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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BrianH Posted - 10/20/2009 : 10:19:49 PM
Hello everybody! My name is Brian and I am very new to hypnosis. Earlier today I was able to put myself in a trance with the aid of a recording and spiral pattern. I have been fairly stressed out and the relaxation that came with this was amazing. After I came out that trance I waited a few minutes and thought to myself "gee I am so relaxed now I bet I will feel double relaxed(!!!) if I put myself back in the trance again'. So needless to say I jumped right back in and repeated the process. Only this time things weren't as pleasant.
As I was beginning to slip into relaxation I thought I heard something banging around in my room. I was home alone and this frightened me enough to open one of my eyes and glance over at the wall. Upon not seeing anything I noticed my eyelids were still very heavy and I had no problem drifting back off. For the rest of the trance however, I had a constant feeling that someone was standing next to me. At first I was slightly afraid and uncomfortable but as I continued on I just accepted the fact that someone was either there or they weren't and it didn't particulary bother me at the time. The trance went on as usual then about a minute before the recording would begin the countdown to bring me out I saw the brightest most blinding flash of light I have ever seen. My eyes were closed at the time and I honestly thought that my girlfriend had come home and turned the light on, but to my surprise, when I opened my eyes the room was still dark. As I saw this flash of light my heart began to beat extremely fast, I became disoriented, and very paranoid. My eyes were still so heavy that I tried to slip back into the trance but it was a futile effort.
Since I have come out of the trance some strange things have been happening to me. I have been extremely paranoid and frightened in my own house, to the point where it feels like my heart is skipping beats just from walking downstairs by myself. I was also driving with my girlfriend and we passed a car with its highbeams on. At that point I went from being wide awake to almost being put right back in a trance. My eyelids got heavy and I felt myself slipping. Thank God she was driving.
I apologize for the massive post and my blatant naivete on the subject of hypnosis but I really didn't know where else to go with this issue. Are these normal things people occasionally experience, or are these just the results of an amateur who didn't do his homework? Next time I will obviously have to do much more research before getting involved in something I know so little about.

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
nispelsm Posted - 10/21/2009 : 10:10:03 AM
Just one thought from out here in left field:

Were you watching an intense movie or TV show prior to using the audio? Much like how watching a movie right before bed can affect your dreams, watching TV prior to hypnosis can really affect your experiences.

I once made the mistake of watching "Storm Stories" prior to listening to a hypnosis audio. My calm, sunny beach quickly turned into the hurricane scene from the episode.

Like I said, just a left-field thought. It's just something I've noticed, where the images or theme of a TV show I had been watching earlier would surface during my self-hypnosis sessions.
patrickg Posted - 10/21/2009 : 09:43:32 AM
The rhythmic stuff - very possibly binaural beats...
And the relaxing different parts of your body is progressive relaxation... lots of wasted time and more likely to bore someone or send them too close to sleep where they can have dreams and/or lucid dreams.... which is starting to sound like what happened.

The bright car lights may have acted as an accidental post-hypnotic/trigger that, because of the fear you felt during the last part of your second 'session', your mind associated with. That could have created the "mini-abreaction" you describe while your GF was driving.

Anyway... don't take this as written in stone.. just a educated guess based upon what you've written. :)

Matrixman Posted - 10/21/2009 : 09:14:02 AM
Hi Brian

Do you have the authors name of the hypnosis session you listened to?

That rhythmic sound was more than lightly a binaural beats- and a small portion of people can become hyper-sensitive to such entrainment tools- do you have any history with epilepsy- which is normally caused through strobe lighting and bright flashing lights, yet this effect can also be caused in a very number through sound waves like that you would find binaural beats.

BrianH Posted - 10/21/2009 : 08:54:02 AM
Hi Patrick. Thanks for your response. While drug use would probably explain a lot of these symptoms I am not on prescription drugs/herbal supplements nor have I used any illegal drugs. The recording was fairly generic in that it wasn't really any different from any other recording I had heard. It was simply a man telling you to relax different parts of your body at different times eventually drifting off into a trance. There was the sound of what I can only describe as a rhythmic noise that was a mix between a heart beating and a river flowing in the background. I have used this aid before and I have never had a problem with it. After getting some sleep last night I do feel a little better today but I am admittedly a little nervous about trying it again.
patrickg Posted - 10/20/2009 : 10:53:22 PM
What was the subject matter of your recording? Where did you get the recording from? Were drugs involved, or have you used drugs in the past?

Have you had feelings/thoughts like this to a lesser degree in the past?

The spiral is a non-issue prop. Could achieve the same affect with a fly speck. Depending on the subject matter of the recording, it "may" have formed some of your results.

Otherwise, no. Those are not even close to "normal things people occasionally experience."

From your description, I would first wonder about the recording, then outside influences (your history, other people, drugs, etc..) and thirdly would wonder about an abreaction.

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