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T O P I C    R E V I E W
StageHyp Posted - 04/25/2006 : 9:32:08 PM
The Following is an excerpt from my upcoming book & movie, where the line between reality and the unreal is extremely blurred. For information about how you can dramatically change your life--and I mean F A S T--just email me. You will have the option, as well, to allow footage and transcripts of our meetings into my movie and book, for worldwide distribution. If I select you for this possibility, you will be compensated $2,000.00. Read on.

"Are you at the point of readiness for change? One simple Intake Interview and seven one hour hypnosis sessions with me will change your life beyond belief. Right now your beliefs are limiting you. For whatever reason, you searched for help and you found me. Now follow up--and do what your heart mandates. Do or do not: There is no try. Here's the short and sweet of it: I'm a total b-----d to some. In fact, I recently pitched a movie I've created to Hollywood's number one pitchman; The Motivational Movie (TM) This Movie Will Change Your Life Forever...If It Doesn't Screw You Up For Good! He loved the idea and called me three months later to keep it coming. I was shocked. If I told you who this man is, you would know him instantly. Why was he calling me? The main character in my film is a total b------d seminar guru, just like me. But, I digress. Back to hypnosis and you! To some people, I'm a lifesaver, a Godsend, a gift, a joy, a relief, and many other smarmy things, including the "one guy who actually changed my life". I'm who I want to be--at any time--and I'm OK with a world of negativity all around me. I'm far from perfect, but I know crap that is absolutely amazing and life-changing and fast to do it! I get paid crazy-ass money to imbed this knowledge into your subconscious, affecting immediate and permanent change in your negative behavior patterns. Now, let's talk about you: Everybody thinks you're incredible; Look at your life. You're successful, beautiful, hot, hip, and rich. Inside, you want to scream. You don't know why, but you'll find out soon enough. You're messed up--and guess what....It's your fault and nobody else's. If you can wrap your mind around that one, you've got a chance to change what's not working--and I mean fast!!! What the psychologists and psychiatrists don’t tell you (while stealing tens of thousands of dollars from you and cramming dangerous drugs down your neck with easy-to-swallow lies about how your brain is the problem—not you) is that they really can’t and won’t help you—ever! Not them! Not the pills. Not the support groups. None of it. You know what? S---w your psychiatrist; She can't help you. I can & I will, if--and only if--you're at the point of readiness for change. I only sign clients who can commit to seven sessions, however your first meeting with me involves only a $200.00 commitment and two hours of your time (credited towards your seven sessions if you sign with me), and is nothing more than an Intake Interview--a very fast and very intense Intake Interview, like nothing you've ever experienced. This is not your mamby pamby feel good because I have sweet-smelling herbs and relaxing water fountains and crystals all over my office hypnosis. I operate in the real world, not the new age. I ask a lot of questions and you do your best to communicate your real issues with me. 63% of your communications to me will be your PHYSIOLOGY (body language), so don't worry if you don't feel like you're communicating--I'm a human behavior expert. I'm reading you with both eyes and all my other senses entirely. Only 7% of your communication is the WORDS you choose. The other 30% of your communications are your TONALITY. I'll know in an hour or two enough about you to determine if I can help you or not help you. It may go for one hour. It may go for two hours. We may stop in the middle for lunch, and then finish later. We'll stop when I know, without hesitation, that I can or I cannot help you. If I cannot help you, I will tell you so. You can leave then and there, if you like, without any pressure or obligation of any kind. In fact, the two hours spent with me will be recorded and/or video-taped, and you can take the tape with you if you like to view or listen to any time you want to remind yourself why you came to see me in the first place, and that there is a way out and up! You may not actually need my help. In that case, I'll tell you so immediately, hand you your tape and wish you well, with a few suggestions, perhaps. It'll be the best two hundred bucks you ever spent--I promise you that. I can also happily refer you to as many other hypnotists as you wish. I know hundreds of hypnotists—good hypnotists--a lot cheaper than me--many of whom will work for free! Beware, though, many will only tell you what you want to hear, and not what you need to hear—and, if I may say so, they are not even talking to you, they are talking to your subconscious mind (where you make all your decisions in life)--and if I'm going to talk to your subconscious mind, your subconscious mind deserves to hear the truth. If I can help you, I'll ask you to commit to seven sessions during the following four to seven weeks from our first meeting--no more than two sessions in a week (I want to watch the changes over time). I charge $700.00 per session, $4,900.00 total, Cash, Check, or Credit. The $200.00 Intake Fee is credited back to you if you sign for the seven sessions, leaving a $4,700.00 balance due at signing. Still here? There's a method behind the madness of this ferocious hypnosis. [Relax. What you may not know yet is that your income will skyrocket after you're done with me, more than paying for what you think you can't afford--because your negative scripts are telling your limited belief system things like you can't, you won't, you shouldn't, you'll never, you don't deserve, and all that other bull$&^#]. Your first session will be three or four days from the Intake Interview. I will tell you after your Intake Interview if I can or cannot help you--after you've intimately revealed your needs, desires and dreams. You are free to decide to accept my help or not. I'm not going to pressure you into actually having the life you want! That's your choice. I won't lie to you or tell you what you want to hear. I'll tell you only if I can help you, or if I can't help you, after the Intake Interview. I’ll tell you what you need to hear (briefly), and then shut up! Then, you can decide if you want to commit to seven sessions with me over the next four to seven weeks. We can meet once or twice each week following the Intake Interview, and we will be booking dates and times for all Seven Sessions at the Intake Interview, if you decide you want my services. Sorry, I don't do one hypnosis session for anybody. It’s Seven Sessions--Seven Hundred Bucks a Crack. [Side-Note: I can teach you this stuff so you can charge others the same kind of money if you’re now interested, or should become interested in learning to be a hypnotist.] I've been personally trained by the top two hypnotists in the world, and dozens of talented others. I have one of the largest hypnosis libraries in the world, dating back to the 1700's. I'm a successful eBay (TM) and internet marketer of hypnosis and persuasion & influence education, products & services, and I'm worth every penny of what I charge and you won't regret a minute of the time spent with me in this, the ultimate hypnotherapy experience you will ever encounter—on this, or any other planet. And when we're done, you'll find yourself making more money, having more fun, better sex, better relationships, less drugs, smokes, or booze, and more power over your world to accomplish your dreams, once and for all (and not necessarily in that order)! Email me when you're ready to meet. Your total commitment to find out if I'm full of crap or the real deal--is $200.00 and two hours. Currently, I am accepting some of my more interesting and challenging clients to participate in The Motivational Movie (TM) This Movie Will Change Your Life Forever...If It Doesn't Screw You Up For Good! If you will allow us to use a portion of the footage from video shot during our meetings, in my film, you will be credited $2,000.00 at the time of signing for my Seven Session Hypnotherapy Contract. I will know by the end of the Intake Interview if I will be interested in inviting your participation in my film, so your $2,000.00 will be credited instantly if you accept my proposed use of any video filmed during any of our seven sessions (and/or Intake Interview) in my movie. If you elect to not continue with the seven sessions, yet will allow use of any footage from your Intake Interview, there may or may not be compensation. E-mail your contact info and the best times to reach you and you’ll now (embedded command) get your life up to the speed at which you enjoy the driving most!

But what do I know? I'm just an unfrozen caveman hypnotist, unfamiliar with your ways, living in a harsh, worn environment, surviving on Vienna Sausages and Cup-o-Noodles."

Warmest Regards,
The Most Expensive Hypnotist in Beverly Hills (TM)

See seller ID: ferocioushypnosis now on eBay with more details and many very rare hypnosis, hypnotism, and mesmerism collectibles dating back to the 1700's. My rarest items are now online for YOU!

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