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 Past Life Regression
 Questions Pertaining To My Regressions

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ojump0ffacliff89 Posted - 03/16/2010 : 07:18:40 AM
I have been using Dr. Brian Weiss' CD's for self hypnosis and past life regression. I typed what I have experienced as I wake up and remember. Here is what I recollect (My 5 questions are at the bottom):

1850s? Theres a white house 2 floors consistent with what one would see looking at a house from that era. A dirt road passes in front of it with a forest on the other side and bushes or something similar to them separating the house from the road. Immediately walking into the house through the front door a stair case sits there to the right and straight back is the kitchen. A beautiful woman with black hair and white skin is there who I have an urge to think is my wife is working in the kitchen. Unable to recall much more of this will go back.

1500s ? its a brick court yard like area with a fountain in the middle. Further back theres a wall with a large white building with 3 floors separated from the courtyard by the wall. Unable to recall anything else will go back. I do remember laying there dying with family there. I have this sensation that I just learned to roll with life in that life. It was a fairly easy life to say the least.

Roman times? This seems to have the largest impact on me. Im a kid playing with another with my who I think mother sitting in the room (it seems kind of up scaled like the family is of importance) who appears to be the same lady I have seen in a much more recent life. The 1850s era one. She looks depressed and mournful, almost cold like which she did appear to have a cold attitude it the mentioned regression before. My father walks in who has very short grayish like hair. Much older than the women and calls my name Graecius? (looked up and is a Latin Name, Greece was called Graecia by the Romans. Stephanus of Byzantium mentioned a Graecus as one of the first from Greece to colonized southern Greece. Could the family be from Greece and remained in southern Italy to the times of the Romans? Ironically Stephanus is listed as a Latin name that is a possible name the derived Steffey. Probably nothing) and nothing else and I know to follow him. The woman seems like shes resentful and does not want to look at me. I follow out the front to see soldiers standing their. I believe they are body guards of someone very important. My father is sending me away with them so I could learn the ways of the Army and one day lead men myself. I was only a child though. I didnt know what was going on and I rode a wagon with the soldiers away and looked back to see the house get smaller. I had no way to conceive then what was happening. After that I flashed to what seem like being wounded on the battlefield, but Im unsure how. I believe I didnt die there, at least not immediately. I remember when I died (unknown cause of death) I was surrounded by older men. I believe this life my explain why I become attached to things so easily. I was ripped away from a mother and lived a life that saw death of many men, many friends. Never did I have someone I could always relied on to be there to hold me and I long for that. MUST go back to this again for much more regression!

Unknown (Alantis?) I was drawn to some place in the Alantic it seemed. There were flying vehicles, but none like I have ever seen. The street is of sand or a tannish dirt that is very wide. People ware robes and greet each other by bowing, but less formal I think then Asians do. In this life I believe that I felt very important, but I dont know why. This could explain why as a child I always wanted to see myself in a position of authority in the government like thats where it belongs. Also why Politics came so easy to me at a young age. WILL go back.

1. I find it weird, but it's like going through memories from this life that I cannot recall everything. Just glimpses. Is that consistent with others?

2. I don't know Latin, nor can I recall any Latin being spoke to me. Except when my name Graecius (and it's like I knew already how to spell it). If this is a Legitimate memory shouldn't I recall phrases at least? I did go back to this memory again and explored my life after leaving home again and its like I knew what they were talking about and what's going on, but audibly I can't recall the voices.

3. How can I get more in depth with my past lives? It's like these memories are foggy, but what I remember seeing is vivid. Like a movie, not as if I imagined it.

4. When ever I try to implement something, like what I want to see or have, my mind kicks it out. Rejecting it, like it knows that's not part of the memory. If I stay with it and clear what I imagined and just let the stuff come to me naturally it's accepted mentally. Is that normal and does that, in some, validating my experience? At least for me personally?

5. Lastly, I do not know why, but I was drawn to the Atlantic Ocean when told to go where I felt drawn. I mean, literally like as if I was there I saw flying ships, not like saucers at all, it looked man made. Is this normal for people to have regressions pertaining to Atlantis???

Any help will be appreciated. As a very young child I was fascinated with history, especially Greco-Roman. I never heard the name Graecius before yet it sounds so familiar and I tell myself that's me. I think if that is indeed a past life then it was probably one of the most important lives, if not the most important, I have had.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
triumphx Posted - 11/30/2013 : 3:27:36 PM
Your dreams contain deep sexual symbols and reflections of obvious stress and conflict. Before going back please try to conjure up some positive images and colors. Reflect on the delight that you have experienced with those you most love. Go more slowly and deliberately. You WILL find more meaning and direction if you do these things.

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