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1 Posts |
Posted - 12/12/2004 : 06:17:53 AM
Is there any online webpage where i could learn how to access my past life? |
305 Posts |
Posted - 12/12/2004 : 1:14:49 PM
IF there were such a page, I would never reveal it to anyone I wanted to grow up mentally healthy......I happen to know that what you want is dangerous enough when done by a skilled person working with a volunteer. To attempt to do it yourself would be even more dangerous..... |
369 Posts |
Posted - 12/14/2004 : 1:42:04 PM
Well I don't know if I would go so far as to say "dangerous" but certainly near impossible to do on your own. Most Hypnotherapists are trained to be "the guide" for this type of discovery session. You really need someone to guide you along the path. Hard to find in anything other than a live one-on-one session.
While many Hypnotherapists do not believe in past life they are trained to tune into what the client believes and work from there. |
"Relax, Listen and ______ with Hypnosis" Audio Series. (MP3 Instant Download, CD, and Cassettes) 250 Scripts for Hypnosis Professionals (All the scripts you may ever need for your practice)
quote: "Words are the most powerful drug used by mankind." Rudyard Kipling.
United Kingdom
445 Posts |
Posted - 12/14/2004 : 2:27:35 PM
HypnoDoc-I do not agree with the philosophy that While many Hypnotherapists do not believe in past life they are trained to tune into what the client believes and work from there. My belief and experience is the client arrives with many beliefs, some are fixed beliefs, others are recently acquired from a teacher or self-styled guru If the client is of an ethnic background such as a Hindu and his religious beliefs incorporate reincarnation and polytheism, it would be appropriate for me to work with his deeply held spiritual beliefs. I have been seeing clients for fifty years and only one has ever asked me for a past-life regression, and she had been told by a fortune teller that her problems were due to past life experiences and that only a past life regression could help her. I referred her to a hypnotherapist who "specialised in past life regression.{he also advertises that he will PROGRESS you to the 36th century} Yet, hypnotherapist repeatedly tell me ,"Well I don"t really believe in such stuff, but that's what the client wants! I believe it occurs because the client is curious, (not a reason for hypnotherapy)or desperate and unwilling to accept the responsibility for their problems and unwilling to learn how they developed in THIS LIFE! More than 30,000 works of fiction are published each year and the characters, dialogue, locales and motivations are all created from the author's creative subconscious mind. Just a few clues from the therapist that he /she works with PLR is often enough to set the stage. The therapist should not merge their personal beliefs about PLR into the clients belief system, or hold the attitude-" just another way to earn a buck". I would like to hear some other views on this matter. With Respect, Gil Boyne |
Gil Boyne www.gil-boyne.com [Gil Passed Away May 5, 2010]
369 Posts |
Posted - 12/14/2004 : 6:30:35 PM
I thought that was what I said... I would never do a past life session with a client who hadn't had a positive reaction to the idea in a pre-session discussion. If someone comes in with a Christian background and a deep faith in Jesus then I would certainly use that to help us to get to where we need to be, however I don't believe it is my place to bring people to Jesus.
"Relax, Listen and ______ with Hypnosis" Audio Series. (MP3 Instant Download, CD, and Cassettes) 250 Scripts for Hypnosis Professionals (All the scripts you may ever need for your practice)
quote: "Words are the most powerful drug used by mankind." Rudyard Kipling.
United Kingdom
445 Posts |
Posted - 12/14/2004 : 11:16:05 PM
Hello HypnoDoc, Your comment "I would never do a past life session with a client who hadn't had a positive reaction to the idea in a pre-session discussion." is just the point I want to make. I never mention PRL in my advertising on website and especially not verbally to a client.I believe that is the reason why clients do not request or even discuss PLR with me.Religion is a personal and private matter and I ask the client only if they acknowledge a "higher power and creative source." Only humans have the "Divine Gift of Creativity."and can retrain insticts, develop a social morality to forge a character, overcome negative conditions, create a vision and bring into a realization. All other animals can only procreate, act out of instinct and respond to training. Religion is man-made, Spirituality is an awareness of an invisable world and of our divine gifts and the divine qualities we express through those gifts. With Respect, Gil Boyne |
Gil Boyne www.gil-boyne.com [Gil Passed Away May 5, 2010]
305 Posts |
Posted - 12/15/2004 : 3:55:28 PM
Any disagreement I might have, would be aimed to the statement that many hypnotherapists are trained to do PLR.....I think most of us avoid it like the plague, considering it to be leaning towards the Ocult, and giving a false impression of Hypnosis....I would also question closely any client who asked specifically for PLR, since this is a particullar form of therapy, and has little to do with Reincarnation. If they actually asked about reincarnation, I would politely tell them I am not trained in this area, and would be unable to assist.... Yes I have studied PLR therapy, but believe there are better ways to get results, and at no time do I allow a client to dictate exactly what they want until I am sure they know exactly what they are talking about. Too many have got hold of a little information, and consider themselves to be expert. If they feel that way, it is my opinion that they can do for themselves, what they want from me, and do it for free..... |
John D
United Kingdom
34 Posts |
Posted - 03/28/2005 : 06:39:55 AM
I disagree with most of the above views on hypnotic past-life regression.
1. Past-life regression through hypnosis is NOT DANGEROUS. As most of you know there are other methods apart from hypnosis through which one can experience a so-called "past life". Some of those other methods can be dangerous, but the idea that hypnotic regression can be dangerous is a myth, in the same way that most other alleged dangers of hypnosis are also myths.
2. One can definitely regress themselves and experience a "past life" on their own and without the assistance of an hypnotist. Nothing more is required than a good tape that includes carefully prepared suggestions. The tape can be recorded by the person themselves, if they have the required knowledge, or by a hypnotherapist. Such a tape will do the job even at the first go if used by a person already experienced in self-hypnosis.
3. All people without exception and regardless of their beliefs can be quite easily led to the experience of a "past life". It all depends on the skills of the hypnotherapist and the effectiveness of the methods used.
4. Why should we shun past-life regression for fear that it may give a bad name to hypnotherapy? Past-life therapy is a form of therapy that uses a type of experience which we don't really know at present what it is. However, it is effective with some clients. Medicine also uses medications which they don't know why and how they work, but they still use them because they are effective.
5. If a client walks into my office and does not ask for therapy, but just seeks to experience his or her "past lives", I will just go ahead and oblige. Why? because behind the frivolous request there is invariably a genuine need for help with something that cannot be expressed openly by the client, who may not be consciously aware of their need. Nothing happens by chance. If the person has developed on the surface a silly and frivolous interest in reincarnation and past lives and, after reading a few popular books on the subject, they rush to the nearest hypnotherapist to experience what it is like, just beneath the surface another part of the person may be using this silly interest as the only channel available to seek help and achieve some much needed changes.
John D |
John S. Dovelos, Ph.D. Athenaeum University International www.unicollege-edu.net |
John D
United Kingdom
34 Posts |
Posted - 03/28/2005 : 07:18:18 AM
quote: Originally posted by anthony
Any disagreement I might have, would be aimed to the statement that many hypnotherapists are trained to do PLR.....I think most of us avoid it like the plague, considering it to be leaning towards the Ocult, and giving a false impression of Hypnosis....I would also question closely any client who asked specifically for PLR, since this is a particullar form of therapy, and has little to do with Reincarnation. If they actually asked about reincarnation, I would politely tell them I am not trained in this area, and would be unable to assist.... Yes I have studied PLR therapy, but believe there are better ways to get results, and at no time do I allow a client to dictate exactly what they want until I am sure they know exactly what they are talking about. Too many have got hold of a little information, and consider themselves to be expert. If they feel that way, it is my opinion that they can do for themselves, what they want from me, and do it for free.....
I'm sorry but this approach is very therapist centered and all wrong. What is best for any individual client is determined by the uniqueness of the client and not by the preconceived ideas of the therapist about "what is best" for the person. The therapist's beliefs, whatever they might be, are in no way better than the client's beliefs, these being beliefs in Yahwe, Allah, Buddha, Shiva, reincarnation, Christ's second coming and the resurrection of the dead, or whatever. Such client beliefs should be accorded full respect and be fully accepted as valid and legitimate symbolic frameworks through which the client expresses him or herself. If therapy is to be truly effective, the therapist should be working fully within the context of the client's particular belief system. With skilled guidance, the desirable changes will occur spontaneously within this context. This context can be only changed spontaneously by the client and not by the therapist forcefeeding the client with his or her own beliefs and viewpoints. Also, a client always knows, in his or her own way, exactly what they are talking about, even if what they say sounds like gibberish. It's up to the therapist to use their skills to understand, and even if this is impossible, to allow the client to continue with their gibberish talk while gradually leading them to a clearer understanding of what they have the need to express. A therapist denying their services to clients because they hold beliefs that the therapist happens not to agree with, or because the therapist thinks that they don't really know what they are talking about, is not the mark of a truly skilled and experienced therapist. Because, most probably, the training the therapist received was deficient and did not equip them with human skills and the required in-depth knowledge about human nature and behavior.
John D |
John S. Dovelos, Ph.D. Athenaeum University International www.unicollege-edu.net |
305 Posts |
Posted - 03/28/2005 : 12:39:46 PM
John, ALL practitioners will disagree from time to time, and quite properly, after all we all arrive with different baggage as part of our own belief systems. However, we have Mark with fifty years of experience, besides other achievements, and myself with thirty six years of both therapy and research behind me, yet you dismiss our comments as if they count for nothing. Curiouser and couriouser I say. Does the PhD give you that much clout I wonder.... YOu do have every right to an opinion of course, just as do all who post here, but to be so cavallier about your comments seems a little much... I suggest you rethink your stance, and respect those who think differently, even if you secretly suspect they are full of it. After all, you came here for a reason, and I suspect that at least part of it was to learn more, am I right? Those who start out believing that they already know it all, can have little expectation of learning don't you think? I might comment, with good reason, that your attitude of "all must be from the same cooky cutter, and act in unison," is to be expected of one straight out of University, and with little or no experience, and if this is your case, so be it, let the reader decide. However, if you also have experience, I would hate to be a client of yours, you seem to be wearing blinkers.... |
United Kingdom
445 Posts |
Posted - 03/28/2005 : 2:42:53 PM
WELL DONE, ANTHONY!Between us, we have eighty-six years of experience in practice and teaching. I have been awarded three honorary doctorates by respected Universities, have taught Master Classes in Eleven countries and many of the foremost pracititioners and teachers in the WORLD began their careers by training with me. Do we not hold better creditials than a Phd. from a university training that may touch upon hypnotherapy as a tool to be used occasionally in PSYCHOtherapy? Most universities do not even touch upon hypnotherapy because of their committment to Freud's "Theory of the Unconscious" and his failure to learn to use hypnosis effectively. For a further look at my awards, honors and credits go to gil-boyne.com With Respect to all HYPNOTHERAPISTS!
Gil Boyne www.gil-boyne.com [Gil Passed Away May 5, 2010]
United Kingdom
445 Posts |
Posted - 03/28/2005 : 2:57:48 PM
HYPNOTHERAPIST OR PSYCHOTHERAPIST? This is written in an effort to clarify and create greater understanding of training requirements and programs offered as preparation for a career in the practice of Hypnotherapy. Currently, in the United Kingdom, there is no Governmental regulation nor formal University Training required for use of the occupational title “Psychotherapist” or the word “Psychotherapy”. Consequently, anyone can call themselves a “Psychotherapist” or a “Hypnotherapist” irrespective of training and experience (or lack of same). As a result, some schools (Institutes) advertise “Hypnotherapy” training programs of extended duration (two to three years or longer), which most often consist of one weekend each month with extended breaks every few months. With few exceptions, these” Hypnotherapy programs offer limited hours of basic definitions, inductions and suggestion programming. The balance of the training is comprised of readings, interpretations and explanations of the many varied theories and forms of “psychotherapy”. The ratio seems to be approximately 20% basic hypnosis and 80% of psychotherapy lectures on Sigmund Freud’s “Theory of the Unconscious” and the theories of many of the early pioneers of psychoanalytic therapy. A great deal of this lecture material is acquired simply by “borrowing material” from textbooks and similar courses. Such material is used to greatly expand classroom time in order to “justify” the cost of the program. It is my view, that these theories contribute little to developing the specialised body of knowledge or acquiring the skills so necessary for the practice of contemporary hypnotherapy. Other “Institutes” offer “Career Training” in as little as one or two weekends. Students are told they are “fully prepared” to begin their new career as “Diplomas” are awarded. In the USA, the words “Psychotherapist and Psychotherapy” are reserved by law for those Mental Health Practitioners that are licensed under state regulation. Requirements for qualification for taking a licensing examination are the successful completion of a University Degree program with a subject specific curriculum specified by the state licensing laws. The occupational title “Hypnotherapist” has been defined by USA Federal Law and published in the” “Dictionary of Occupational Titles” by both the American and Canadian governments. This formal occupational recognition neither requires nor forbids state licensing or other forms of regulation. It simply acknowledges that Hypnotherapy is a legally recognized occupation. The following definition was accepted and approved by the National Center for Educational Statistics, U.S. Dept. of Education, on April 7th, 1989, for inclusion in A Classification of Instructional Programs, published by the U.S. Dept. of Education every five years. Program Description; HypnotherapyTraining "An instructional program that prepares individuals to use hypnosis (trance) as the primary technique in a process of reeducation at the mental/emotional levels for the purposes of solving problems, developing motivation and setting and achieving goals. Teaches applications of hypnosis in health sciences and human services. Prepares students for certification examination." Hypnotherapy Training Program has been assigned a six-digit identification number and is classified under "Human Services" in the "Health Sciences and Human Services" Division. This is a formal recognition and identification of Hypnotherapy Training Programs by an agency of the United States Government. In, addition, ACHE approved schools are listed in the Directory of Instructional Programs (DIP) (programs of less than two years) United States Dept. of Education. Gil Boyne Exec. Director, American Council Hypnotist Examiners
Gil Boyne www.gil-boyne.com [Gil Passed Away May 5, 2010]
John D
United Kingdom
34 Posts |
Posted - 05/26/2005 : 06:44:45 AM
I'm referring to the two posts above by Anthony and Mark-Gil.
The views I presented are not specifically mine, but are shared by the great majority of people involved in all types of psychological therapy, including hypnotherapy. It is more than obvious that these views are open, client-centered, liberal and up-to-date and their main characteristics are understanding, acceptance and respect of the client. They are the views and general philosophy that was first propounded, many years ago, by Carl Rogers et al and gradually adopted predominantly by therapists throughout the world, regardless of their particular theoretical orientation.
In contrast, the views you present are outdated, restrictive, prejudiced, limiting and excessively therapist-centered. So, I wonder who's wearing the blinkers that allow only a limited view of what's going on around us.
Then, you go on boasting about qualifications and years of experience which doesn't necessarily mean much. What really counts is flexibility that allows one to constantly seek out and selectively adopt the fresh and the new, discarding, at the same time, (selectively again) the old and obsolete. Many years of experience combined with such a flexible attitude that results in constant growth, is indeed the ideal and can be hardly surpassed by anything else. However, many years of experience may also sometimes mean increasing rigidity and being stuck forever in one specific point of the professional growth continuum.
A possibly positive aspect of being stuck this way, may be that one is able to become an authority on all parameters of that specific point due to excessive focusing. However, otherwise, the person so stuck misses completely the wider picture of things and is inevitably left behind, despite their sometimes notable achievements associated exclusively with the point of the continuum they are stuck in. |
John S. Dovelos, Ph.D. Athenaeum University International www.unicollege-edu.net |
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