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T O P I C    R E V I E W
shirley Posted - 08/22/2004 : 09:29:05 AM
I was checking and found a lot of sites re the above-noted topic, however I was unable to find many scripts.

I need a couple of scripts that could be taped for use by someone who is unable to come in for a session.

Any help would be appreciated.

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Matrixman Posted - 08/31/2004 : 06:43:53 AM

Comfort zone

This process uses both conscious and other than conscious processes, a little bit of time distortion and some other thing’s too.

It doesn’t and wont read grammatically correct that because hypnotic language patterns don’t work in the same way.

So has you become aware off something there will be other things that will just by pass the other then conscious mind and that’s just how it should be.

Now I don’t know if you have ever had something like a tooth arch or if you can remember having a pain killer pill, and having the pain just melt a way’s , yet your mind-body knows just how this type of thing works, and it can in just the right ways, and you can learn just how this works in away that might surprise you in many ways, yet first things first, when we were kids we had this unique skill off playing and learning new thing just like catching a ball yet before that we had to learn to walk and the world was much bigger back their, and as we can remember to forget just how something’s are we can learn new ways to do thing’s and as well can learn to relax and you just know how that works you start from the top of your head, and just let it relax, then you move on down and as you go down deeper and deeper into your mind you can, just remember all the times that you have been in comfort and ease, and you can learn this in ease and with all the time from being back there in that time which happen before now. Stepping back and leaning just how this and that came about, thinking yet not thinking about other things and you can, can you not just step back in time and relax even more. Now you can think about your thinking and you can just remember all the times when you where in comfort and as this can make sense in just the right ways. And you know what they are. And what there are all the times when you have just free of any kind of un-ness, and as you think about one thing you can think about other things as well. Now you can think and feel new thing’s that will allow you to feel at ease and you know just how ease that can be has you have do it many, many times through life and if you can remember any thing specific then your other than consciousness just knows how this works, now and not before this or that time what time, you might be thinking still just about how to relax and you do know how to do that so very deeply and in such a way that allow you to know that feeling comfort is all that you need to do and it’s a bit like being a little drunk, maybe or when you have taken a pain killer, you just could feel numb in just the right places, and it work just like if you think of a big juice lemon and how bitter and yet juicy it can be you mouth can become a little bit more, and as this more can move down and around you can allow this more and more to pass from one place to another, in just the right ways, yet also at the same time you can feel just some much comfort that follows your consciousness, and focus on the top of your head and just let it feel free and more so now your face and neck, just let it feel even more and more relaxed, and your arms and chest and your belly and back, and as we can back up and learn just in the right ways, to back up in to comfort and ease, it can happen now and as you feel this way and that ways, off feeling just in comfort you can back up into learning with ease now your legs can relax and your toes, and from the to of you head to the tips of you toes you can just relax, so deeply now, all the way down, and you know just how deep you can go now, as you have done this so many times, yet with out knowing just how, it works so well now as this happen in just the ways that work for you, and you know that its possible because it that time again to learn how to relearn new things, yet more and more again we can feel in comfort and just relax and learn again.
Yet we still have more, and this more allows to have more comfort and relaxation, and time, now we can have more slow time yet we can also have more fast time, and this more fast time happens just when we need thing’s to happen in a faster ways, like if your reading a really good book you start at lets say 9 pm and five minutes later or so it seems you look at the time and its 2 am. Or if your watching really good film, it stats and with in just a very short time or so it seems it over. And this as happen many, many times before so a good thing to do is run that part of your mind in just that ways, and as you learn this more fast time, and it happing has you read this, and are going into a deeply relaxed start of calm and pain free comfort. Now I remember when I was very young, I had to go to the dentist, to have to tooth pulled, and I remember nothing more other than how the numb feeling off the chemical painkiller stuff, now being that young I forgot just that name of that thing, yet I do remember that it was very numb and that it started to stay just as long as I needed this to be, and more and more comfort felt upon this time that went so fast, yet relax into comfort and I did that so well.

Now this might feel strange, or like it’s missing something yet more and more it is all there in comfort and ease, now has we can ease off and move on, to more and more learning’s what learning’s more learning for you to relax so very deeply now in just so many new ways, that more and more learning happen all by them selves and has you now know just what you want to feel, so deeply and deeper still, you know that you know how this works for you now in this time, in this day in just the right way.
shirley Posted - 08/25/2004 : 10:16:58 AM
Mainly the person wants to have an easier time with the birth.
She is due shortly and as I said is in a remote area and so can't find a hypnotist near her.

I realize that several personal sessions is optimum, however, I was trying to find something that would help make it easier for her.
shirley Posted - 08/25/2004 : 10:14:18 AM
Originally posted by Matrixman

Hi hypnobirthing. As in pain controle or something else. if it's in relations to having an easer time giving birth, I can and will post a nice script. that you can use.

anthony Posted - 08/22/2004 : 5:05:57 PM
Originally posted by shirley
I need a couple of scripts that could be taped for use by someone who is unable to come in for a session.

You are unable to find many scripts because they don't give the results expected. To do the job properly, the client needs a trained support person to be present during the birth, usually the father. A script is hardly good enough, and your reliance on such indicates that you have no experience with hypnobirthing. You therefor should not be working outside your area of expertise. The client is NOT a
test case for you to experiment with, and you leave yourself open to a law suit if the client suffers pain during birth, and chooses to sue. Also, since you say the client is unable to come in for a session, you are duty bound to refuse help on the grounds that such would be ineffective. Anthony.....
anthony Posted - 08/22/2004 : 4:58:07 PM
Matrixman, I would love to see such a script, but must point out that one can place little faith in such without support. Here in Calgary, we not only have a series of sessions with the client, but also have trained nurses and doctors available during the labour. I suggest this is a must, unless you know something I don't..Where no trained nurses are available, the husband or a replacement are trained along with the client. Are you suggesting that the client in this case has a support person doing the script with them, or had you overlooked this problem? Anthony.....
Matrixman Posted - 08/22/2004 : 4:36:43 PM
Hi hypnobirthing. As in pain controle or something else. if it's in relations to having an easer time giving birth, I can and will post a nice script. that you can use.

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