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T O P I C    R E V I E W
I R Worthingston Posted - 06/27/2005 : 08:30:23 AM
Hi all, I'm new here, just want to share an incredible experience I had. This all may sound like viral advertising, but please note the lack of links and/or product placement. I do not and will never endorse a self-hypnosis/lucid dreaming product, all you need is the grey stuff between your ears.

I guess a bit of background info is always helpful.

I am a cynic and a skeptic at heart. A year or so ago I was introduced to the concept of self-hypnosis/programming and lucid dreaming by a fellow student. I of course immediately started searching the local libraries and the internet for more information on these phenomena, and instead of finding the bs/crackpot theories I expected, I found a wealth of tantalizing information backed by real research into the sub strata of the mind. I am sure you all remember the feeling when you first stumbled upon this field of information, that feeling of having landed on a foreign shore full of strange concepts just waiting for exploration, that feeling of being liberated from what you thought was the prison of your own mind.

Of course, I immediately started experimenting with deep meditation, progressing into self hypnosis and lucid dreaming. The successes I had with these experiments took my breath away, the feeling power and accomplishment I felt after successful sessions was deeply satisfying and produced long-lasting positive effects in my "waking life". Before this, I had been struggling with a general malaise, a depression which prevented me from being happy or becoming excited about even my most personal projects. This slowly changed as I started to explore the possibilities of self-hypnosis, and I started to realise that the real power behind the human mind is its ability to program itself. I was literally programming myself to be happy! And not just happy in a dazed, dreamy kind of way. It was as if something deep whithin my personality had shifted and affected every part of my life.

As I the effects became more pronounced, I started to experience a deep love for everything living. People around me started to notice this. They confided in me that they found my presence "addictive", that I was the first person they had met that exuded "true interest" when I spoke to them, what I mean by that is that when I spoke to people, I was genuinely interested in what they had to say and truly enjoyed interacting with them, something I had never done before.

I guess the point I'm trying to make, is that self-hypnosis/programming made a REAL difference in my life, the effects are REAL and CONCRETE. Your ability to program your own mind/personality is an incredibly powerful tool.

Please feel free to ask any questions you might wish, it will be my pleasure to answer them.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
HypnoDoc Posted - 06/27/2005 : 3:51:01 PM
Thank you for sharing your experiences and welcome to the forum.

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