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 Past Life Regression
 Professionals please help. Did PLR - was bad.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
VintagE Posted - 10/10/2012 : 9:53:09 PM
Hi all,

I would really appreciate if a professional therapist could comment on my PLR experience and help to alleviate the fears that I have about it.

I'm a newbie here. I've been interested in PLR for a while and read some of Brian Weiss's books. I really enjoyed the stories and the "messages from the masters" and the spirituality of it was calming for me. He was doing an online streaming workshop and so I participated. I was alone while watching the video online.

During the relaxation part of the regression, I was nervous but able to calm down and get into a sleepy state. My concentration was broken when a housemate interrupted me and I wasn't able to get back to the vision we were supposed to see at that time, but quickly went back into the sleepy state.

First we went back to childhood. I was able to remember a childhood memory, but it is one that I often clearly remember in daily life and don't need hypnosis for it. The next was to remember in the womb and birth, and I felt like what I "remembered" was part what birth/the womb is "supposed" to look like and also what I have been told about my birth by my mother. Then we were supposed to picture a door with light and go through the door into a scene from a past life. I got distracted when he was saying to notice certain details. I first felt like I was in biblical times, but didn't feel like this was a true memory because I have watched some biblical movies lately and I felt like it was very similar scenery from the movie.

Then my thoughts wandered to a scene in a hut or a tent and I was with a current person in my life who I love. The scene at first looked like it was going to be that person doing something bad to me (that reflects a fear that I sometimes have of this happening to me - and I remember sort of hoping that in doing this exercise I would find an answer to the fear), but then it shifted to not really bad. Sorry to be vague but it just kept going back and forth and I couldn't really tell if it was something bad or not. Then we had to picture the end of that life, and the same person was with me while I died and was kissing my hand and I felt like that person loved me and was there for me through my life.

However, I was stressed out through the regression and even more stressed out after because I don't know how to analyze this. I don't know if this was actually a regression or something that my conscious mind was controlling because I felt like I was talking myself through it the whole time. I kept feeling like things I was seeing maybe weren't true, were something I made up, or that my conscious mind was controlling or commenting on. I tried to let my mind be free and go with the regression, but I never felt comfortable with it.

After I came out of it, I felt really foggy and felt almost vertigo. I am awake and alert, but feel really foggy in my mind and really worried about what I supposedly saw. I now feel like I have to just somehow forget about it. I feel like this was a really bad experience and I'm sorry I did it.

Am I out of the hypnosis? Will it continue to affect me? Is it okay to go to sleep tonight?Was I really having a PLR or some sort of dream while awake that was influenced by my conscious mind? How can I forget about this experience so it doesn't continue to negatively affect me?

I'm really worried. Please help!
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Damian Hamill Posted - 01/26/2013 : 12:05:31 PM
My view is that it is very irresponsible to be guiding people through potentially emotionally charged hypnotic experiences through some online steaming process in the first place. I am alarmed that someone would offer such a service.

In terms of what the experience "meant" - I would tentatively suggest that you were encouraged to create some fantasies and hallucinations and your mind filled in with some of its unexpressed fears and concurs. There is no literal historic 'truth' to any of what you experienced and because you were not guided by an experienced therapist in person the whole thing was alarming for you.

I would recommend that accessing experiences of this type through the internet is probably not a good idea.
VintagE Posted - 10/11/2012 : 1:31:42 PM
Thank you Patrick and Jon for your responses. I feel better now and am going to follow your advice to just put this experience behind me and not give it more worry or merit.

Thank you again.
patrickg Posted - 10/11/2012 : 08:50:18 AM
I do not see anything there I disagree with, Jon :)

And, when you get down to it, you have more experience with the PLR side of things than I do. So your opinion has plenty of validity.

keepchar Posted - 10/11/2012 : 01:56:31 AM
Hi VintagE
I'm not a professional, but rather a curios person such as yourself and I've used Brian Weiss CD -he has 3 Cd in total, each CD has 2 tracks, 1 meditation and 1 PLR.
I've been using them for over 1.5 years now and I've had very similar experiences as yourself, some great some extremely weird that made me stop for few months. Initially I questioned everything, but as time went on I learned to relax, detach myself and treat it as rather "watching a movie". I'm still not certain what I "saw" was real or invented, the way I see it it doesn't matter.
One thing Brian doesn't mention but I think it's important is to set a clear intention prior to the start of the session, say "I wish to view my most immediate past life" or "..my very first past life" or "..my most spiritual past life". I think that if you don't set it then the subconscious takes over and it shows whatever it considers to be important to you.
It may help to start on the PLR path with someone you trust and is qualified, it's good to feel safe at the start of the journey.
For me the bad experiences were eventually assimilated and now I look at them as "just another bad day".
Patrick here knows a lot more about the subject, if I said something wrong please correct me.
patrickg Posted - 10/10/2012 : 10:19:15 PM
Very similar question addressed here:

You are very likely out of "hypnosis". It was a trial that did not go as planned and there is nothing more to get out of it, so leave it behind you.

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