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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bored Posted - 05/18/2008 : 04:46:00 AM
Hey guys,

I am doing a project on why some people don't get hypnotized. Does anyone have information on or know why some people can't get hypnotized?

12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
waxler Posted - 04/02/2009 : 1:11:43 PM
My 2 thoughts on this.

Yes theoretically I agree with patrickg, but those whose brains are not capable for understanding the instructions, those can't be hypnotized. Or at least I don't know of an approach that would work for every human out there.

Some are still simply to hard to communicate with in the right way. Just like talking to an animal, we don't yet know how to do that.
patrickg Posted - 01/03/2009 : 11:44:06 AM
Regarding the theoretical distribution of the capacity to become hypnotized, I'd like to refer you to the book "The History of Hypnotism". It spends a chapter or two on the history of this research. It also goes over the research showing there is no distribution, that everyone has the capacity if hypnosis is approached correctly for the person. - http://historyofhypnotism.com/
mat Posted - 01/03/2009 : 11:10:26 AM
The research suggests that the capacity to become hypnotised is normally distributed (like height or IQ, some people are taller than average, an equal number are lower than average...). Researchers have looked for things which might predict how hypnotisable a person is, but it seems that there aren't many - the capacity to become absorbed (e.g. how easily you get absorbed in books or movies) is one of the key ones though. There's more info on my website, see my signature.
mark-gil Posted - 11/17/2008 : 05:31:54 AM
Since hypnosis is a natural state of mind (neither unnatural nor supernatural), everyone has a natural capacity to enter into a hypnotic trance. As noted by Patrick and Dave there are a very few exceptions caused by mental/physical/emotional dysfunction.
Some responses are inhibited due to misconceptions, subconscious fears or negative response to the therapists manner, speech patterns, appearance or inability to quickly develop rapport.
A healing environment is created by the overall perception of the therapist and an appropriate understanding of what will take place. It is the obligation of the therapist to attend to these factors and not to tell the client, "You are resisting" or, worse yet, "you are not hypnotizable", which is a self-serving way of depriving the client of ever discovering and using the great powers within them. When they come to you and spend their time and money,it is your obligation to deliver the goods.
DaveMarrow Posted - 11/16/2008 : 10:30:47 AM
Bluesbends is partially right. There are many mentally handicapped people who do not have the capacity to be hypnotized, but it is entirely possible to hypnotize someone with Downs, for example, or even autistic people.
patrickg Posted - 11/12/2008 : 10:55:32 AM
I disagree with bluesbend's answer.

A person just needs to agree to, and be capable of understanding and following very simple instructions as they are set out.

A medical diagnosis does not exclude anyone.

Everyone has behaviors, even those listed in bluesbend's post. The fact that they do have existing behaviors means they learned behaviors in the past - which means they are capable of going into natural trance in order to learn them - which means they are capable of going into intentional trance aka hypnosis.

Like Gil said, the difference would be the time involved.

I've worked with people considered to be mentally handicapped as well as neurotic.
gymamal Posted - 11/12/2008 : 10:33:33 AM
Originally posted by bluesbends

Just about everybody can be hypnotized. The only real exceptions are mentally retarded people, neurotics and psychotics - these usually cannot be hypnotized.

I agree 100% with bluesbends' answer!
mark-gil Posted - 08/03/2008 : 5:03:48 PM
An experienced and well trained hypnotherapist will hypnotize everyone who comes to him for the purpose of being helped. The only difference is the time involved.
bluesbends Posted - 08/03/2008 : 4:49:10 PM
Just about everybody can be hypnotized. The only real exceptions are mentally retarded people, neurotics and psychotics - these usually cannot be hypnotized.
Matrixman Posted - 07/21/2008 : 06:44:16 AM
It's often much easier to be guided through the steps as this allows you to get a fuller and deeper relaxation- which is only a stepping stone in the process- yet if you give yourself enough time to allow yourself to become at ease with guiding yourself then both ways work very well..

It's often much easier to create a self hypnosis induction by recording yourself and guiding yourself- and means you have a level of passive awareness- which you would get with someone else guiding you..

Alban Posted - 07/21/2008 : 06:36:21 AM
Matrixman, you are very clear in your answers.

I want to ask something.

When you get the first selfhypnosis, first you have been hypnotized from someone and then you learned selfhypnosis, or you learned selfhypnosis by yourself step by step?

Matrixman Posted - 05/18/2008 : 06:18:13 AM
There is often a misconception about what hypnosis is- if we are to look at hypnosis at the level of state change- then we are always in some level of state- which means we always in some form of hypnosis- which means everyone is in hypnosis weather they know it or not- so everyone is can does and is in hypnosis- the only difference is the quality.

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