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T O P I C    R E V I E W
TransientKnight Posted - 09/02/2012 : 6:56:23 PM
When I commit self hypnosis by audio recording I tend to blackout by the time I am supposed to visualize myself descending steps, walking a hallway or anything else but by the time it is finished I usually wake up when I am instructed to. just because I wasn't aware of paying attention does that mean I wasn't getting the message implanted?

I frequently experience dream sequences unrelated to the audio script for a few moments throughout the hypnosis session, once I dreamed of my mother with her two rottweilers except one of them was a cartoon collie. why is this happening?

Frequently I get very irritated by thoughts that sneak in during my session, I try to deal with them by ignoring them or letting my mind answer the question, but this always results in strong lingering irritation in my chest and head which I suspect is impairing my sessions significantly. the funny thing is I have a very difficult time recalling the exact thoughts, and I really hate spending any amount of time recalling these thoughts as they cause me pain

usually the thoughts are pretty mundane though, that I can remember they have to do with speculating on hypnosis, for the record I am not scared of hypnosis. Shedding some light on this would be much appreciated

I hate to bring this up but since I have a chronically stuffy nose it sometimes distracts me from the tape and then I am left with deciding to either blow my nose which lessens the trance, or to stay put and hope my mind gets back to the tape, nonetheless I feel that this detracts significantly from my hypnosis. What should I do?

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
andrea15 Posted - 09/30/2012 : 04:19:32 AM
It sounds to me like the self-hypnosis is beginning to bring up some more deep routed stuff. It's always helpful when this is happening to have a professional hypnotherapist who knows what they are doing - see my posting under Rant & Rave about choosing a hypnotherapist. You can do it alone and sometimes it is spontaneous and without any apparent encouragement. But the restless and irritated thoughts you are getting are probably related to this. From my point of view there are always two parts to a problem - one that wants to sort it and the other that wants to get rid of it - otherwise it wouldn't be so difficult to achieve. So be prepared for some discomfort and distraction if you choose to go it alone - it shows you're getting somewhere.

Regarding your dreams:- I find clients dreams really helpful. There is usually a fairly obvious meaning and a deeper one that needs thinking about. The deeper one is hard for the dreamer to find but a therapists who works with dreams will more often than not recognise it and if you hear the deeper explanation you will probably recognise it accompanied by a cold shiver as you have touched on your deeper stuff.
TransientKnight Posted - 09/02/2012 : 8:59:21 PM
Originally posted by patrickg

Have you noticed results from the self-hypno?

I think so, I generally am in a better more productive mood than I was before the hypnosis program.

I've been using this program for about a week straight, once in the morning and once at night. but I think I will need some more precise programs to get the exact results I want, programming along the lines of enhanced creativity, personal talent discovery,personality perfecting, planning, and efficiency.

note: personality perfecting to make the best most likable impression while staying true to myself.
patrickg Posted - 09/02/2012 : 7:12:09 PM
1. Was message "implanted"?

Have you noticed results from the self-hypno?

2. Why am I dreaming of collies?

There is not definite reason. The mind will free associate.

3. Why do I have painful thoughts interrupting my session?

Hypnosis is "critical faculty bypass". Without the "protection" of the critical faculty repressing feelings, painful thoughts/emotions/feelings have more freedom to be felt.

4. What do I do about my stuffy nose?

Blow your nose before the session as well as during. Trying to ignore an itch, or a nose, will just interfere with depth. You may need to work on shortening your sessions to avoid this interruption. Your depth sounds like it will not be an issue when shortening things.

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