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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Guitarguy Posted - 08/18/2005 : 02:06:54 AM
I was wondering if anyone had any knowledge on this. He (Criss Angel) always asks people "have you been hypnotised before?" and if so then he can keep going on with levitating them. Is there a way to levitate yourself through hypnosis? Is it just to make for better tv and all fake? Thanks in advance.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mark-gil Posted - 12/22/2005 : 09:59:43 AM
Hello Again, Although I consider myself a person of faith, in the matter of human levitation, I'll believe it when I see it! As to the frog story, I have known many magicans and trained many in stage hypnosis, remember---the goal of magicans (or glory seekers) is to deceive the mind.
When a starfish loses a limb, it regenerates a new one. No human has ever done that!We are very different from frogs and starfish.
As a Christian, my faith compels me to believe that Jesus arose from the dead and ascended into heaven, followed by his Mother, Mary.
I'm afraid I can't go beyond that----
Merry Christmas to all!
supercade666 Posted - 12/22/2005 : 12:38:57 AM
Good and valid thoughts - nothing worse than some bugger ripping off the innocent seeking knowledge.

Saw a good case of scientific levitation some years ago of a frog, in a lab - the scientist involved stated for the record and on full view for any to read "that if a human using the power of his mind could find a way to alter the magnetic forces within the body then there was no reason why the feat of levitation could not be acheived".

Someone has to be the innovater of a new idea - why not us, Do we not have thought and focus of mind.

mark-gil Posted - 12/22/2005 : 12:26:45 AM
Go to any magic store and ask for the folio "Nine methods for demonstrating levitation (on stage). There is a great difference
between magic tricks and true phenomena. Do some research and learn why a national group teaching meditation lost three civil lawsuits
on charges of fraud for promising fee-paying students that they could learn to levitate. Although it cost them enormous sums of money {judgememts awarded plaintiffs), they could not produce a single film or personal demonstration of a single levitation.
HypnoDoc Posted - 10/06/2005 : 2:13:26 PM
Yes Trancer - you are correct. I continued calling it "levitation" without correcting the first post. I was indeed speaking of Catalepsy and not levitation (as in a magic act).

The Stage Hypnotist suggests to the subject that all their muscles are tense and rigid. Therein inducing catalepsy and then balancing the subject between two chairs or even going so far as to stand on the subject.

Any form of levitation of that rigid body would be a nice "magic act" twist to the cataleptic subject. For more on performing levitation you should look into magic and illusion web sites.
Trancer Posted - 10/05/2005 : 2:32:57 PM
I believe the term for this is a Body Catalepsy. As for levitation and Chris Angel...he's an illusionist. The fact that he mentioned hypnosis when he did his performance was strictly coincidental. He could have just as well asked, "Do you like cotton candy?" before he did the illusion and this same thread would have appeared on one of the confectioner's forums somewhere asking if levitation had anything to do with spun sugar. :)
anthony Posted - 08/19/2005 : 10:34:07 AM
The only thing hypnosis and levitation have in common, is that they can both be performed onstage. Most stage performers train in hypnosis and other methods of entertaining the clients.....
HypnoDoc Posted - 08/18/2005 : 8:30:53 PM
I think a lot of Stage Hypnotists used to do this at the end of the night for a big finish to their act. I have seen it done several times and even saw one performer stand on the person when they were across two chairs. I think that part is fairly risky due to existing back problems and legal issues that may result from claims of injury. However the levitation without the person standing on the body is certainly a strong finish for an act and does show the power of hypnosis however it does perpetuate the whole mystic side of things.

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