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T O P I C    R E V I E W
junkone Posted - 04/26/2011 : 1:41:29 PM
i have a habit to wakeup only when i have to absolutely wakeup. how do i change it so i am excited to jump out of bed in morning.

here is a little mind map of me.
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jarrowwx Posted - 01/04/2012 : 3:00:15 PM
When your therapist asked you to visualize the problem, and you couldn't, that is the same kind of thing that happens to me. If you ask me to visualize the source of the problem, nothing happens. Which is why I take a very different approach with my clients:

I take them to a location, a safe place. I get them practiced at allowing their subconscious mind to interject imagery into the scene. Then I ask them to simply ponder on the question (such as "think about the behavior which you are doing, and ask yourself why you might be doing it, and just let that question mull around in the back of your mind. Let it bounce around, and stir up thoughts, memories, and ideas.") Then I have them wander around in their safe place, looking around, and see what stands out to them, what catches their attention the strongest. What comes up is almost always a symbol for the root problem. It's not THE problem, but it is almost always either a stand-in for the problem, or a pointer to the solution.

So the next time you are asked to visualize something, don't TRY to visualize it. Instead, just ALLOW yourself to visualize WHATEVER comes up (and by visualize, I mean allow ALL of your senses to create whatever experience they want to) , and then tell your hypnotherapist what you see, hear, feel, smell, taste, and what emotions that come up. Let the idea of the question create the imagery, and it will (under almost all circumstances) be appropriate and useful.

Hope that helps.
Bennu Lugh Posted - 12/16/2011 : 11:00:58 PM
Hi Polar Bear,

I don't think he's over analysing. Saying you trust someone and actually trusting someone on a subconscious level are two different things. His trust will come over time, especially since he has to analyze all input. My take on Johnny is that he is an Emotional Suggestible which means he has to analyze - his subconscious really won't let him do anything else.

Johnny, I would suggest you look for books by Dr. John Kappas, particularly the E&P Attraction. You need to analyze suggestions before your subconscious will accept them into your core belief system. I do however believe that self hypnosis, or meditation, can help as a supplement to your sessions with your hypnotist.

Keep at it. Your hypnotist definitely seems to know what he's doing.
polar bear Posted - 11/13/2011 : 10:28:21 AM
you seem to be analysing things when put into trance, I find this very counter-productive.
you have to learn to trust your hypnotherapists 100%.
my best hypnosis sessions was maybe my third or fourth session with a professional hypnotherapist. by that time I was conditioned enough to go very deep and respond very good.
After these amazing and I will say life changing sessions, I took up a big interest in hypnosis and found myself analysing what the hypnotherapist was doing. The results were no where near the same.
it's a hard one because if you don't know your hypnotherapists you may naturally wary because of bad practice and maybe them putting on a seal.
you need to BELEIVE in them 100%
patrickg Posted - 08/12/2011 : 10:26:24 AM
Avoiding the caffeine would be a good idea. It's not a deal-breaker in a session, but it can sure affect some people. :)
johnnymc Posted - 08/12/2011 : 10:24:03 AM
Yes sir, I felt good enough about him to scheule another appointment for Tuesday. Should I avoid caffeine before a hypnotic session?
patrickg Posted - 08/12/2011 : 09:15:07 AM
Your concern is valid. But, occasionally a client will unintentionally block...

If that is the case here, then I think he's on the right track.

He learned some information from the session. He needs to avoid relying on too much visualization with you, and you may be blocking.

Both of those things will slow down a session. And now that he knows both of those things, a subsequent session should be much more productive in regards to the targeted issue.

You going to see him again?
johnnymc Posted - 08/12/2011 : 12:35:55 AM
Well, in defense of the length of the session..we talked about what I wanted to address with hypnotherapy for about 30-40 minutes. The first time I was in trance, we stopped about 25 minutes in and he brought me back out because I could not visualize anything and then repeated the process with me feeling instead of seeing. However, i found myself thinking while I was under "this is not working". i didnt tell him that I thought that...and then I seemed to go a it deeper. he said that each time I'm in trance, i will allow myself to go deeper each time as i begin to trust him and the process.

I guess my hope was that he would put me under and reprogram me all in one session and that the behaviors would begin to change. He did mention, and i agreed, that I am blocking him on a sub-conscious level from getting to the root of what is going on with me..but he also said that he's confident that it will happen and that it could take a few sessions.
patrickg Posted - 08/11/2011 : 11:59:08 PM
Session seems a little on the long side to me. The approach is is moving toward is a solid one and tends to give better long-term results.

That type of approach is what I was referring to in addressing the "negative motivator".
johnnymc Posted - 08/11/2011 : 11:49:25 PM
Had an appointment today with hypnotist. He spent 2.5 hours. I feel as thought I was very relaxed and in trance but he was trying to have me visualize the issues that i was having and I wasnt able to do it. He then asked me to "feel" the issue rather than see it..that may have worked a bit better. I thought he was just going to put me into "trance" and hit me with suggestions to change my undesired habits..he said that it would be more effective to deal with "why" I am having the issues that I'm having and that if he simply put me Under and then made suggestions to correct behaviors, that would only be a short term fix. Any thoughts on this style?
junkone Posted - 08/02/2011 : 4:53:03 PM
i did have an issues like that before and used to beat myself up for not taking proper action on goals.
then after contempaltion, i came up with this principle that shifted me in several areas.
We have goals and only some of them are resourceful goals. ie, the purpose behind the goal is very strong that it empowers us to take action on the goals.
We need to assess our goals and take focus on the really resourceful goals only.

Conscious mind is like a flash light. we focus on the resourceful goals and our habits will adjust due to the powerful purpose of the goals as the purpose is the fuel providng momentum.

goals without purpose or empowering purpose as vehicles without fuel. There is only so much that you can travel on them.

Hope this analogy helps.

patrickg Posted - 08/02/2011 : 1:31:13 PM
With what you're describing, I'd probably look first for the Negative Motivator... what would you be working AGAINST (mentally/emotionally) that would hold you back from these things.

But then, there can be all sorts of factors involved. That's where face-to-face (or phone) is often much better. Get an objective perspective of the problem.
johnnymc Posted - 08/02/2011 : 1:22:24 PM
Will do Patrick!
My biggest concern is I know what I want to change about myself and where I want to be with my life but what if I do not know WHY I have no motivation to do these things. Are some people just not driven and therefore never going to succeed?
patrickg Posted - 08/02/2011 : 1:19:35 PM
I hope he does the job for you.

Let us know how it goes!
johnnymc Posted - 08/02/2011 : 12:58:43 PM
Patrick..I set an appointment for next week with the guy in Pittsburgh that you found on Google. We really "hit it off" on the phone. He spoke to me for almost 30 minutes..he seemed really genuine and answered every question that I could think of...although he and every other hypnotist that I've ever spoken to suggest "The Power of Now" when I ask advice on helpful books..lol That book just does not resonate for me. Maybe I'm used to the "fluffy" self-help and Law of Attraction books? lol
patrickg Posted - 08/01/2011 : 2:11:39 PM
Which will work fine, depending on how dominant/strong/persistent the targeted behavior is. :)
junkone Posted - 08/01/2011 : 2:09:39 PM
i found my magic bullet. its called conditioning. i started using the techniques that Jason Selk explains in his 10 minute toughness book for the atheletes.
patrickg Posted - 08/01/2011 : 2:04:40 PM
To me, the self-hypno is good to support office sessions. They are a poor replacement for MOST people.

Generally, self-hypno will have a success rate of around 20-30%. That is great for that 20-30%, but not for the rest.

Is self-hypno worth trying? Probably, yes. It's typically much less costly than sessions and more convenient. But, if it doesn't do the job, it's important to take the next step.

Phone sessions... depends on the issue and the client...

I'd put phone sessions between self-hypno and an in-person session (with a good, qualified hypnotist).... maybe a plan "B" :)
johnnymc Posted - 08/01/2011 : 1:56:06 PM
I'm doing a little research now and I'm seeing a lot of hypnotists who direct their clients to self-hypnosis in addition to the hypnosis sessions performed in the office. You seem very qualified! I should fly to oregon! :-) I don't suppose phone sessions are effective?
patrickg Posted - 08/01/2011 : 1:52:02 PM
My opinion... not going to be nearly as effective as seeing a good hypnotist.

Self-hypno, like ANY hypno, will only be as effective as the strength of the targeted behavior will allow it to be.
johnnymc Posted - 08/01/2011 : 1:11:20 PM

How do you feel about self-hypnosis?
In your opinion, can it ever be a useful and as beneficial as seeing a hypnotist?
patrickg Posted - 08/01/2011 : 12:42:14 PM
You do NOT need to know the cause of your trouble.

Ask how long they've been practicing?
How many people have the worked with?
Working out out of office or home?
Does he believe he can help you?

See if you can meet face-to-face and make sure YOU feel comfortable with him.
johnnymc Posted - 08/01/2011 : 11:22:20 AM
Thank You!

I do have some questions though. Do I need to know the cause of the behaviors that I want to change or do I simply just need to be willing to change the behaviors in order to move forward and are there specific questions that I should ask of this hypnotists before deciding to move forward with him?

Thanks Again!
patrickg Posted - 08/01/2011 : 11:16:32 AM
Google will sometimes offer different search results because of your geographical location.

But, may have just been the search term.

Good luck!
johnnymc Posted - 08/01/2011 : 11:09:59 AM
Thank You so much Patrick!
I also did a quick Google Search but that particular hypnotist didn't come up. I'll keep you posted!

patrickg Posted - 08/01/2011 : 10:15:53 AM
I just did a quick Google search and came up with someone in Pittsburgh -

Michael Weir - mrwhypnotherapy.com

I don't know anything about him, so not able to vouch for him.

But, might be worth calling and see what you think. Or, look for other hypnotists like him.
johnnymc Posted - 08/01/2011 : 12:46:23 AM

Thanks for such a thoughtful reply to this. I'm fighting myself everyday to get out of bed early and get my butt to work!
I'm in Pittsburgh, Pa and cannot find any analytical hypnotists. I'd love tot tackle this issue on my own but I'd rather utilize a trained professional. Any suggestions?
HypnoDoc Posted - 04/26/2011 : 5:35:23 PM

Time to stop talking about it and go do the work.

Further suggestions would only repeat and confirm what has already been said.

If you have spent a lot of money on a practitioner with no results then perhaps you are using the wrong one.

Are you currently on any medication or under treatment with a therapist?

Please keep us posted on your results as you go forward.
junkone Posted - 04/26/2011 : 4:44:09 PM
your analysis seemed to hit the nail on the head. aversion to doing the tasks!!!!!

especially waking up only in last minute!!!!

i had spend so much money on the practitioner without long term results that i decided to spend the money on myself to get trained.

any further suggestions on how to do analytical hypnosis would be appreciated.
patrickg Posted - 04/26/2011 : 3:02:41 PM
Based upon the mind mind, my opinion would be a deeper core issue that is best resolved by making use of a hypnotist, rather than self-hypnosis. Self-analysis can be too tricky and inaccurate. Accurate analysis would be needed in order to find the appropriate behavior to target.

And, because I feel it works better, find someone who uses analytical hypnosis techniques.

NLP and suggestion can be helpful up until the point that the targeted behavior is more powerful than either of those options are.

A few months ago I worked with a client that came in with the same issue you first described - not waking-up until the very last minute and leave for work. And, unable to get herself up early enough to exercise, walk the dog, etc..

Based solely on my take on the info you provided, and the similarities with the client I mentioned, there seems to be more of an aversion type dynamic to your behavior. Trouble focusing/overwhelmed. Usually points toward high emotional stress levels at the thought of doing tasks (fear of failing? self-doubt/self-worth stuff?).

Anyway.... that's what I recommend. Working with it on your own may give you results.. but the chance of success, especially long-term success, would be much lower than making use of a good hypnotist.
junkone Posted - 04/26/2011 : 2:37:40 PM
so what do you suggest?
I got trained on NLP and hypnotheraphy recently but dunno how to apply all of it on myself

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