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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rebeccax Posted - 12/22/2005 : 4:04:59 PM
I've read Steve Parkhill's book Answer Cancer. It is highy facinating. Are there other books out there that focus on treating cancer with hypnosis?

Is Steve the only one doing this work or are others of you specializing in this work? Steve implies in his book that he has been successful in treating cancer. Has this claim been independentaly substantiated? If so, by whom?

Are stats available regarding successful treatment of cancer with hypnosis?

I am a new poster so sorry if I am misusing the word "treating" or "treatment". Also, sorry if these questions have been previously addressed.

Thanks to all who respond.

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mark-gil Posted - 12/29/2005 : 9:08:56 PM
The very best work that I can recommend that deals directly with the remission of cancer (among Many other things) is titled
"Precision Therapy" by Duncan McColl, a prominent U.K. hypnotherapist. I met Duncan when he attended a seminar I gave in London several years ago. We spent hours together talking case-histories and when he spoke of his unique theories concerning cancer
and other pathological ailments, I was truly amazed.He too, is an "old timer" with 45 yrs. of experience in the work His book is published by an English firm and we are delighted to make it available through westwoodpublishingco.com----(order on line)
Here is a review of the book---
Precision Therapy is a manual of fast, effective hypnoanalytic
techniques for the professional. It is a an extremely practical guide to initiating healing processes, eclectic in nature and free of jargon and dogma. Every page is a script or prompt sheet that can be adapted quickly and easily to deal effectively with virtually all problems in a matter of hours rather than weeks or months.

I urge all practicioners to add this important work to your professional library. After reading it,If you don't agree with my
judgement, send it back for a refund. With Respect, Gil Boyne
Bobby Posted - 12/23/2005 : 10:58:53 AM
hi , i believe Gerry Kein does a video on this subject as does Don Mottin, both have there own websites where you can purchase them from, if you would want to take it further. Also came across these articles about how nlp would approach it that might interest some..
rebeccax Posted - 12/23/2005 : 10:11:53 AM
Thank you for your reply.

My intent was not to agrue terminology (I have read your opinion regarding the terms "cure" or "treat" in other posts). I am merely looking for additional information as the subject facinates me.

anthony Posted - 12/22/2005 : 7:25:48 PM
You say Parkhill has suggested that he has cured cancer? I believe you are wrong, since such is a chargable offence with gaol time if convicted. Not all you read in print is true you know, and if he were telling the truth, he would be challenging the medical establishment to charge him so as to advertise his proof at their expences. At least that is what I would do in such a position, but anyone can write a book and "suggest" something without it being true, and without being charges sadly. If you asked me directly, I would reply that I might be able to cause cancer to go into remission via hypnosis, and such would be true, and not chargeable, since I was not saying I had accomplished it, just that theoretically I believed it could be done. I imagine that is just what Parkhill has done. I would never do such a think since it gives false hope to sufferers, but there are those who have little regard to the feelings of others, just for the bottom line of making money.
mark-gil Posted - 12/22/2005 : 4:33:20 PM
To treat,or offer to treat, to offer cure, or attempt to cure ANY
physical ailment is a criminal violation of the Medical Practices Act.
This applies in all 50 states.
Steve Parkhill is an iconclast( one who attacks settled beliefs or institutions)and a charismatic practicioner. Everyone has far greater freedom of speech in writing a book then in the actual practice. Because Steve takes calculated risks is not a license to follow his example.. In my 50 yrs . of practice, I have attended six trials in Southern California--everyone resulted in a conviction. I strongly urge avoidance of such terminology. Merry Christmas to All.
Matrixman Posted - 12/22/2005 : 4:24:39 PM
Hi Rebecca

Hi hope this link gives you some useful info. http://www.nlp.com/about-nlp/cancer.html

Also check out eft. read the site, at www.emofree.com its a huge site and they have a lot of ideas for working with cancer.

also take a look at www.nlpu.com and www.neurosemantics.com chack out www.anglo-american.co.uk/" target="_blank">http://www.anglo-american.co.uk/ they might have books the cover cancer.

hope this is helpful.

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