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T O P I C    R E V I E W
kevinj909 Posted - 12/10/2007 : 03:44:40 AM
Hey all,

I just wanted to share my experience with my one and only hypnotherapy session that still seems to plague me. It was over a year ago that I went to a fairly well respected hypnotherapist for some anxiety and depression issues that I had been going through. Everything seemed ok through the session, I probably had some anxiety but I think thats normal. Anyway... after the session, I felt pretty out of it and tired, she mentioned that's very normal, so I went home and pretty much hung out on the couch the rest of the night. The next morning I woke up and felt much the same.... a very spacey, detached feeling. After a few weeks of still feeling the same way, I wrote her and got the response that maybe hypnosis is not for me and that just to tell myself that the session is over and that should fix everything. It's now over a year later and I feel sort of better, but still feel much the same way. Kind of like I lost connection with myself, or sort of a numb feeling.

Can someone shed some light on what could have happened? I'm kind of looking for some resolution. I've thought about trying some anti-depressants to help but am not a big fan of meds. I'm open to any suggestions you might have.

Thanks in advance,

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Tezza Posted - 08/25/2008 : 4:04:47 PM
No expert on this topic, but perhaps part of your session you could ask your therapist to at least help you to feel better afterward.

If that can't be accomplished (simple task) then I'm not sure what else could be accomplished.

I would think for the money your paying, you therapist should throw in a few suggestions
to forget about the past, relax, let go a bit of tension, and enjoy the feeling after!

patrickg Posted - 05/29/2008 : 11:34:40 PM
Hypnosis is just a means to change the neural pathways associated with a behavior. A "trance" state makes it sound scary, when in reality, most people are in that state of mind - alpha to theta brain wave - up to 80% of their day. Yes it's possible, with appropriate advanced techniques, to help someone change their neural pathways. I see it every working day.

This is a statement from a client two days after her first session for depression (under doctor referral, of course). I asked her if she has noticed any difference. She says "I didn't feel like killing myself. I thought about it,like I always do, but I didn't feel like."

Don't know if that answers your questions. In fact your questions look a little odd.. like rhetorical... is your post just to create the link?

Patrick Glancy, BCH
genny Posted - 05/29/2008 : 3:49:38 PM
the study of hypnosis is closely tied into brain science. Since hypnosis changes the way the brain processes information [link removed by moderator] - Can you find relief from problems by entering a trance? Can another person guide your mind to improve your thought patterns?
Matrixman Posted - 12/12/2007 : 04:59:17 AM
Hi Kevin

I am wondering if you might be willing to just try, something out, in the mean time before you find someone to work with.

There is a simple thing, that I would like you to try, as you read along with this, if you was feeling at your best, just how would that feel like? while you are thinking about that, I want you to keep this best feeling with you, for a little while, and if you to have this best feeling with you, say in 3- 5 and even in ten days time, how do you feel that would be? now before you had your first hypnosis session, maybe a day or so before,if you was to place this same best feeling, in that time, and step into the new you, and allow, yourself to feel this fully, and have any part body feelings become whole body feelings, and step on through, that time in to the now, letting this sense of wholeness come with, and allowing it to adjust, in only the best ways that allow you to feel, whole and safe, happy and vibrant, now I don't know if you will allow this to happen right away, now or in a little while, when its right for you, yet I know one thing, as you step in to part body feelings, and make them whole, the whole world will change in new and delightful ways, and as you can do this in many ways, both at a level of mind and body,and as yo can only take on the suggestions that work for you, every and all other suggestions,that don't empower you, you can just get go now, and step into the new best feelings that work only in the best ways for you.

This is not a substitute- for working with someone face to face, yet it might give you some resources while you are finding the right person to make changes with you.

kevinj909 Posted - 12/12/2007 : 03:06:10 AM
It does make sense.... I've thought about more sessions, but wasn't sure because of the way I've been feeling. I agree on the meds as well... meds don't really target the issue.

Patrick... I really appreciate you responding to my post, it's been a year of wondering what might have happened. I just might schedule that next session.

Thanks again


patrickg Posted - 12/11/2007 : 10:46:25 PM

I have come across this sort of thing with clients before. It generally seems to be a result of addressing a known part of the presented issue and having "residual" issues remaining. Sometimes the residual issue is near impossible to "see" until the main one is addressed.

When a client reports this sort of result to me, we address it ASAP. If you think of hypnosis in terms of a surgery to remove a growth, your experience during the last year is like having some of the growth remaining and the wound is still open.

In my experience, medication can do a good job of helping cope with the symptoms of the open wound, but rarely help it heal.

With the little information you have given, I would recommend further hypnosis with a qualified hypnotist. Or, some other method that will help you address the remaining issue.

Does this make sense to you?

Patrick Glancy

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