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 Past Life Regression
 I had my first PLR and now I have doubts

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
insanity Posted - 09/20/2012 : 09:17:05 AM
I wanted to find out the deal between me and my boyfriend. We are having a rough time for months now. But I persisted in my relationship, because that's what they are all about.
The hypnotist mentioned that maybe I should wish to see my parents also, and I agreed I would want to see the connection between my mother and me, but that my relationship was more important now.

So the session started and during it, I let go of some past hurt, I wanted to throw up, my head was pounding, the sadness occuring around some events was awful. But now everything seems better, I am more at peace with myself.

Nevertheless, I found out some extraordinary things. I was a guy and my mother was a possesive relative who took away my loved one. I never truly forgave her and spent my life alone and died alone. The loved one was not my present life boyfriend, it was a friend of mine. And it felt like we had unfinished business. That we have to continue and finish our romance. So instead of finding out about my boyfriend I found out this about my mother and friend.

Now what I am thinking, is it possible that I made all this up? I know I was under hypnosis, when I woke-up I had that weird feeling like I was sleeping but was aware of the fact I was talking to my hypnotist and could remember everything. But at that point I felt like everything was made-up even though I doubt I would make so much pain for myself.

I doubt this was a real PLR because in the past couple of months there was a significant attraction between that friend and me, but we are both taken so nothing happened. So maybe I just made that up, to sound like a fairytale? How is it possible to make a difference between a true PLR and wishful thinking of some sort? If anyone could share their opinion, I would be very grateful.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
TonyM Posted - 11/28/2012 : 08:28:44 AM
If you believe something so much you can make it real for yourself. It's good that you've questioned it instead of accepting it.
andrea15 Posted - 09/26/2012 : 2:21:33 PM
I endorse the first reply. It is a personal belief only and unprovable.

My experience of PLR was with a client in therapy who was very resistant to going where it was obvious that we were going.

She suddenly started telling me that she was in a street watching a little girl in a lovely warm coat and fluffy boots walking in the snow with her mummy. She continued to tell me that she was also a young girl but dressed raggedly and with bare feet in the snow. She felt envious of the cosy girl. It was back in Victorian Times.

She was convinced she had slipped into a past life. I was sure she had 'cold feet'. I also inferred a few other things and treated the revelation as a metaphor.

I think some inexperienced therapists can get a bit carried away and over enthusiastic whereas when dealing with the mind and in some cases run away imagination, you need to be able to keep your feet firmly on the ground (only one of you should be flying high)and your reason to the fore.

I tend to think of past life regression as a bit on the fringe like spirit guides and angels. But it works for those who believe in it. What I think is a problem is a hypnotherapist who masquerades as a normal (for want of a better word) hypnotherapist and then forces ideas on a vulnerable client who will be at least confused if it is not their belief.
HypnoDoc Posted - 09/20/2012 : 5:08:08 PM
Past Life is a good tool for the Hypnotherapist if the person being Hypnotized believes in it.

The best bet is if you can clear away the clutter and walk away from the session with something that helps. It sounds as if you were able to do this. Good for you.
patrickg Posted - 09/20/2012 : 10:36:33 AM
Good luck :)
insanity Posted - 09/20/2012 : 10:23:28 AM
That's what I thought. I think I'll relate to this as just one more experience and nothing more.

As for myself, I have decided do take a break at the relationship and get some distance. I finally found the courage to ask that and hopefully then I will figure out where we stand.
patrickg Posted - 09/20/2012 : 09:33:54 AM
Yes, your mind can make that up. Creating associations and symbolism to try to work-out current issues is what the mind likely does in natural dreams.

It is close enough to impossible to confirm a PLR that we may as well call it impossible.

PLR's may, or may not, be real. The only value I see in them is the potential use of leveraging mind's association and symbolism to help it resolve issues. But results are unreliable enough that it should be WAY down at the bottom of the list of potential techniques.

I think the hypnotist that advised you to use PLR was foolish and/or naive. Like you describe, it will generally just generate doubt, confusion and unanswerable questions.

My opinion/advice is to take the PLR experience as an "interesting" adventure and move-on from it.

You are unhappy with your current relationship and are wondering if there is someone out there better for you. That is clear with the PLR/dream, as well as from what you state.

So, what are you going to do?

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