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T O P I C    R E V I E W
kylehasgeniusbits Posted - 10/10/2012 : 4:27:48 PM
Hey all, I've fallen into an on again off again trial of hypnosis (both with therapists and self-hypnosis through recordings) and haven't gotten anywhere with it.
What happens is that when I go to a session or do a recording I do get in a very relaxed state that is unlike anything else and afterwards (if it's a good session/recording) I feel good and relaxed for pretty much the rest of the day. However I've never had good visualization or response to suggestions and this leads me to believe that the states I'm achieving are relatively superficial. Because of this I tend not to be able to stick with it, for example I'll try to have a routine to listen to my session recording or my self recording every day or every other day and only last a few days until I miss one, then miss a few, then miss a week etc until I basically have given up.
I've tried 4 or so therapists, a couple of online recordings and made a few of my own and never got past this superficial state with no results from suggestions.

So the big question is whether anyone that is having success now started out in this way, can relate and has some advice. I was thinking of going to a place to learn how to be a hynotherapist in order to simply learn how to use it on myself. This would be expensive and take up time and all of that, but at this point I feel very stuck.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
andrea15 Posted - 04/16/2013 : 02:35:59 AM
Hi again,
I think that once you find a therapist that you are comfortable with it is important that you do not expect instant results. You can certainly ask them what you can expect from the sessions and how long they estimate the sessions might take (although only expect an approximation i.e. weeks months years) if it's years head for the door! months think carefully...
I also don't think it is necessarily about trying several things. A competent therapist should be able to assess you and decide on the course of action needed before they embark on the therapy
When a client comes to me and I am recommending analytical therapy I take the time before we start to tell them how the sessions might go and that it sthat as we are searching for something in a haystack and we don't even know if it is a needle, then the search might be frustrating and feel hopeless at times. However, I tell my clients that i know what I am doing and will help them to get to their goal if they can go with the frustration.
Different clients have different responses - some are very open to this type of therapy, some need a lot of support in mentally letting go enough to accept whatever comes along and are fixed in the beliefs of what it could might be and also scared, in some cases of what it might be.
Some have built up lots of reasons why the therapy is not 'working' for them since I last saw them. It is important that I recognise that they are feeling under pressure and the therapy is having an impact and this is when I would carefully start to push a few buttons.

Always go for a free introductory sessions to begin with and if at the end of that session you do not feel that the therapist has a deep understanding of where you are coming from then keep looking. This might be the most important search you do in your whole life.
The London Therapist Posted - 04/04/2013 : 12:14:45 PM
Hypnosis isn't a passive process, but an collaborative one and it sounds as though you need a therapist who customizes materials and guides you through them correctly while you are being hypnotised.
TonyM Posted - 11/22/2012 : 4:32:23 PM
I've recently been getting into it with relative success. I think it all depends on who you learn it from because if your understanding is incorrect, you'll have to reset and re-learn the proper methods, or more effective ways instead.
kylehasgeniusbits Posted - 11/03/2012 : 10:34:57 AM
Thanks for the reply, sorry I forgot my password and wasn't able to answer until just now.
I have seen about 5 hypnotherapists and although some might have been better than others I think at least a couple attempted the things you're talking about; I don't think they were all lousy. Basically I want very much to use hypnosis but feel at the end of the line with few options left and I would like to see if anyone else has a story like that or someone they helped who tried several things and wasn't getting any results and then figured it out and how they were able to.
patrickg Posted - 10/11/2012 : 08:48:48 AM
Well said, Andrea!

That crucial part, that it appears we both see, is defining and finding that "good" one :)
andrea15 Posted - 10/11/2012 : 05:18:40 AM
If you go to a hypnotherapist who just uses suggestion then you are wasting your money as you have recordings to listen to - and they're not working for you. The most important part of a course of therapy is the initial understanding and rapport that the therapist gains with and about you in the wakened state - before you enter hypnosis.
You are an individual and just as if you buy a suit off the peg it MIGHT do the job but if you want truly outstanding results then tailor made will always be perfect for you, it is the same with hypnosis. A session/s tailored to your requirements will be truly outstanding and get the results you are looking for.
The other side of the coin is that people are sometimes reluctant to face some of the issues that are causing them emotional discomfort and they have successfully hidden from them for several years,for instance taking the blame for something or creating a mental ideal instead of seeing the whole picture. These things can be apparently totally unrelated to the problems you are having now and if you do not trust your therapist and have an understanding about what you can expect from the sessions you are also likely to turn away from it.
Take the plunge and find a good therapist who can help you to be free.
patrickg Posted - 10/10/2012 : 4:55:43 PM
Having sufficient hypnotic "depth" and having results from the "depth" are two separate things. Sufficient depth does not guarantee results, it only increases the chance of results.

But then, when the relative strength of the existing targeted behavior/feeling is stronger than the suggestions (in combination with the depth, span of time and repetitions of listening), the suggestions are rejected and your mind keeps the existing behavior/feeling.

When that is the case, I find that advanced hypnotic techniques such as, analytical hypnosis, are more productive.

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