered that in the next meeting the pro and con of the issue would be discussed and voted upon.
Tracie O'Keefe was to present the view in favor of the ban of stage hypnotism and Charles Montagu would support the inclusion of stage hypnotists as members. Charles asked me to speak in his place as he
felt I had a greater fund of information to present. When I arrived, there were 45 people in attendance and more than half of them rushed forward to greet me. Most of them had been trained by me in Los Angeles or in my classes in London over a 20 year period.
Charles MMontagu hadf three hundred hours of classroom training and a six month on-site internship at my school in Los Angeles. I paid a twenty five pound membership fee and ws accepted as a member. Finally, Tracie was asked to speak. She began by saying she had personal knowledge of 3500 cases of harm produced by stage and?or "lay hypnotists". She also announced that she had just been awarded a Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy Degree. She rambled on for an extended time until she was asked to conclude. Then Charles Montagu was asked to speak, he stood and said that had given his time to me. I began by saying that in 25 years, thirty-two separate legislative bills to restrict the practice of hypnosis to certain state-licensed groups had been defeated. All on the same ground--that despite horrendous verbal allegations of harm caused by "unqualified" hypnotist, they were always unable to present a single documented case of harm. I spoke further for fifteen minutes and then came the call to vote. On a show of hands, 43 hypnotists voted NOT TO BAN stage hypnotists and two voted for the ban. The two were Tracie O'Keefe and the founder, who banged his gavel down, and made the f0ollowing statement, "Ladies and Gentleman, I will not be part of an organisation that expects me to sit down with stage hypnotists, therefore. I resign". Tracie leaped to her feet and shouted, "I resign as well". They stormed out amid applause and laughter at their behaviour. There were no more meetings for several months and a friend told me that another vote had been taken by a secret mail ballot and everyone agreed to ban stage hypnotists. Strangely,
neither Charles Montagu nor I eever received the secret mail ballot and I never received a refund of my twenty-five pound membership.
No, it WAS NOT a debate in the formal sense of the word, it was the presentation of information from opposing positions;
As to my feelings about transexuals, transvestites, gay men and lesbian women. I practiced for thirty five tears in the Los Angeles/ Hollywood areas and had numerous clients referred by the Metropolitan Church( a church for gay and lesbian christians). I was on a list of approved therapists because it became well-known that I was totally non-judgemental in my approach to human sexuality. Finally. a committed Lesbian couple were married (not legal) in my Institute and I hosted the wedding party.
Tracie, It looks as if you are a loser again.
Just as soon as you stop your lies and threats, I'll stop telling the truth about you. Gil Boyne


Gil Boyne
[Gil Passed Away May 5, 2010]
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United Kingdom
445 Posts

Posted - 12/14/2005 :  3:17:27 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Sydney, Australia-.Sept.19th,2005 by Lisa Pryor
Sydney Morning News
headline--Be careful what the "Doctor" may have ordered"
large photo of Tracie O'Keefe is captioned--

Offering advice on all sorts of ills...Tracie O'Keefe at her therapy business in Glebe

All manner of therapists say they are qualified, but experts beg to differ, writes Lisa Pryor.Outside a shop on the main street of Glebe, the words "qualified and registered practitioners" scroll across an electronic signboard.

The presentation is gauche but the words are reassuring. In the therapy world, Dr. Tracie O'Keefe sounds more qualified than most.

Not only is she a doctor, she is also a professor. She heads the Australian
Health and Education Centre and the International Sex, Gender and Sexuality Clinic, establishments which are in that same shop in Glebe.

She offers advice on all manner of ills, from bereavement to gastro-intestinal disorders, from achieving orgasm to changing sex-which she did herself many years ago.

With such impressive qualifications, it is no surprise thatr she charges $165 an hour for psychotherapy, counselling, hypnotherapy, life coaching and sex therapy.

But there is a catch. She is no ordinary doctor. Her doctorate comes from a hypnotherapy institute in California.

As for her professorship, it is held at Calamus International University, an internet extension college. The "university" was founded in the British West Indies, where any business can call itself a university, says George Brown, a consultant to the Australian Universities Quality Agency.

"Calamus is not a recognised university within any jurisdiction of the world. These professorships have no meaning in the world of academia that we know.

Dr. O'Keefe, who runs courses in various therapies,was offering credits toward degrees and doctorates at that same internet extension college
until earlier this year, when the NSW Dept. of Education and training asked her to stop.

Dr. O'Keefe, who moved to Australia from Britian four years ago, said the
Department of Education and Training targeted her because of "xenophobia" about qualifications obtained overseas.

As the law stands in NSW, anyone can work as a counsellor or psychotherapist, regardless of their qualifications. The same lack of regfulation applies to related professions such as sex therapy,
family therapy, couples counselling and life coaching.

When a therapist works in private practice it is left to vulnerable patients
to weigh the various qualifications cited by the therapist.

Some therapy courses are being taught by correspondence or over a weekend. The Australian Training Centre for Thought Field Therapy , for example, offers courses in Byron Bay and the Gold Coast, where therapists can become qualified in just two days for $495.

The organisation claims that trauma from sexual abuse, drug addictionand grief can be fixed in minutes by tapping parts of the body.

Professional bodies are trying to regulate the therapy industry themselves,
creating their own lists of therapists who they deem appropriately

But membership in such bodies is voluntary. Therapists can continue to practice even if they break the rules, simply by surrendering their membership.

The Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia includes therapists with unconventional qualifications, such as Dr. O'Keefe.

The president of the association. Christine Chinchen, confirmed that Dr. O'Keefe was a member of the Association."Our process is one which is rigorous in checking the qualifications of membersand their supervision and professional development is appropriate" Ms. Chinchen said.

Dr, O'Keefe said she was qualified in at "least seven professions" including hairdressing, her original specialty. She said this included
qualifications from the Open University and the University of Derby
and hundreds of hours of face-to-face training at the National School of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy in London.

Ms. Chinchen was unaware that the NSW Dept. of Educatrion and Training had warned Dr, O'Keefe to stop offering credits toward degrees from an internet university until contacted by the Herald.. Dr. O'Keefe is still advertising courses in clinical hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and counseling on her website.

With Respect for the truth, Gil Boyne

Gil Boyne
[Gil Passed Away May 5, 2010]

Edited by - mark-gil on 12/14/2005 3:21:14 PM
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Lee Darrow

5 Posts

Posted - 11/26/2010 :  12:33:20 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
In response to the late Gil Boyne's debunking of Tracie O'Keefe, all I have to say is a quote from my illustrious cousin, Clarence Darrow ("Attorney for the Damned"): Defense Rests.

Ms. O'Keefe's "credentials" are not recognized by any state in the Union (USA), partly because no criteria for a "Doctorate in Clinical Hypnotherapy" has been established here and partly because the non-resident college that she supposedly attended is also not accredited by any State Educational Authority.

As to my being a gentleman - I believe I am, using the definition Robert Heinlein once told to me - "A gentleman is precisely that - a gentle man... who can be hell on wheels if you cross him."

Rest in Peace Gil. You are missed.

Lee Darrow, C.H.

"No matter where you go, there you MIGHT be!" - Heisenberg
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