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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ForumMaster Posted - 05/29/2003 : 9:59:59 PM
From: jseabee (Original Message) Sent: 4/15/2002 3:41 PM

Hello everyone, I am a newbee here and have had an interest in hypnosis for quite a few years. I have a small library of my own and when I say small I mean 3 to 4 beginners books and lots of internet research. I like to read about things. I have quite a few questions though. 1. Do self improvement tapes and CD's really work? 2. The hyp about subliminal programing. Is there any positive proven results from subliminal program. I have read about the plecebo effect and that there is no clinical positive proven effects of subliminal programming is this true or false with today's technological break throughs? Any comments would be greatly appreciated to save me money and improve my education. 31 and still looking to learn new things.

Thanks to whom ever responds.

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Blaz Banic Posted - 06/30/2006 : 10:32:11 AM

as far as I know, the recent research has shown that
visual subliminal messages indeed do work whether
audio subliminal tapes don't.

I must admit I bought quite a few of those and have
seen some results but usually nothing to write home

I also own a software that constantly flashes positive
suggestions on my screen. I read a scientific article
on this and they sayd that in their controlled
experiment the students that participated started
to feel in a way that was subliminally suggested
to them. They didn't know that they were subject to
subliminal messages neither how they were supposed
to feel.

They just told the experimenter how they felt after
being asked. The article is titled: "I like myself,
but I don't know why". An interesting experiment.

However, there have been even deeper studies about
how subliminaly presented images affect people. It
has been shown that they significantly affect
people's emotions and even behaviour.

The interesting thing was that after being subliminally
exposed to certain pictures, people could pick the
which pictures seemed known to them and which didn't.

In a surprisingly high percentage people would
recognise the pictures they were exposed to subliminally.
Very interesting indeed.

There's still a lot to be learned, but for now many
experiments have shown that subliminal messages indeed
stick in our mind and can influence the way we feel
and behave... scarry stuff.

I've had an extrordinary success with a tape full
of suggestions I made for myself. I listened to it
twice a day (2 x 20 minutes) and after about three
weeks it completely changed my behaviour. The change
was subtle, but the end result compared to the
beginning was exceptional...

What I did was record about 15 suggestions in a form
of a sentence and in SECOND PERSON 10 times each. Then
I listened to these suggestions in my own voice twice
a day (in the morning and evening). It was on self
confidence and at the end of my three weeks of doing
it daily, I was told by someone that I was, quote: "The
most selfconfident guy I've ever met!". And in a good
way too

So, I suggest you try this. Just choose what you want
to change, record the suggestions and then listen to them
twice a day. A single recording should last about 20

You don't have to listen to it consciously. Just set it
up and do your everyday chores. You don't have to even
pay attention to it. Your subconscious will though!

It's a bit freaky at first, but it's well worth it. I
can say it works for selfconfidence, but am pretty sure
it will work for weight loss, memory, procrastination,
everything. Be sure to say the suggestions in a positive
as oposed to negative sentence: e.g. "You always make a
conscious effort to remember the name of a person you meet
for the first time" instead of "You don't forget names of
people you meet for the first time". This is important.

Whew, hope this helps a bit :-)

Take care.
anthony Posted - 04/12/2006 : 11:18:03 AM
Tell you what, why don't you join the few researchers we have operating, and get this system and try it. Then report your findings. It means keeping a daily diary of events over the period of time you are using the product, but then you won't need to ask, and will have contributed to the knowledge of others.
Gonthar Posted - 04/12/2006 : 03:12:59 AM
Have you guys tried subliminal software programs? It flashes messages on the screen and it's supposed to change your behaviour.
ForumMaster Posted - 05/29/2003 : 10:02:20 PM
From: Indigo Sent: 4/16/2002 3:00 PM

You know, I have an MP3 that works just fine for me.

There is a lot of (mostly very expensive) quackery out on the web etc. of course, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't work.

I think the limit to what works in hypnosis is your own personal limit.

Just my two cents..

ForumMaster Posted - 05/29/2003 : 10:01:48 PM
From: knight Sent: 4/15/2002 9:15 PM

In saying that tapes and CDs don't get results, perhaps I should also offer a valid reason for this. After all, some people will swear by them, and who am I to argue? However, I have found that most commercial tapes give little or no results, and possibly because they take so long to work, that we tend to give up on them. Also, once we have digested what they say, we assume that we need not listen any more. Either way, I have found little use for these types of tapes, though I have from time to time made individual tapes for clients to speed up results.

Anthony Edgington Calgary Alberta.

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