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2 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2004 :  4:55:11 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
A friend of mine was hypnotized by him in 92 while we were in California and i know for a fact it was no joke. I heard this guy(Sylver)on Howard Stern a few days ago and i was just wondering if he is one of the best hypnotists out there? He claims to be the fastest and i know he is pretty fast. I've always been facinated by the subconscious mind,and i've read a few books many years ago. I even tried self hypnosis once but the motivation and dedication just wasn't there so i didn't see a change. It was also only one time,i think i was just looking for a quik fix. I would like to learn hypnosis for use on myself and possibly others,but i want to learn the right way. I spend most of my time with my wife and son but i can always fit in some time to relax and practice hypnosis. It's very interesting to me that someone can just snap their fingers and cause a complete change of mood or personality. It also never hurts to be a little more outgoing as far as work and social life goes. OK it's my 1st post so let me stop now Any info would be appreciated and i will read the forum for answers. thanks again.... O yeah i am thinking of buying one of Sylver's books or tapes if i can get them cheap enough on ebay or amazon.


Edited by - Mantus on 10/27/2004 4:56:45 PM


305 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2004 :  4:33:58 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Don't know the individual you mention, and even if I did, it is not possible to decide who is the best, or even one of the best until you know their track record.....
Speed of induction has nothing to do with skill in the practise of therapy. Results are what count.....I know of three persons right here in my home town who are fantastic practitioners, but at no time do any of them count how long their inductions take, nor does it matter since each client is different, as is each problem... Where a fast induction will do, we do it, but if a slow one is indicated, that also will we do.....In spite of the fact that my clients were already in the trance state before they realised I was ready to induct them, I still frequently used the slow method to make them feel good, and feel a part of the therapy instead of the problem....
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2 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2004 :  8:37:54 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
thanks for the response bro

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1 Posts

Posted - 12/04/2004 :  9:29:32 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Marshall Sylver puts on a good show. Years ago there was a young protoge that worked for Marshall around 1987. This young hypnotist at the time was Brian Hook. I recently seen his show and would say Brian is just as quick at inductions and meets with the public after a show for any questions and autographs. He's very charismatic. One difference, between the two. Brian claims to be "World's Most Powerful Hypnotist" and accepts challenges to prove this. One time I guess he appeared in San Diego at the world famous Hotel Del Coronado, where he was challenged to get smokers to quit in record time....15 minutes. He also appeared on tv show Blind Date, where he hypnotized a person to bark like a dog throughout the half hour show. Overall I would say Brian is one of the best and travels nationwide. I found his website www.hypnotiz.com
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12 Posts

Posted - 09/17/2005 :  9:22:39 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have just returned from The Turning Point and can attest to it's power and how much you will gain from attending! It really WILL change your life!
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Lord Freddie

United Kingdom
4 Posts

Posted - 09/19/2005 :  7:05:32 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
There was a documentary that featured Sylver, here in the UK as part of Louis Theroux's Weird Weekends series.
He came across as kind of fake and insincere to me and his forum alleges it will make millionaires of people but there is only one as far as I know and that's Marshall himself.
I am not sure of his hypnotic techniques, but he seemed to hypnotise people really quickly. Something about him seemed insincere though.

Maybe it's a British thing...
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12 Posts

Posted - 09/19/2005 :  11:20:41 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Something fishy is going on here...my post counter shows 2 yet I searched and only one post was found. The other post was to this thread, what happened to it!? Very odd... :\

In any case, if anyone is interested in my experience with Sylver's seminar or just has questions about it because you are are interested in attending and want to know more and talk to someone who has already been, please let me know and I'll tell you as much as I can about it. It truly was amazing!!

Lord Freddie, Sylver was not the only millionaire there...many of his past students were re-attending and had wonderful stories of how it changed their lives and one I met and had dinner with is now a multi-millionaire.
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Lord Freddie

United Kingdom
4 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2005 :  6:57:23 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I can only go by what I saw on the documentary. I have no doubt that he is a very fast hypnotist, but, I don't know if you have seen the documentary, but he doesn't come across that well.
I would be interested to hear more about your experiences with him and what the content of the seminar was.
He certainly is an intriguing character.
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12 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2005 :  8:38:20 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Lord Freddie, shoot me an email asking anything you wish to know about my experience with his seminar...no matter how general or specific they may be. I will also be attending one of his advanced seminars at the end of this month! :)
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3 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2005 :  1:32:13 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Marshal isn't the fastest hypnotist, which doesn't detract from his skill. He knows his stuff. The "Fastest" is a part of the trance that he puts subjects under immediately. The highly susceptible ones believe he is the fastest, so they go under faster, just a little trick of his show. I've met Marshall and been in one of his shows which was a lot of fun. Like the guy above said, "fastest" means just about nothing in terms of the ability to exact change in someone. There are a lot of skills when it comes to hypnosis and NLP. I have been to some of his advanced trainings and can get someone a deal on his stage hypnosis course if they are interested.
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12 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2005 :  1:48:19 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Now I have just returned from Marshall's MMP training seminar and again am very impressed with it's power! If anyone is interested in knowing about my experiences or wants to take The Turning Point please contact me and I'll tell you everything I can and help in any way I'm able.
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United Kingdom
445 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2005 :  6:13:19 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
. I have known Marshall for more than twenty years and seen him rise from obscurity to fame and wealth.
Marshall is also a very generous soul. Twenty years after his training with me, he sent the following tribute to post on my website.

Words cannot describe the gratitude I feel toward Gil Boyne. Approximately 20 years ago I attended his classes in hypnosis/ hypnotherapy. Without a doubt, studying with Gil Boyne was a true turning point in my life. His knowledge, ability and ease of style are incomparable. He is indeed the Teacher of Masters and the Master of Teachers. Most of the best known and successful workers in our field started with Gil Boyne. The investment that I made in his courses has come back to me in millions of dollars. For anyone looking to build a solid foundation in hypnosis/ hypnotherapy, make the pilgrimage and study with Gil. You will thank yourself for the rest of your life..
Marshall Sylver - Las Vegas

Gil Boyne
[Gil Passed Away May 5, 2010]

Edited by - mark-gil on 02/27/2007 3:18:28 PM
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12 Posts

Posted - 10/04/2005 :  10:34:17 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you, Gil, for showing support for Marshall. I have just been invited to his home to attend the Sumit...this is the highest honor and opportunity available from Marshall and his company. This is an invitation only opportunity and is limited to only 16 people each time. I can not wait and know that I will be in good company!! :)

And Gil, do know that those are very true words from Marshall as he has mentioned studying under you in his seminars.
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4 Posts

Posted - 10/05/2005 :  1:28:17 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well, whoever is the "fastest" hypnotist really isn't relevant to be honest. Because Hypnotist A can induce trance in a subject 3 seconds faster than Hypnotist B has no bearing whatsoever on their talents or skills as a practicing show hypnotist or hypnotherapist. Anthony mentioned this near the top of the thread and he's right. In some environments though, having speed comes with experience and confidence in your ability to work with your subjects. There are working hypnotists in Las Vegas right now who have shows on the Strip that take 3-4 times longer to put their subjects into trance than Marshall did in his shows...I think that says something. There is also some value to saying you are "The worlds fastest hypnotist" in some capacity though. When you look into your subject's eyes and tell them that, it instills a hightened level of confidence in your abilities and it reflects in how your subjects respond. Imagine if you told your subject, "Well, I've done this a couple of times and it works on some and not others...let's give it a shot!" imagine the kind of reaction it will get. It will be quite the oposite of saying "I'm the worlds fastest hypnotist!". Also, Marshall uses that moniker for marketing purposes as well. It makes for good radio and television.

Now, as far as Marshall's ability to generate results, I can personally attest to the quality of his trainings. Having attended each and every one of them, I am seeing results both financially and personally that I owe primarily to Marshall's coachings. I've gone to a ton of seminars over the years and never have I seen results like I have with Marshall's. I think he just "gets it" on a higher level and his own success is pretty much evident of that. He's had the largest hypnotic show in the world, best selling book, #1 rated infomercial, and he is now producing a movie which I think he is starting to in the next month or two. Gil is right, ask yourself "what can you show as the end product of your hypnosis career?" Well, there you go.

Anyway, to djsting, you'll go nuts for the program Marshall teaches in his home. I attended a few months ago and it was a blast. What my wife and I got out of it was huge too. You'll totally dig it. :)

Look into my eyes...

Edited by - Trancer on 10/05/2005 1:32:20 PM
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39 Posts

Posted - 02/17/2006 :  7:55:20 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Break Boards! Smash Cement! Eat Fire.....and at your first opportunity STUDY every word of wisdom from the mouths of Marshall Sylver & Gil Boyne. These are, in my opinion, the top two hypnotists on the planet. I love them both dearly. If you love hypnosis like we do, seek them out and learn from them. They have dramatically changed the scope of my hypnotic life into a joyful, confident, and passionate experience...all this, and more. We are all accessible to you when you are now ready.


Stage Hypnotist Simone
Las Vegas, NV
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12 Posts

Posted - 02/17/2006 :  8:21:51 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I agree with StageHyp completely!! I have taken this so far as to now be a certified hypnotist trained in hypnotharapy myself!! :)

When you finally decide that you are interested in attending Marshall's first program the "Turning Point" please contact me and I'll you get where you now want to be.
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3 Posts

Posted - 02/25/2006 :  12:32:32 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Marshall Sylver has been taken to court for fraud (http://ag.state.nv.us/agpress/2001/01_1030.pdf & http://ag.state.nv.us/agpress/2003/03_0414.pdf) for his supposed "Millionaire mentorship program".

I agree that Louis Theroux does generally make his subjects look silly yet he makes the valid point that Marshall had not produced or named one single person that has become a millionaire through his program.

'hypnosis' such as standing on a person and making people fall over are simple parlour tricks. In addition, Marshall has been called a Conman by reputable newspapers (http://www.nzherald.co.nz/topic/story.cfm?c_id=134&ObjectID=10363731).

Quite simply, I think Marshall has become rich by selling people false hope and the 'quik fixes' mentioned in the original post in this thread - if he was for real then he (or any of his fans) would have easily accessible proof of people he has made millionaires and in addition he'd sue the people who call him a conman, rather than being prosecuted for fraud himself!

Edited by - blueboy on 02/25/2006 6:23:44 PM
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25 Posts

Posted - 02/25/2006 :  4:53:44 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I see where he's been charged with fraud, from the links you've provided, but I don't see that he's been convicted. Did you mis-post, or is there additional information I'm not aware of?

- Hal
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3 Posts

Posted - 02/25/2006 :  6:27:46 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
oops, you're right. http://www.nndb.com/people/297/000046159/ suggests that a mis-trial was declared. Although this http://www.thestreet.com/_mktw/stocks/melissadavid/10030240.html mentions an Attorney general probe - dunno if that's different? Also seems to imply that he's involved in some MLM/pyramid scheme?
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12 Posts

Posted - 02/25/2006 :  11:29:48 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Wow blueboy, I'm just not even sure where to begin. Do a search on any millionaire and you will find dirt, good job with your google skills. The bigger you are the bigger the target on your back.

If you choose not to accept the information that he has to offer that's fine...you will likely remain one of the 95% that does not achieve all your dreams. Then again you may subscribe to another philosophy which allows you be become one of the 5% that does...I don't know because I have never met you (it's just the way you have come across in this post that leads me to believe that you are a part of the 95%).

You should give him, or at least someone a chance...be open minded to new ideas and ways of looking at things. "What the mind focuses on expands" and as such why not be positive and happy! :) By the way that's not a Sylver quote, it's Napolean Hill.

As for the MLM "scheme" you should look into these a bit further, there are some that are not scams. The 5 largest wealth building vehicles in the world today are:

Professional Speaking
Real Estate
Network Marketing
The Internet
the fifth is escaping me at the moment, I'll update when it comes to mind

UnAdept, you are correct...he was never found guilty and the cases are closed.
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3 Posts

Posted - 02/26/2006 :  05:01:16 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You have some good points. However, I guess my problem with Marshall boils down to this - he offers to make people millionaires and yet Louis Theroux couldn't actually find any. Do you know of any? Surely if there were any he were parade them up and down as proof of his program's success.

There are many such motivational speakers these days and they generally all have in common:
- Empowering people to believe that 'wealth creation' is simply an easy trick (ie. 95% people don't want it bad enough!)
- They however, make their money from selling the program, not from doing the program.

You mention 'network marketing'. Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-level_marketing) which has a neutral viewpoint, explains that this is another name for MLM and pyramid schemes. It mentions Amway! From what i've read on Amway, this consists of buying and selling seminars and tapes under the pretence of selling commodities for the majority of the income?

Also, Real Estate - people do make a lot of money in this, and people also lose a lot of money. Yet because everyone's heard of Mr Trump it's a common subject for get-rich-quick talkers. However, as before, these speakers all make their money from the speaking!

You seem to me like a fan of Rich Dad, Poor Dad - with its fictious Rich Dad, education hating and many other fallacies http://www.johntreed.com/Kiyosaki.html. But then you also talk as if you are part of the top 5% - this means your income is at least 210,000 on average (http://www.rationalrevolution.net/articles/american_income_taxation.htm)
Certainly respectable if it is - but I would suggest that most people have the dream of being in the top 1% (1 in 125 americans are millionaires - http://money.cnn.com/2004/06/15/pf/millionaires/.

I'm currently in the UK and at university. I'm unsure as of yet what my dream is, but I don't think spending thousands of dollars on a motivational seminar will help me achieve it.

As for someone who has achieved it(?) - can you tell me which of your 4 wealth vehicles you attribute this to, and which motivation speakers (like Sylver) helped you to achieve?
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12 Posts

Posted - 02/26/2006 :  10:59:46 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
blueboy, I will start by saying that these like any course or seminar are not for everyone. Think of it this way, there are those who choose not to go to college and those who do, those who decide that real estate is right for them and those who do not, etc. That is what makes this world so great, there really is something out there for everyone!

Yes, there are millionaires and even some multi-millionaires that have emerged from his program...from what I have seen these are the few. Again with the numbers of it all, many who go to his events are not seeking that in their lives they just want enough or maybe they are not motivated by money at all and just want a happier life. I mention this because money is the hook that he gets people to attend the events with, he then teaches about relationships and other things that everyone can benefit from; the question here is how many people can you put in a room if you tell them you will teach them to have better relationships vs. how to have more money? The answer is clear; unfortunately.

"Empowering people to believe that 'wealth creation' is simply an easy trick", if that's what someone is teaching then don't waste your time or money! Marshall never says that it's easy, nor do any of the other successful people I have studied with. Quite the opposite is trye, they tell you that it is work...just now working for someone else in a JOB (stands for Just Over Broke; think about that one for a while, it's an interesting concept and typically completely true). These are the ones who are telling it straight, it is work and you must treat it seriously or you will not become successful in the area you have chosen. "...they make their money from selling the program, not from doing the program" this is largely (not completely) true now, not the case when they started out though; at least for the ones I have studied with. This is simple to see, look back at the list of 5 highest wealth building vehicles...Professional Speaking is #1 which is what they are now doing. In the process they are teaching others how they can become successful too.

Network Marketing is different than the old pyramid schemes, network marketing is still MLM with a new name due to the negative conitation associated with it because of all the bad press and troubles caused by the pyramids. The pyramids only the couple people at the top make anything. MLM or Network Marketing as it's now called that is not the case, everyone can make money if they participate. I too had a VERY bad view of these until recently when I learned more about them and found one that makes sense for me. I have just recently joined one and already have two people under me...and I have done absolutely NOTHING! :) This is the beauty of the one I joined is that we opperate as a team so even if I do nothing my primary group keeps growing under me because of the efforts of others. Now I am becoming involved and giving two group presentations in March so please do not think I'm trying to ride the coat tails of others, I just wanted to point out the power of choosing the right one for you. For some it's legal services, or health drinks, or travel agencies, or makeup, for me is't an all encompassing type of 'product' where you are able to buy most anyting you would normally buy for your home including major national/international brand names (if you want more info we can take this discussion off-line).

Yes, it is very true that a LOT of money is lost in real estate and this is not limited to the small players. Many do not realize that Trump has gone bankrupt before! Trump is the largest most visible person to point to when you are talking about making money in real estate. He's not the only person though. Any wealthy person in this courntry owns real estate as part of their portfolio of investments...and lots of it. "However, as before, these speakers all make their money from the speaking", see above answer as it's the same here.

Yes, I am a fan of Rich Dad, Poor Dad; it's a wonderful work that helps you see things differently instead of with the same filters that you have developed over the years with the influence of your friends, family, parents, TV, radio, newspaper, etc. I am far from "education hating" though as I do have a college degree and many professional certifications from my past career in the IT industry where I did a TON of continueing education training. I feel that people should absolutely get a college degree as it will only serve to help them on their journey to becoming what ever it is they wish to be.

The cost of some of these is quite high and this is to help weed out the people who are not serious. You for example are attending college because you see the value in it, not because it's cheap yet in spite of the high costs of advanced education these days. Bravo! The same is true for the seminars et al. People who attend them do so because they know the value in it dispite how much it may cost up front.

As for the people I know, respect, and have studied with I'll break that down for you here. There's of course Marshall Sylver who has helped a GREAT deal with confidence and changing my views. I have spent time in his home, eating and drinking with him sharing food off of each other's plates as if we had known each other all our lives, and personal one-on-one conversations and he is a great man who many many people will learn much from all they have to do is be open to learning. Then there's Casey Combden, founder of InterBiz (the network marketing company I'm in). Casey and I have had many private conversations and meals together, we have gotten to know each other (both of us are having a child this spring and it's normal that we ask each other how the other's wife is doing) and he too has provided much inspiration and guidance and I'm not just talking about money making either he has taken the time to meet with my wife and I personally and talk to us about how we can make our relationship better so that we and our children can all be happier people. Next we have AJ Puedan whom has helped me over come some of the walls in my life through hypnosis and trained me to the level of now being a certified hypnotist trained in hypnotharapy. He and Marshall have also taught me the skills and techniques of being an effective successful professional speaker. AJ is a great person who is like a regular person, not a stuffy millionaire. Upon our last meeting he had just taken posession of his new Lotus three weeks earlier and offered to take me for a ride in it...what a car!! Last and certainly not least is Russ Whitney from whom I have learned much about real estate (yes, search the web and you will find dirt on him as well). He is still investing in real estate himself although it's not single family homes any longer it's land development now. I do not know Russ on the same person level as the other three though he too is a great person and is spreading the knowledge.

How many millionaires do you know that will share food off their plate at a fancy restaurant with you? Or offer to drive you around in their brand new car? Or offer to have a private conversation with you and your wife to help the two of you have a better marriage (at no charge that is)? These kinds of actions speak volumes to the character of these people in my oppinion!!!

This is all without mentioning the numerous authors like Napolean Hill, Robert Kyosaki, Susan Jeffers, Dan Millman, Dale Carnegie, and others who sell books/CDs/seminars that have all been a part of my learning...and will continue to be. :)

Whew! My finger need a short rest. :) Hope this helps.
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5 Posts

Posted - 03/26/2006 :  7:02:21 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
What Mantus heard about (The original post by Mantus) is the art of the instant induction. A subject can indeed be hypnotized in mere seconds. There are many techniques for accomplishing this.

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17 Posts

Posted - 03/31/2006 :  12:29:41 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks blueboy for providing a counter-balance to the Sylver affiliates and social network.

I too have seen the Louis Theroux show. I agree with Gil Boyne that it was obviously edited for time and to increase the entertainment value at Sylver's expense. Even with the editing taken into account though, there are some "issues" raised by how he answers/doesn't answer fair questions that are not dependent upon editing. In short, while it's certainly an important factor to consider, not *everything* can be blamed on editing. The other two hypnotists (especially the first one) didn't come out looking so bad after the editing. If anyone would like to see this Louis Theroux episode, email me for a link and I'll give it to you as long as the link works. I'm sure Sylver is a good person on a personal level and like George Bush, might be a fun guy to have a beer with. I just don't find that he's earned credibility to be in a good position for teaching personal development/financial seminars though. He's a likable guy and likes to make occasional reference to things like God, family, helping others, etc. but doesn't give a lot of reasons to trust him outside of talk and ignore the fair questions raised about his credibility.

Back in the 90's while in college I bought Sylver's "Passion, Profit, and Power" program. While it was overpriced for the value, it was harmless and wouldn't hurt anyone to listen to it. I was struggling financially at the time and I remember being embarrassingly naive enough to clear out my checking account for that program, listening to it according to instructions, and at the time being too shy to return it for a refund. There was just something "plastic" about him that I didn't trust--something I couldn't put my finger on at the time. From doing a quick Google search, I now see that there good reasons for others questioning his credibility as well (e.g. http://www.nndb.com/people/297/000046159/). When hypnosis is used for theraputic reasons, credibility is a much greater issue than for stage hypnosis for entertainment. Whether the charges by the Attorney General office were settled out of court (as most law suits are) or not, the refusal to stand behind your product as promised and refusal to honor the refund policy says a lot about someone's character. It says that if they can get away with something unethical, they will. After a recent Real Estate expo I attended, I've also noticed Sylver keeps close busines company with Russ Whitney who also has a lot of fraud legal trouble and an unsatisfactory rating with the Better Business Bureau - click here


I saw Marshall Sylver's stage show just last week at the previously mentioned Real Estate expo. It was excellent and very entertaining and he is a very good stage hypnotist. He liked to talk about all the Mercedes' he had though and implying how rich he was. For that reason I couldn't help but wonder what he was so insecure about--especially after reading about the checks he's bounced (for GAMBLING debts by the way) and problems with fraud he's had). He kept bringing this up and the lady beside me said "Ok, we get it, you say you're rich!" That said, he put on a very good stage show and it was as good as another stage hypnosis show I saw by a guy named "Jim Wand" years ago when he visited my college. Anyway, Sylver made a good pitch to attend his main speech the next day which was about persuasion and influencing. My wife and I attended this and it was basically a long infomercial for his "Turning Point" event (which would be fine except that there wasn't really any value beyond the sales pitch). In contrast, Anthony Robbins who was a keynote speaker the day before, spent 95% of his time/energy offering real valuable content and exercises that really help people and less than 5% (if that) mentioning his upcoming nearby "Unleash The Power Within" event. I realize it's not fair to compare Sylver to the following people since he's not really on the same level, but the keynote presentations of Robbins, Suze Orman, Robert Kiyosaki (whom I wasn't expecting much from after reading his book and reading about him at http://johntreed.com/Reedgururating.html), and Donald Trump were *excellent*--all gave very useful content customized to the geographical area and audience, and of great value.

Anyway, back to Sylver, there were several things he said that were at best "questionable" but one thing that sticks out in my mind is him saying "Now I am a multi-millionare and I don't need the money I'm charging for these seminars. But I know that people commit more to things they have an investment in and I will not deprive you of that." This isn't exactly a sales line that engenders credibility you know? I realize that effective sales involves telling a story, but if the story is not *authentic* then you're just another well dressed used car salesman. After all, if Sylver REALLY doesn't need the money, then why not donate 100% of after tax profits to charity like many highly succesful people do for some of their products. So again, he felt the need to assert his wealth (something none of the others did) so it seems that he's afraid people will find out his character is not congruent (not as succesful as someone should be who presumes to teach people how to be millionares). I also noticed that unlike others, Sylver did not have any credible testimonials by people who achieved real measurable results with his seminars.

A few articles about Sylver I found after a quick web search:

So anyway, I highly reccomend seeing Sylver's stage hypnosis show if you're looking for an hour of good entertainment--he's a great entertainer and I will give him that. Beyond that, he's a salesman. As for theraputic hypnosis (which involves a different comprehensive skill set and different training than just simple direct suggestion hypnosis) or self improvement and financial education, there are *much* better sources out there if you're really interested in getting real measurable results. Unfortunately, when people feel "ripped off" by someone doing hypnosis, they tend to project that on to the whole hypnosis field and all of the great highly credible theraputic hypnotists out there who do excellent work and provide excellent training like Gerald Kein (www.omnihypnosis.com).

If you're looking for an audio program for overall improvement of your life, I suggest Anthony Robbins' Personal Power II or Get The Edge. There is also definately some "fluff" in those programs as well, but the meat is there and they deliver the goods. If you are looking for something similar but with more of a hypnosis bent, Paul McKenna's (from the UK) stuff is *excellent* and is very much aligned with Robbins' material. I highly suggest McKenna's "Positivity" set. This might not be available any longer since I think it was replaced by his new book+CD "Change Your Life In Seven Days". At the time I'm writing this, you can download an mp3 of the CD that comes with the UK version of the book for free at McKenna's website - http://www.paulmckenna.com/ (look for the red font "Free Trance Audio - Click Here"). This is an excellent induction with great suggestions, though you will want to read the book to get the full benefit from it. The book is very affordable. Again, despite McKenna's occasional statements that differenciate from Robbins' programs, the core structure and content you will find to be very similar.

P.S. I am not affiliated with any of the above mentioned people in any way (other than being intimately familiar with the results I've received from using some of their materials). I'm just sincerely sharing my personal point of view only.

Edited by - imagine-now on 03/31/2006 04:12:27 AM
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Posted - 07/14/2006 :  10:14:45 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Interesting thread. This is my first post.

Like a previous poster I also bought the Passion Profit Power system back in the 90s sometime when I was a young, slightly confused student thinking about my current life and situation and future.

I agree the tapes were overpriced, and that if you search your local library and know what you are looking for, you could probably get the same information for free. Also that Sylver is so confident that he does seem a little phoney sometimes.

However, its worth mentioning the good things:

1) You may be able to get the equivalent of his teachings by looking hard yourself poring over self help books from the library for free, but the way to sell something at a profit is to add value to it. He packages it all conveniently in one box and makes it easy to get into. The truth is, I would not have learned the things that I did had I not bought the system. Perhaps sad, but true. I just didn't know where to look, and didn't have the motivation or time to do it.

2) The lessons on the tapes are good. They are really good. I got the tapes out a week ago and started listening to them again - bearing in mind I hadn't listened to them for at least 6 years. What I noticed was many of the teachings had stuck with me. For example the removal of the words 'can't' and 'try' (this is not a cheesy acceptance of his teachings without question, in truth is saying "can't" really does mean that you don't want to or don't know how to, exactly the same way when someone says "I don't have time for XYZ" they really mean "I don't MAKE time for XYZ", because if they really wanted to do XYZ, they certainly would make time).

3) As for the subconcious hypnosis relaxation parts, I don't know if I was ever in a real trance, but those parts of the system are a nice reiteration and summary of the whole section, which is good for any form of learning.

My favourite quote from him is 'anything you don't do right now, isn't going to get done'. Never a truer word was spoken.

I'm not a millionaire, but Sylver never proclaims its easy, and in fact, the bottom line of his system seems to be, be happy where you are right now and you won't NEED millions of dollars. Cop out perhaps? Look at the Dalai Lama - hes got to be one of the happiest most serene people alive and I expect he cares very little for material wealth.

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Posted - 02/12/2007 :  7:34:53 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I just returned from Marshall Sylver's Millionaire Mentorship program in Orlando which was held in February 2007. His program is utter bull****. He's not even in the building approximately 50% of the time.
Basically, it's an expensive sales pitch. People pay $6k to hear Marshall Sylver tell them how to be a millionaire but instead they mainly hear other sales people try to sell them an array of different & unrelated self-help products.
After skipping the 3rd day because Marshall was not there (the other sales people were) I came back on the 4th and final day willing to give him another chance. He didn't come in to speak that day until 2PM and the seminar ended at 6PM. So he as there about 20% of the time, if that, the final 2 days of a 3.5 day event.
At 2 PM was he going to speak and teach you how to be a millionaire? No. Instead, he was going to perform his Vegas stage show and hypnotize members of the audience into doing different stunts on stage. Does that have anything to do with teaching you how to be a millionairem? Of course not.
I asked for a refund on the last day, and his office manager, Donnell, refused saying that I didn't qualify for a refund because I didn't attend all of the classes. I asked, "Are you calling the 2 days worth of sales pitches classes? She replied,"Those are classes. But if you want to think of them as sales pitches, that's fine. Either way, I won't refund your money because you didn't attend those."
So I basically wasted $6k on a multi-level sales pitch where the main speaker that everyone paid to see was not on stage for over 50%of the seminar.
Unfortunately, the classes didn't contain enough information on their own to teach how to follow thru on the subject matter so the speakers charged between $1,000 and $5,000 to learn the information that they were pitching.
So if you're thinking about attending any of his events, it is in your best interest to rethink your decision as it will be an expensive lesson. One that I certainly won't soon forget.

Brian Hardy
Tyler, TX
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Posted - 02/12/2007 :  11:25:11 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Screwed, I must agree that I too was disapointed at the content of the MMP seminar just as you are. My initial feelings were the same 100%. Though I took it in stride and figured that I did learn something and benefited from the coaching that goes along with it (you know, the 10 weeks you get of phone coaching). It was helpful and I ended up with a great 800 number service from the deal which I would have never known about otherwise. All in all though I would not suggest the MMP for people, it's over priced for what it is. The rest of his seminars though are worth every cent! If I had it to do all over again knowing what I do now I would have skipped the MMP, and still attended every one of his other events just as I have.
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Posted - 04/10/2007 :  2:58:02 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I would like to weigh in on the Sylver topic.

Initially, I was impressed with him after seeing his act and subsequent lecture at the Enlightened Millionaires Conference in CA. He was well spoken, humorous and had some interesting ideas and concepts. I left with a favorable impression.

Since that time, my impressions have done a 180. As stated in a number of aforementioned threads, his character and business practices have come into question, to put in mildly. This is a major issue.

Secondly, I was in communication with aabout 12 of "graduates" from various seminars, as well as members of his staff. My question was identical to the one posted above: "How many millionaires has he 'created'?" This NEVER gets answered. Never. Nada. Zip. Instead, the question is always reframed into something else. It is as if each of these so-called self help gurus all read from the same playbook.

I also asked why if Sylver is so rich (he is certainly very quick to point this out and repeat it endlessly), do they charge such an huge fee? The Millionaire Maker seminar (not sure if this is the exact name) is $11,000. Yes, eleven thousand dollars. We have been the fraud exposed when people requested a refund. 'Nuff said about that.

He has questionable business practices. A failed marriage. A history of cocaine abuse by his own admission. Not sure if this is the kind of guy who should be doling out advise.

Yes, he is as slick as they some. When the smoke and mirrors clears, does he really do any good?

But this is all a moot point. Desparate people will seek out anyone or anything. Slick people will separate them from their cash and nothing ever changes.

Maybe the question is why does this thread even exist. Or bigger one: Why the hell am I even writing this?
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Posted - 04/11/2007 :  10:40:54 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am just curious why so many people will admit that Sylver has so much good information to share yet still bad mouth him like this. If you came away feeling good and now do not what has changed? I suggest that nothing changed! Most of us slipped back in to what we were doing before we ever met him and his teachings and words of wisdom have exited our minds. I know that this is partly true for me. It has been very challenging to for me to change as I suspect is true for most.

For this reason I further suggest that the number of millionaires is irrelevant because it's up to the individual to choose to take action. You can not fault Sylver for your own inaction!! I know that I don't, I take responsibility for that completely as should everyone else.

Is Sylever slick? YES! Is he good at what he does? VERY! Is he expensive? YES! Is it worth the price? Well...I feel I got what was needed though the price is a little steep in my opinion, I still went forward with it though because I knew the value of what I would learn. Failed marriage? Who the hell cares, millions fit that category! Cocain use? Again, who cares since he's clean now!

For the last poster, you can regularly grab his CDs etc. on eBay for fair prices and if that's all you are interested in that's the best place to get them probably. If you are interested in becoming a certified hypnotist/hypnotharpist that's a whole other situation and you can not get that from books and CDs. Like anything you must practice it!
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Posted - 04/14/2007 :  11:56:53 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I do not understand how you can ". . .number of millionaires is irrelevant." THAT is the only thing that is relevant. He is claiming to teach and create millionaires and when one questions how many, there is never an answer. When one searches, the answer appears to be zero.

What if I asked UCLA Dental School, "How many dentists have you graduated and are now practicing?" and they replied ZERO. Would you attend? Would you send your kids there? Of course not. They don't deliver what they are claiming to.

Yes, it is up to the individual to apply the information but given the fact that the training is $11,000, one would assume you have highly motivated people in this training. In addition, one would assume you have people in at least the upper middle class doing this training. Stacking the odds in your favor like this, you still cannot produce at least 1 millionaire? (Other than Sylver of course. . . . )

Given his past of questionable business practices and less than ideal personal history, it is truly amazing why anyone would pay to see this man, particularly when there are so many others who do business above deck and have produced results. Look at Robert Allen for example. His has a clean reputation and has a history of genuinely helping people. Compare and contrast this with Sylver.

At some point, enough is enough and for various reasons, he has struck a chord in me. Yes it is my responsibility for being a sucker as it relates to him and for this, I paid the price (literally). Now I have also taken it upon myself to assist others in avoiding the same mistakes with him that I made.

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Posted - 04/15/2007 :  10:40:13 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
What he's teaching is HOW to do something, ideas, concepts, methods, etc. They are good, solid, and proven to work. Just because more do not take that new found knowledge and apply it to achieve the same levels of success is not a reflection on the teacher. Now on the other hand if they students didn't learn anything then it may be a reflection on the teacher and/or student. To be honest, it seems as though you didn't learn all of the high-points because you have a very bitter and negative tone in your writing and attitude. Think of the law of attraction, what you focus on and put your energy into is what you get back! Watch "What the Bleep do We Know" and "The Secret" to help you better understand this truth and hopefully alter what you choose to focus your thoughts and energy on so that you too get more.

Now your college analogy, I like it a lot except for one thing...a dentist is a licensed profession so it's easy to track. Let's choose a profession that is not licensed and therefore no easier to track than Sylver's student successes (the profession really does not matter). If a college is teaching this profession all they can truely quote is the number of graduates, they have no idea what the students do after graduation. This is the same as Sylver, after the students leave his training there is no way for him to know what they go off and do with their lives. For this reason alone I can see why one would not get a solid answer to the question of how many millionaires have you created.

Just to further expand on this, you indicate that you have attended some of his trainings so then I'm certain you have met some of the millionaires that he has had a hand in creating. I know I did when working through his program!! They are there! Also, another thought here is that not everyone who attends his events is looking for monetary gain...many are just looking to be happier and more at peace in life and money is of no motivation. So for this too I also see why one would not get a solid answer to the question of how many millionaires have been created because many people who attend this is not their goal.

I do understand your frustration at the situation of having not achieved what you want and looking to place the blame on Sylver. Though really, did you learn something from him? I know that you did! Please take this to heart and do not react defesnively...take what you have learned from him and put it in to action and you will find that things will get better...it may take time, it will happen though...you must believe this and act as if for it to become true though. The ball is in your court to change your life. Oh yes, and listen to the audio CDs you got from the seminars repeatedly! Once does not cut it, I listen to them every couple months or so (this can be done while driving, sleeping, flying, working out, etc); this really does help!
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