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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ForumMaster Posted - 05/29/2003 : 04:37:06 AM
From: Hank (Original Message) Sent: 7/28/2002 10:44 PM

Hi all:

I'm a new member, and I'm glad that I found this group to share with; my experience, questions about self Improvemnt through hypnosis.
I'm working for a while in self hypnosis to improve some areas of self esteem"like puplic speaking, feeling inadequet in certain events and with some people,setting limits for others, feeling low despite the high acheavements I made in my life,etc." . After reading more than ten books of the best in the subject of self hypnosis, and learning a lot about the self made tapes using some of the already made relaxation scripts to inter a trance, and visiting so many sites in the web, I still have questions unsolved in this area, some of them are the followings:
1. I made my own suggestions, using the best language I've learned for the subconcious mind to work with. Is it necessary to mention the negative thoughts that I carryed with me since my childhood, nutralize them, explaining how and why they were wrong, to cut the way for these negative thoughts to attack me in semilar siteuations in the future,or, it is better to go foreward and give onley the posetive seggestions that work to the contrary of the old ones whithout bothering to mntion the old negative ones?
2.since all the subjects of self esteem are related to almost the same source of "self rejection and feeling worthless" do you still prefere to work on each special segment of it in a seperate cassette? in this case I guess I might need to make at least 10 cassetes to cover each of the items of self esteem ( look at some examples I mentioned in the top of this letter.) and that means a work of average 6 weekd on each subject by 10 subjects is 15 months. I accept any time I should spend in improving this behaviour since it is very important to me, unless there are other ideas, I will wait to receive from the group.
3. Every cassette can be 30, 60, 90 minuts as an average length. Usually the relaxation script in the beggining preparing us for the deep trance or to set the mind in alpha state of waves to be responsive to the suggestions, usually takes for a begginer 15-20 minuts or less, all depend on the secript itself, the level of experience. The question is, although there is no solid answer, what is your best experience in the time lenght of the suggestions after reaching the trance" not more than another15-20 minuets or no limits depending on how much time every one is willing to spend?" , or in the " quantity of the positive healthy suggestions,is there any preferable amount of suggestions per each session, or it is open?", 4. If the cassette is 60 or even 90 minuts and I recorded and used the first face of it, what about the second face? shoud we leave it blank, or fill it with the same suggestions,or suggestions and relaxation script together?
5. Hou about using auto reverse cassette recorder ( to relistin to the tape automaticaly after it is finished, over and over) would that be better, assuming that the more practice is the better, or you think that there is limit to what can the mind learn in a certain time no matter time you spend in practice, and 20-30 minuts daily will give the same results of 2 hours of practicing?
I have some other detailed concerns about the best way to use self hypnosis to get the best results, because I tryed some incorrect methods before and I wasted my time listening to them with no segnificant results. I realy will appreciate any one who hase the experience to answer my questions, or lead me to books or people to do the same, and I hope that by answering these questions, I will benefit other members of the group who read them and have similar problems.

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ForumMaster Posted - 05/29/2003 : 04:38:10 AM
From: Texas Lady Sent: 7/30/2002 8:11 PM

Welcome to the group, Hank. :)

I sent you some info to your e-mail address. Please feel comfortable keeping in touch here on the board or in e-mail. Good luck with your journey. Amazing insights and positive life-changes are ahead for you and they really are right there within your grasp!

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