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T O P I C    R E V I E W
psy_tribe Posted - 01/26/2006 : 9:07:43 PM
Hello. I'm a newbie here looking for advice. I would like to know if anyone here has their own hypnotherapy practice in a home or an office. IF you have an office, do you share? The reason I'm asking is because I'm not quite sure where to start as I'm not quite at liberty to share an office, and want to know what's standard here.
Thank you.
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
psy_tribe Posted - 05/17/2006 : 2:46:24 PM
Thank you.......
pmdigi Posted - 05/16/2006 : 10:57:45 PM
at least 2 great hypnotherapists i've been to have nice offices in their finished basements.
psy_tribe Posted - 05/16/2006 : 10:11:20 PM
Well, what a fine how do you do!
wELL Let me make myself clear to you, and you know who you are.
I'm not a door mat for you to step on.
**Ignoring the "Un-welcome" mat**
And I certainly feel the deepest sympathy for ANYONE who might look upon you for services. Let this be simply nothing more than a direct reference to your reply to me and nothing more.
*Fluff *Fluff *Fluff
Here's my rant of the decade...
I thought this board was for support of each other. Obviously I've stumbled upon the wrong people here~ One should not give poor advice in reference to how they've had or have problematic issues now or in the past. That's just purely un-called for here.
*Sniff *Sniff*
It's not nice to directly or indirectly attempt to discourage one from flowering. Now. FYI, I am doing quite well and am more established than I ever dreamed possible. I've been helping people with their problems.
I'm glad I did not take this stuff to heart....you know who you are!
I would NEVER attack someone who might seek advice from me, nor try to discourage them! Take a long look in the mirror pal.
Now I will take the advice of the ForumMaster and seek out those who wish to commune with me and me with them.

"I am the best of me there is or will ever be".
anthony Posted - 02/02/2006 : 2:41:14 PM
First of all, copy Gil's post, and read it until you have memorised it, it is truly important. You asked a question, to which I gave a very valid reply, but further comments from you to other posters, reveal further bars to your success which Gil has focused on. A decent place to operate from is important it's true, as are such things as business cards et al, but the really important things are all inside your head. Have you taken a business course for example? If not, why would you assume that you can successfully run a business? How skilled are you? Just getting a training is only a start towards success, you need much more. Confidence in your abilities makes the competition fade into the distant background, instead of looming large in the forground...Attitude also is important, as is the personality you project to others. That is why your comments about other skills makes me shudder. I NEVER would advise anyone to run a multi complex business, especially when some areas are suspect to the general public, it makes everything you do suspect.... It is not for us to dictate what and how, that is your job, and only you can do it well, but advise may indeed help, and I hope it does....
mark-gil Posted - 02/01/2006 : 4:30:17 PM
As a teacher of hypnotherapy for more than 40 years, I witnessed many graduate students begin a practice immediately and struggle through the early phase of their career and emerge with a successful practice. I witnessed many more continually avoiding a real start and finding numerous reasons for their avoidances. You have mentioned competition, small population and a host of other perceived difficulties.
In my opinion,the real problem is a lack of development of entrepenurial skills. In simple terms, the ability to sell yourself and the services you provide. No school can teach these skills---they are developed through life experience and overcoming subconscious fears (fear of rejection, fear of criticism and fear of failure.)
It is good to ask others for advice, but in the end,you must depend on your own inner intelligence and your creativity. All of the advice given here can be helpful but the answers lie within. Your choices and your actions will determine your success.
Please accept this in the spirit it is given, as another approach and answer to your questions. With Respect, Gil Boyne
psy_tribe Posted - 02/01/2006 : 3:09:39 PM
Hi Bob
You have some pretty good ideas. Your two cents of advice is very encouraging. They may seem so simple to some people, but it's a different story when it's your turn to act.
Anyway, I have business cards, etc. that need revising so I'm getting on that right away so that I can be totally ready.
Where I live, the population is a lot larger and the competition is steep. I hate to say it but it's the truth that most people here don't care to reach out and help. I think it's because everyone is so insecure that they will lose business to you.
I do more than hypnotherapy. I also do spiritual counseling, healing, etc. I don't think these things are acceptable mainstream and most people (I don't blame them)would prefer services in person and not over the telephone.
I've considered expos, but they are quite expensive for my budget right now, so I will just have to think of something else.
Thanks again Bob.
bob kinsey Posted - 01/31/2006 : 7:38:19 PM

If I may put my two cents worth of advice for you. When i started out years ago in a small community of about 15,000 people, I went to the local newspaper and talked to the Lifestyles editor and advised them I had just opened an office in the town and would they print an article about opening a new business with my background, experience, and credentials on the subject of Hypnotherapy. It was free advertising and got my business and name known in the community, of which I received many calls from interested clients. My office was in my home at the time and I too, became leary of people coming into my home, so I looked for an inexpensive office and shared expenses with a massage therapist. It worked out fine until I opened my own office. Another thing I did was make up some brochures and some business cards and walked to just about every business in town introducing myself and telling everyone if they needed my services, just call me for an appointment, then I said thank you and walked to the next business. I received several inquiries that way also. Don't think any idea is ridiculous. Getting clients is a continous job and every idea should have the chance to be tried. Opening a booth at a Trade and Crafts show is good,or even Fairs. Be very creative. Although a home is not really an ideal office to maintain, everyone has to start somewhere. Be patient and be active. Your own office will come soon. Good luck!
psy_tribe Posted - 01/31/2006 : 2:44:37 PM
Hi HypnoDoc,
I appreciate your advice. I've checked into these situations in small local papers to some degree, so I guess I will give them a call. I do more than hypnosis, so I'm not sure how ideal this would be for me though. Who knows, maybe on the other hand it will be a pleasant surprise. I will keep let you know.
It's nice to have support here.
HypnoDoc Posted - 01/30/2006 : 11:55:15 PM

If you check in your local smaller newspapers where massage / therapist ads are prevalent you will most likely find office locations that have rentable space for Professionals. I know of several in New York City so there are probably some in LA as well. You pay only when you have an appointment and the space is shared by many different professionals. This situation is perfect as you only need to rent when you have a scheduled appointment and the address is in a nice office building not a home based office.

Don't forget to post a thread in the networking section of this forum for people to share office space. LA is a big place and you should be able to find other professionals looking to bootstrap their business as well. Sharing start up expenses can really help take the load off any new venture. Good luck.
psy_tribe Posted - 01/30/2006 : 8:52:04 PM
Thank you Anthony. I suspected this is what I suspected. Me and my husband live in a rental home. It would be quite ideal to have a seperate entrance for my practice, but we don't. Because we 'rent', we aren't allowed to alter anything here (garage included). Don't get me wrong though, I love the garage idea because we have a side entrance to our garage. I'm having quite a challenge in raising the money for an office, so I'm in a dilema with how to get started otherwise. Any other ideas? Anyone?

I've tried a year or so ago to use my home office (inside the house) as a place for Reiki, and to make a long story short, it was "not" a positive experience. I could see that I wasn't respected as a professional either. Besides I felt very uneasy having strangers enter my home.

I have a few other of credentials, but need to get started. I don't qualify for any loans, nor am I crazy about borrowing money that I don't have in the hopper yet.
I so badly want to help others, but first I have to help myself here.
In Cali, it's so competitive here that people do not want to share ideas it seems but I'm not letting that stop me.
anthony Posted - 01/30/2006 : 7:47:54 PM
Circumstances alter cases, but generally speaking, it is wise to have an office to work with clients, unless you have a situation were it is possible to have an office in your home that is at ground level, and has a separate entrance of its own. I know of one such that is located in what was intended as a garage for the car, but was make into an office while houses in that location were being sold, and when it came time for the new owner to move in, he asked them to leave it as an office so he could use it for his therapy clients.
psy_tribe Posted - 01/30/2006 : 6:44:36 PM
Thanks for the tip. I'm located in a suburb of Los Angeles, in California.
ForumMaster Posted - 01/28/2006 : 12:21:56 AM
Let everyone know where you are located in your post - most times things are different in different parts of the world.

Check out our networking forum and put up a post there for people (like you) looking to get situated in your area of the world. Many times others are exactly where you are and by networking you can make things happen.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.

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