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T O P I C    R E V I E W
xor Posted - 12/09/2004 : 5:49:20 PM
I am sorry to say that I am just another "n00b" and that i have yet another trival question. I did however search through the posts and didn't find any good texts about what I want to know:

How important is Authority?
If it should work, I believe that my test person (Tp) should THINK that it works, and that I know what I am doing, or am I wrong?

If I am a total newbie that hasn't ever done any real hypnotizing, then I guess that the Tp will not accept my "treating" as well as if I had been a real professional?

Should I lie about beeing better at it than I am? (!)

I have made a "recipe" for hypnosis. Is this the right way to do it?

1. talk about it. tell the Tp what hypnosis is, and what it isn't. hypnosis is not dangerous.
2. Tp lies down with her head in my knee. Caress and be nice. (Maybe we should sit up instead? I am very unsure about this!)
3. Tell the Tp to look at <something>, so that the eyes are moved "up and back."
4. fixate - give sugesions - close the eyes (the idea is that the Tp should shut them herself, after *feeling sleepy*, or whatever sugesions we use.)
4.1. link the sugesions with IRL. (explenation: the eyes will become irritated, and linking the facts about the eyes with my sugesions will probably make the Tp more prone to accepting further sugesions, and create the symptoms herself?)
5. deep breaths. count 1-10. repeate. SLOWLY. give some compliments.
7. elevator/stairway, going down. ”as deep as you want.” (alt. taktive treatment.) mantra: calm.
8. hypnosis:
* posthypnotic sugesions. (explenation: test if it works.)
* compliments. (explenation: makes it easier next time.)

9. wake up.
I am thinking of letting the Tp wake up by herself.

So. Any tips?
Thank you in advance!

(Excuse me for my bad english by the way. I don't have the time to correct my language now )
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Exploration_la Posted - 06/10/2005 : 02:39:33 AM
One of the coolest things I heard form a hypnotist is “hypnosis is whatever you want it to be” although I think it’s important to watch learn to get a grasp on some basic concepts allot of it is getting out and playing with it and developing your own style and what works for you . I stick with the simple basic core fundamentals of influence to perfect, and what I see as high percentage and generally working consistently. All the fancy long stuff like scripts to memorize etc are not so useful I think since u have to mold it to the individual so just go out and play and have fun and see what works for you.
hypnostar Posted - 01/09/2005 : 3:44:17 PM
I recommend two excellent schools for hypnosis education and training. These schools both have excellent staff and instuctors. The schools are Hypnotism Training Institute, of Los Angeles and Hypnosis Motivation Institute, of Tarzana. Each school also is connected to Professional organizations that can give you referals to other excellent schools and professional therapists world wide. They may even offer some classes and seminars in other countries as well as online training. Many other excellent schools also exist around the world. Please before you decide to hypnotize another person get some courses in the subject where you can interact with a professional instructor. You could be in for very serious legal issues in many parts of the world for practicing on someone without the proper training. I suggest doing a web search on hypnosis training and schools to see if one is located close to you. Some schools will also have programs like financial aid to assist you in the training costs. Check with the school about the financial assistence programs. Beware of courses that offer a complete professional level training course in one session or a few hours. The really great courses take time to learn the skills necessary for therapy. Generally, one course is not enough to become a hypnotherapist or at least a good one.
mark-gil Posted - 12/11/2004 : 3:00:39 PM
Put HER head on your knee?? Why?? You will run into situations you cannot hadle due to your ignorance of the subject and it's practice. Take Anthony's advice,save, beg or borrow and go to an approved hypnotherapy school. It's the only way to go.
Gil Boyne
anthony Posted - 12/10/2004 : 01:40:50 AM
Yes, it does cost a lot of money to get proper training, but which would you preffer, cost in money, or cost in time in gaol? Training includes knowledge of the laws as they reffer to the practise of hypnosis, and failure to know and practise these laws can easily result in charges against you of various kinds, such as, sexual assault, practising medicine without a licence, and many more. Even working with someone at no charge can result in charges, so it's up to you, do it right, don't do it at all, or risk the results. Oh yes, laws vary in different countries, and even in different States in America, so local knowledge is needed which you don't get via an online course etc.
xor Posted - 12/09/2004 : 6:39:28 PM
Oh my god! Dosn't it cost a whole lot to get help from a Certified Instructor?
I don't know if I have that much money ! After all, I am just a poor student.

However, I have bookmarked the page now, and I guess it will come in handy later on! =) Thanks!
cwhite Posted - 12/09/2004 : 6:20:18 PM
It's wonderful you are so eager to practice Hypnosis. However; I would suggest and advise training for you to pursue practice. It is not only in best interest of client but best for you to keep your passion in flowing form. I would suggest for you to seek CI's in your area for training- you can look at NGH.net web to follow listing. There are even programs over the internet that may help with thourough training. Your question I believe leads into many, many details and it's best to refer to training. Good Luck and do pursue; whatever you're drawn to has an avenue..... Best Success in 2005 Crystal CI ( I'm a trainer of NGH-PA-with traveling courses throughout world)

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