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 Happy 82nd BirthdayGil Boyne. Rare Training Soon!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
StageHyp Posted - 09/28/2006 : 6:15:31 PM
Today is the 82nd Birthday of my Hypnotherapy Training Mentor and dear friend, Gil Boyne. When I decided to become a hypnotist I scoured the earth to find out who was the most respected, honored, and knowledgable in the field--and hoped that he would still be alive so that he or she could train me personally. After all, when you have a dream, don't you want the best--and why settle? My research led me through five years and hundreds of hypnotists, during which time, I amassed one of the largest hypnosis collections in American Hypstory. All my books, combined, didn't give me 10% of the knowledge and skills I learned by training with the worlds greatest hypnotherapist--the amazing, Gil Boyne. After I studied one of his gazillion home study courses, I knew I had to meet him, and learn from him, because I was so blown away by the speed at which he created miracles with his subjects,and the transformation process which he invented. So, I packed up my world and moved to Las Vegas, New Mexico, where I lived an hour northeast of Gil in Santa Fe. I drove into Santa Fe and met regularly with gil and quickly learned why he is known as "The Encyclopedia" of hypnosis. Mention any name of any hypnotist in the world, and Gil--even today--can lay down hours of education--and with crystal clarity and purpose. He knows the dark operators and the angels of light in the hypnosis business. He is also the single person on the planet MOST responsible for putting modern hypnotherapy where it is today--respected and integrated with the medical community, working to transform lives...and fast!!! What is amazing about all of this is that you readers of this happy birthday tribute to Gil Boyne get a rare treat--the chance to learn personally from Gil, just as I have done--but don't wait. Gil Called me recently and told me this may be his last personal training EVER! Knowing Gil, I can't imagine it, but the fact is, today is his 82nd birthday. He could whip my butt, still! He's every bit as effective and complete in his training today as he always has been. He simply is the best hypnotist in the world, barr none, and if anyone disagrees, call me personally on my home telephone number at 702.818.3302, and I'll explain just why he is the best and deservedly so. Now, about the rare opportunity you have to learn from Gil:

GIL BOYNE Presents:

Upcoming 2006 Master Class
Prerequisite: training/experience in Hypnotherapy
Wednesday, November 8 - Sunday, November 12, 2006
9:00am - 6:00pm
Wyndham Garden - Dallas Park Central
8051 LBJ Freeway
Dallas, TX 75251

Tuition (see www.Gil-Boyne.com )includes course materials.
Course materials include two video case histories packed with techniques to create transformation PLUS eight hours of course highlights on audio tapes/cd and 100 page course manual.

Program will include training in Gil Boyne's "Transforming Therapy", numerous demonstrations of specialized techniques, live therapy with volunteers from participants, videotaped case histories of "live" therapy sessions with explanation and discussion of techniques and methodology employed as well as supervised "hands on" practice sessions.

Curriculum Overview

This course is a radical departure from traditional methods and is not to be compared to NLP techniques and Ericksonian courses. There is no inclusion of "New Age or Esoteric Philosophies."

The full comprehension of Boyne's "Transforming Therapy" is acquired largely through a variety of "live" videotaped hypnotherapy sessions projected onto a larger-than-life screen, with Boyne stopping the film at critical points and explaining his methodology and therapeutic choices.

Gil Boyne's Transforming TherapyTM
The secret of instantaneous induction.

How Transforming TherapyTM creates rapid therapeutic closure.
A process of age regression that works every time.
Learn time-saving, highly productive new methods.
A Continuing Education Certificate will be awarded for re-certification by the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners.

Gil Boyne, thank you so much for all you have done for me. I will forever teach ONLY your methods and those most successfully endorsed by the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners throughout my career.

I am honored and humbled to be your friend and your student...and hope one day to be your equal in my contribution to hypnosis and all the people yet to grow and transform through this amazing phenomenon we call hypnosis.

Warmly, Stage Hypnotist Simone, Las Vegas, Nevada
on the celebration of your 82nd Birthday, today, September 28, 2006.

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