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3 Posts

Posted - 07/23/2003 :  11:18:42 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello everybody, I am in deep trouble. Have been in this trouble for about 3 months now. It was self-hypnosis gone wrong. I must state that I MIGHT be mentally ill. I did not discorver that I was mentally ill until I was voluntarily admitted to the psyche ward. I was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Paranoid Schizophrenia. I am guessing that mentally ill plus any form of hypnosis (especially self-hypnosis) equals trouble and bad. My mind isn't strong. And a hypnotist told me that my mind is very suggestible. I often visualize the wrong visual by mistake, and it gets inplanted along with the suggestions. I ordered instructions online for self-hypnosis. It was the breathing and relaxing every part of your body excercise, including the counting of 1-20 and then 20-0 backwards. Since then, my confidence has reigned, but it has brought about certain thoughts of people that were meant to stay buried and never stirred up. I need the be UN-hypnotised or De-hypnotised. I have seeked professional help, but they keep putting me off until later because they are feeding off my insurance money. My psychiatrist said that I should be able to unhypnotise myself. I have ordered a CD called '' cancel suggestions'' from hypnotictapes.com, it has only provided me temporary relief. I cannot stop visualizing in everyday life, I can only take my mind off of it. The visualizations and hypnosis have become very bothersome and is exhausting me. I really need help, I just want my life back to normal, to the way it was before I even read or touched hypnosis. Please, somebody help me. Your voice and help is much appreciated. I want to be un-hypnotized and have Amnesia of the last the 3 months as if it never happened. Please, everyone, thank you. You can take a look at some suggestions that I've made up so you know what my motive is. Here are My suggestions:
You are your natural, God-given self. All hypnosis, including self-induced hypnosis is broken and gone because it is not for you, it is not your way of achieving in this life. Because you strongly feel and think that using hypnosis is a form of cheating and impure. All of your hypnosis powers are GONE, and can never ever be used again no matter how much you try, the powers are gone for GOOD. All of your impure thoughts are gone. All things and information that you've learned are gone and lost. You are amnesiac of all the events, effects, and thoughts that look place in the last 3 months of being in hypnosis because it never existed, never took place. Perhaps it was only a very long, painful dream. All memory is retained. You have zero knowledge about hypnosis, nlp, and visualizations because you never used it, nor read about it. You are your natural, inherent, God-given, pure self. Everything that you have learned in the past 3 months from being on hypnosis is gone, those very thoughts are gone and erased. Your newly developed thoughts and defense mechanism that rose from hypnosis is also gone, it does not exist. You have zero visualizations, because it came hand in hand with the hypnosis, and hypnosis is not for you. Because it is not your way in life. Your mind has zero visualizations, just like it was 3 months ago before you read about hypnosis. Also, your subconcious is back to normal, the way it naturally should be, untampered with, and untainted of artificial, pathetic practices. Your life is the way it was before you ever thought about reaching to hypnosis for help. All forms of NLP, visualizations, and hypnosis were never a part of your life, because it was all a dream. You are yourself, your natural, pure, God-given self. These suggestions are permanent and forever. When I count to 3, it will cancel all the effects, events, and thoughts of NLP, visualizations, and hypnosis because you have zero knowledge of them, because it was just a dreamn. You will come out of this whole incident, event, state of mind, and dream, you are returning back to your normal regular life permanently and forever, as if this dream never even happened. 1.....2.....3. Awake.


63 Posts

Posted - 07/26/2003 :  12:22:33 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hypnohelp, Since you tell us what it is you want in very specific terms, it seems you have no confidence that anyone you go to is able to help you as well as you can help yourself. Yes indeed, I have met another just like you, and she too felt as you, so in spite of being willing to assist a relative, I was unable to do so due to this trait. On the other hand, you make certain statements which I assume came from medical persons you consulted, which are in fact, and if you told us all, a crock of bull**** (pardon the expression).... Now I am not a medical doctor or a psyciatrist, so I would be unable and unwilling to make statements which relate to these, but on the other hand, I am not willing to allow any doctor, or psyciatrist to pontificate about hypnosis as if they were an expert unless they too had studied this art as I have. From what you tell us about your uses of hypnosis, nothing you did would have the effects you claim, and therefor, any help you request in such terms is not required.
ALL hypnosis is controlled by the client as to what they accept or refuse, so your use of it has no bearing on your present condition, and if you are to be believed, all you did was use it for relaxation and minor adjustments of thinking. NO, nobody can remove memory of the past via hypnosis, so your request is not possible. Terry
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3 Posts

Posted - 07/26/2003 :  2:10:37 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Terry, this is definately not a story of bull****. Your statement saying that you know someone with the same situation put my mind at ease a bit. But, I believe I can be de-programmed. Those psychiatrist serve absolutely no purpose, they are just feeding off my insurance money and giving me medication - USELESS. Unless, there was an actual medication that would undo hypnosis. Anyways, have you read the articles by Todd I. Stark? He talks about the mental illness plus hypnosis combination equals trouble. Perhaps you are a pro, Terry. But maybe, you missed a spot. What Todd talks about is the exact same symptoms that I have.
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369 Posts

Posted - 07/26/2003 :  2:47:57 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It would appear that you are indeed afflicted with Paranoid Schizophrenia. You are obsessing and being paranoid about Hypnosis, people feeding off your insurance money, psychiatrists and your medications. Continue your medical treatment process with your doctor, stay on your medication and to completely reverse the entire previous self-hypnosis effects simply read the following powerful hypnotic suggestion three times. Once you finish reading it three times the entire self hypnosis process will be reversed and you will be back where you started several months ago.

"All Hypnosis is Self Hypnosis."

Now isn't that much better?


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63 Posts

Posted - 07/26/2003 :  5:31:34 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
HYPNOHELP, please understand that I am not dismissing your problem or belittling it, merely stating what is indicated by your post. In the case I sited, the person involved was so paranoid, that she used everyone when it suited her purposes, but refused to be helped when it didn't. She then lied about what help she got, or wanted even to the point of saying the oposite of truth about those around her. Now this is a result of the mental problem, and can be forgiven, but the fact remains that she was beyond the help of others because she refused to accept it as offered and did the oposite. On this basis alone, I would refuse to take your money, or waste my time, so if I were asked to help you, and you were local to me so that I could, it would be made clear from the start that I decide HOW, and you cooperate or leave. You don't buy a dog and bark yourself unless you are extremely foolish or paranoid. Terry
PS Incidentally, the person I am reffering to committed suicide three weeks ago, and only then did the obfuscations come to light, as various groups met at the funeral, and common friends exchanged what they knew or had heard, so I do indeed understand and sympathise, but feel that only when a person is agreeable to cooperate with any proffessional can they be helped. t
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3 Posts

Posted - 07/26/2003 :  9:10:17 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yes, Hypnodoc. But, the medication I am receiving has nothing to do with reversing and removing hypnosis. It's respirdal, that's just for the schizophrenia. It is TRUE that my doctors aren't even helping me. I kept telling them to refer me to a hypnotist or hypnotherapy. YET, they insisted that I stay in psychiatry with them and take their stupid medicine which I suggested and I chose. So, they have no part or intent on helping me get better. It's all money with these people. I even read about how the entire branch of mental health is a sham. The psychiatry, anti- depressants, all medication just designed to create more problems for the individual instead of helping. It's all money. Now, hypnosis, that's a different story. I just need it to be undone. I'm not sure about the 3 powerful suggestions you are talking about, are you talking about my suggestions?

And, Terry I am truly saddened by the outcome of that person who had the same problems as me. Suicide has been in and out of my mind ever since I messed with it. The thoughts are way too overwhelming and very consumming, it's all negative energy. It's that when I think negative thoughts about my family and friends, it really hurts me to a point that I can't even resolve, manage, or deal with the thoughts that suicide seems so refresing. I hate to disrespect my loved ones, even if it is on the subconcious level. The visualization flashbacks are a killer. I understand your point of view though Terry. I was only pointing out that mental illness plus hypnosis is bad. I'd love to see you sometime. But, I am very poor. Just turned 19. I bet that we are a gajillion miles apart from eachother. I am in Brooklyn, NY. And you?

I am also considering contacting a Shaman. Will that be of any use, people? I am desperate. I am such an idiot, that chasing my dick has sadly left me with this situation. I believe I can pull through, through a hypnotist or a Shaman. Shaman might be good, but it does sound a lot like hypnosis. I'm not sure. Hoping the outcome will be something like the movie 'Jumanji' lol. Still a kid at heart. Oh well, thanks to the both of you. Your replies are much appreciated.

Edited by - HypnoHelp on 07/26/2003 9:14:12 PM
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63 Posts

Posted - 07/27/2003 :  11:39:32 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You are correct, I am located in Canada, but my comments are no less valid because of distance, people are the same all over. If you can convince yourself that others to whom you go for help are more capable of helping you than you yourself, there may be hope for you. If you insist that you know better, you are in effect saying that you want help, but only if it is on your terms, and in that case, you DON"T WANT HELP...... See what I mean? By the way, medication is only a temporary treatment, and failure to take it, or to advance to the next step in treatment will doom you to failure. Terry
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162 Posts

Posted - 07/30/2003 :  12:11:21 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Dear Hypnohelp
One question
ARE YOU ON DRUGS e.g the non prescibed type
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63 Posts

Posted - 08/09/2003 :  9:12:10 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I can answer that question Mike, and the answer is "No" he is displaying the typical paranoid behaviour to a T...This is the reason we are unable to help them, they KNOW what they want, and when we tell that it is not what they want, they ignore us. As I said, nobody buys a dog and barks himself unless he is extremely foolish or is in fact paranoid. Hypnohelp will likely not be helped by anyone, since he has no faith in another human being, a typical reaction sadly, and one my own family faced with the death of an ex daughter in law, who developed the problem after the death of her son, and her mother in the same year. She even planned her own death for several years, and was very good at hiding her intent to the point of fooling most of her friends. She didn't fool family, we expected what occured, but what we didn't expect was the way she separated different groups of friends, and told lies about others to them. She was treated as one of our daughters, and it was very hurtful to my wife and my own daughters to find that she had done this, and then left them with a mess to clean up after her death, since she appointed both my daughters as executors, and then apointed someone she used to work with, who caused us no end of trouble and expense because she believed the lies. Terry
"Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practise to deceive."
,Robert Burns.
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162 Posts

Posted - 08/12/2003 :  2:07:44 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
A friend of mine has a sister and she has the exact same symptoms as your ex-daughter in law.Her problem is VALIUM addiction.My friend is wealthy and wants the problem resolving.He invited an INTERVENTIONIST from the BETTY FORD CLINIC.Advice given was that the woman was so addicted to valium, that her normal quota would kill a horse, and if she came off it she too would die rather quickly.What a problem---BUT this leads me back to HYPNOHELP and i would still like to know if he is on drugs.
With there being no reply from this gentleman i am going to assume that he has got a drug problem unless i hear from him to the contrary.
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63 Posts

Posted - 08/15/2003 :  5:06:04 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Mike, the symptoms are classic, and in the case I quoted it was impossible to get her to take the prescibed drugs let alone others not needed for the problem. It is my belief that this condition existed long before we knew her, but was well hidden as often is the case, and when discovered it was too late to intervene. Terry
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United Kingdom
399 Posts

Posted - 10/22/2003 :  11:42:08 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi HypnoHelp

That’s an interesting skill you have being a schizophrenic that takes some neuro coding, being a so-called schizophrenic is fine, So I ask this question, If you could remember not to forget just how this all started how would that make you feel, what if being a schizophrenic was just a word that you used to think about, how might you feel and see the world in a different light, its not that you need to forget it’s that you need to remember to feel your best, so how are we going to do this, if I was with you I would slap your face till you was unconscious.

Now then, when you woke up you would be brain dead, not really if we’re going to work on you then you need to do some work, because it’s up to you completely, to trance form yourself, now saying that though, building a better self image is a starting point, so we have to inoculate you for feeling bad.

After reading some of your suggestions know wonder your having a hard time, try this process for a few weeks a see the difference in your confidence. Part one Make a list of all your bad thoughts, now visualize a mirror and put all your bad thought into this mirror, and go though your history putting you thoughts and memories into this mirror just your bad thoughts, all of them and repeat this over and over again, just place them in the mirror, now we can use your skills at being a schizophrenic, and put them to good use, while you play with putting all these memories into this mirror I want you to think of a little white ball of light, just a above your head just out of hands reach, and just think about all the good times you have had in your life before any of this stuff happened, How did you feel at your best times, and how would you like to feel for the rest of your life?

Choose just one good feeling and then one more and place them into that ball of light, add one more, and again, and keep on doing this for a little while, 3/5/10/ minuets, now let this ball of light touch the top of your head, and remember when you was a kid, and playing make pretend was a lot of fun, well I’m sure that you could remember to remember how to feel so good that it doesn’t really mater how good you can feel ju7st knowing that you can feel so good is what you can do just for you can, can you not, start to relearn how to remember how to forget to remember to feel just your best without knowing why this happen know, so you could begin a new way of thinking that would change your life in just the right way for you, so as we start to look for what new just how good does that make you feel knowing that you have made all the right moves, in just the right way, and because you can do this in your sleep you can create new and better way to respond to your world, and to the people within it, this will begin to happen all by it’s self, and you wont know why it just does, remember to feel your best, and like all good agents of change I will cancel any and all negative suggestions, no matter who gave them to you, teachers, friends, relatives, and even me, all can just fade away like the wind you can feel it and it just goes, and its gone.

Reread this a few times. Take care matrixman

If it has consciousness it's already in a trance.

Edited by - Matrixman on 10/23/2003 09:56:08 AM
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Mr C

8 Posts

Posted - 04/01/2004 :  03:48:05 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Dear Hypnohelp...
I have my degree in psychology and a full course on Hypnotherapy..
You say you would like to undo this, but if you speak to your psychologist, he/she will tell you that this "illness" was always there as a genetic imprint (someone in your family must have it).
It just so happens that it need a stimulus to activate it, could be a trauma or shock etc, this case it happened to be self hypnosis...
Once released, it can NOT be undone by just reversing the stimuli!
Another point of concern is that if you now go about subduing this by means of repression, it WILL manifest in other ways!!!
Other disorders will occur, so I can only give you one suggestion, work through it with a psychologist,psychiatrist and hynotherapist!!!
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United Kingdom
399 Posts

Posted - 04/01/2004 :  07:10:27 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Dear Mr C

I disagree with your statement about genetic imprints, we are born with two hard wired fears, the fear of falling and the fear of lound noises, evrything else has been learnt by stimulis responce, "Not genetic pathgenics"/ imprints.

Now I don't want to argue this point, because you have your madel of the world, and I have mine, mine works for me, and your's works for you. and that that.

visit these sites, and have some fun.

I have eleven years in NLP, and Hypnosis reaserch.

Your already a genius

If it has consciousness it's already in a trance.

Edited by - Matrixman on 04/01/2004 08:16:11 AM
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Mr C

8 Posts

Posted - 04/01/2004 :  10:58:38 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Touche my good man...
And indeed I believe that these things are learnt as you say...
Like your mood dictates your body language, so too can you alter your body language to alter your mood...
In the case of mental disorders, a genetic predisposition to them (enlarged hypocampus, overactive thyroid, under sized frontal lobes-ie genetic)cause the chemical balances to be altered...genes play a big part otherwise we would be able to change someones eye colour through hypnosis..and who knows, maybe we will someday??
Everything we do in Hypnosis is to alter these very chemicals to get our desired results by increasing or decreasing the brains orders or release of these chemicals...
I fully respect your view, and would like to explore your views on many subjects to come...
I believe I have still much to learn (don't we all?) and any views may open up new doors for all of us Ü
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1 Posts

Posted - 12/11/2006 :  07:06:00 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Try Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). They seem to have worked for a lot of people.

Edited by - Rick27 on 12/11/2006 10:28:27 AM
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