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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Disipha Posted - 03/28/2005 : 10:58:50 PM
Hello I am currently seeking information on hypnosis. My girlfriend recently had a strange experience that we both would like some insight on. She was at work and a customer began chit-chatting with her. He let her know he was a hypnotist, and offered her a "free sample" He told her that she would see beaches and mountains, which she didnt see at all. Her memory is fragmented about the incident but here is what she remembers:

Before the ordeal her shoes were off and during the process she put them on.
She took a picture of the hynotist and a friend during the "trance" with her camera phone which she doesn't recollect.

She filed his nails during the "trance"

He constantly said "Nothing else matters"

He said to her something on the lines of "What would you wear if you were my personal assistant?"

He finally mentioned something about stripping, my girlfriend said "NO" and the "trance" was broken

When he left she said "goodbye I hope to see you again"

She never wants to see him again and she feels freaked out about it with reason. One thing that stands out is the fact that she felt more relaxed after the ordeal. Please if anyone has any input on the matter please reply to this thread. Any constructive input would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Disipha Posted - 05/26/2005 : 9:44:27 PM
Thank you all for the input and I especially thank you John D because you did indeed correct some of the mistakes that others had made. I find everything you guys posted useful in a way.
HypnoDoc Posted - 05/26/2005 : 4:41:10 PM
Originally posted by - John D.

No one, no matter how skilled can seduce anyone by using hypnosis, unless the person is willing to be seduced, not necessarily on the surface, but just below the conscious level. As a matter of fact, no one will do anything at all as a result of being in hypnosis, unless some part of him or her is willing to do it, although this willingness may not be apparent on a conscious level.

The defense attorney could have certainly used your help in this case:

Hypnotist Jailed for Sexual Assualts
anthony Posted - 05/26/2005 : 09:44:19 AM
First of all, reread and note my comment "of the same mind". Note also, that what you state has never been proven. Therefor you are correct, the burden of proof is yours or those who agree with you. As for your comment about "lay persons" who make careless statements, it does indeed happen and at other times, statements are misunderstood. Even the best are not infalible, however,limiting the use of hypnosis to professionals, most of whom have been taught by lay persons such as myself is both foolish, and destructive of this form of therapy rarely used by the professional, but at times misused. I suspect that lay practitioners have no lock on misunderstanding, misreading, misdirection, or indeed misuse of any skill, and misuse of hypnosis does occur, and is not limited to one particular group, but to the careless, and uncaring in every group..
John D Posted - 05/26/2005 : 02:24:10 AM
Originally posted by anthony

For someone "not wishing to be disrespectfull," you have strange mannerisms....\You make a statement that might easily be a quote from a book, and which has never been proved, but challenge me to prove something as if I should break my code of ethics at your command. A negative is not provable, and at no time have I ever made claim to what you suggest, only that I possess considerably more skill than seems to have been demonstated by the perp:You have every
right to an opinion, different from mine, but take care when expressing an opinion, that you don't mix it up with provable facts.


The onus of proof is usually on the person who makes a claim and I believe your following statement does appear to be a definite claim:

"that this is or was a predator, but luckily a very inept one. Had I been in that situation, and being of like mind, I would have been much more deadly, so take warning."

I regard Hypnosis as a science and not a parlor game. For this reason, statements such as the above made by professionals should be challenged. If you search the hypnosis literature available, I mean the serious, scientific hypnosis literature and not articles in tabloids, you will find what I state about hypnosis in my post above is a fact and not my or anybody else's opinion.

Of course, in hypnosis, like in all other sciences, facts are not set in stone and have not eternal validity. They can be challenged, proven wrong and be replaced by new facts. Now, you make a claim that is against what is known about hypnosis, the onus is on you to prove your claim. It is possible that you may have discovered a technique by which you are able to achieve what you claim can be achieved through hypnosis. This happens every day in all scientific fields. But, you have to somehow provide some proof.

In contrast to laypeople who can say anything they like and make whatever wild claims they fancy, a professional posting on a respectable professional site such as this takes on a big responsibility by making such a claim. If you are unwilling to undertake this type of research yourself due to the nature of this particular topic, at least provide references of experimental or clinical studies that support your claim.

anthony Posted - 05/25/2005 : 8:28:13 PM
For someone "not wishing to be disrespectfull," you have strange mannerisms....\You make a statement that might easily be a quote from a book, and which has never been proved, but challenge me to prove something as if I should break my code of ethics at your command. A negative is not provable, and at no time have I ever made claim to what you suggest, only that I possess considerably more skill than seems to have been demonstated by the perp:You have every
right to an opinion, different from mine, but take care when expressing an opinion, that you don't mix it up with provable facts.
John D Posted - 05/25/2005 : 2:29:56 PM
I believe, if I read the opening post correctly, that the young lady was at work when this stranger approached her. So, she didn't go looking for it and you don't usually ask strangers who introduce themselves to you as a lawyer or mechanic, or hypnotist for his or her credentials.

However, all this is irrelevant. The key words in Disipha's post are:

"He finally mentioned something about stripping, my girlfriend said "NO" and the "trance" was broken"

Nobody seems to have noticed the importance of this. No one, no matter how skilled can seduce anyone by using hypnosis, unless the person is willing to be seduced, not necessarily on the surface, but just below the conscious level. As a matter of fact, no one will do anything at all as a result of being in hypnosis, unless some part of him or her is willing to do it, although this willingness may not be apparent on a conscious level.

The trance of this young lady was broken simply because she was unwilling to be seduced. And the same thing would have happened in any similar case regardless of the skills possessed by the "hypnotist"

I challenge Anthony to show us proof of how many unwilling females he has seduced using his superior hypnotic skills. Unless, he only imagines that he can use his hypnosis skills, whatever they are, to seduce unwilling females, but he has never really attempted to do it. If the latter is the case, try it and find out first hand about the results. It would be a good idea though to carry a first-aid kit with you just in case

I'm sorry gentlemen, I don't mean to be disrespectful to anyone here, but I have to say that there are indications that some people simply don't know what hypnosis is and how it works.
HypnoDoc Posted - 04/02/2005 : 9:39:16 PM
It would appear that your friend bumped into someone who has read an "art of seduction with hypnosis" type book.
bob kinsey Posted - 03/29/2005 : 11:20:44 PM
May I add my two cents worth. She should have checked the credentials of this so-called hypnotist. One of my first points of contact with a client is I make sure they see my credentials. This person, whom i will not call a hypnotist because no true professional would act that way, should be reported to authorities. It sounds like he is a sexual predator and using our profession as an unlawful way to get his "kicks". Advise your girlfriend NOT to see this person again, and report him to authorities if he persists in seeing her again.
anthony Posted - 03/29/2005 : 10:58:13 AM
Any female who visits a stranger, and allows herself to be put in a situation where she is vunerable to being used and abuses is a fool.
The smart practitioner if he be male, will always have a witness present for at least the first session with a female, and were possible without interfering with the therapy, at all times after that. The fact that a person introduces themselves as a hypnotist is the first clue, and the free sample is the second, that this is or was a predator, but luckily a very inept one. Had I been in that situation, and being of like mind, I would have been much more deadly, so take warning. The ethical ones protect both themselves and the client from any suggestion of impopriety, while the others shun such measures because it would interfer with their intent.... A practitioner who offers free samples is always suspect.

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