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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sjm1027 Posted - 05/20/2008 : 8:34:25 PM
Hello, this is my first post to this forum. I have been hypnotised 3 times for weight loss in the past 4 weeks. I am 52 and have never found the key to losing weight... all these years of dieting and nothing... oh a few times I lost 130 pounds only to gain it back... BUT I suffered every step of the way... So what is different this time?
I have this feeling of freedom with food this time... I am eating anything I desire... of course the suggestions she gave me was not to like cake, candy, carbs and no eating at night... and it's working... I don't think about eating at night and I eat slow... I seem to feel full now... before I never had the feeling of being full... I use to eat fast like I was going to the electric chair... now I sit and relax and eat slow savor the flavors and textures... before you know it I am feeling full. My blood sugar has also lowered... I am working out now 33 days in a row without missing a night... that is HUGE for me. I do still love carbs but I can control it. I am worried this will ware off at some point so thats why I am here, for advice... what else can I do other than listen to my CD every evening.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
andrea15 Posted - 03/09/2013 : 03:51:16 AM
Yes a lot of useful advise. Again it's about what you truly believe from your heart. You've had a few attempts that have had limited success now this one seems to be 'sticking' - start to believe that it is and act like you mean to go on. Start developing a different routine each day and do things to make you feel good about yourself like exercise, gym etc. Become the new you that you have always wanted to be and leave no room for the old one. It's exciting right now isn't it - capitalise on that. It's you future make it happen for you.
Easywaytochange Posted - 03/14/2012 : 10:42:36 AM
I would really recommend visualisation to help boost your weight loss. Practice visualising yourself looking slimmer, eating slowly, choosing healthy foods etc. sometimes weight loss attempts fail because our self concept, the way we see ourselves, is still as an overweight person, or a person who overeats. Start to see yourself as a slim, healthy person and you'll find it easier to stay that way. Good luck!
gabrielm Posted - 06/09/2010 : 9:08:08 PM
Since hypnotism seems to work for you, keep with it! That's one way to keep it up. But another is to find ways to keep motivating yourself, for example, remembering when you were overweight and how much you hated it, thinking negatively of junk food, but also talking with your friends and family about how good it feels to be healthy. If you falter every now and then, just get back up and at it again!

William80 Posted - 03/17/2010 : 01:04:52 AM
I am spammer from India - make living entering bogus text into forums with links to products/web sites to help them increase their rank in the search engines. Rather than take the time to become a member and share information within this Hypnosis forum the web site owner has taken the easy road and actually pays me (a few dollars a day) to spam Hypnosis related web site forums with bogus statements such as this one:

Great Post and replies. I know much about hypnosis, Since I had undergone Hypnotherapy treatment from [link removed by moderator] for my severe low back pain since many years.

Why not send off a quick email to the web site owner and let them know that Spam isn't a very nice thing to do: Click here to E-Mail them now
patrickg Posted - 10/28/2009 : 3:58:42 PM
LOL nice
Blaine.lusy Posted - 08/25/2008 : 07:50:38 AM
[spam removed by moderator - member banned]
patrickg Posted - 05/22/2008 : 10:12:06 AM

It sounds like you used suggestion based hypnosis. That is helpful for many people. But, in my experience with clients, suggestions act to work against any previously existing behaviors. Like a balancing act. Depending on how "strong/big" your behavior(s) is, the balance may swing.

While the suggestions may be all you need, if you start to slip, I suggest looking for a hypnotist that works with advanced techniques that Gil Boyne discusses here - http://hypnosisonline.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1180
These address the behavior directly. Often times reducing or eliminating it altogether.

With either suggestion or advanced, if the behavior is no longer a dominant neural pathway, that means you have a 'behavior vacancy' to fill. If you used to eat a lot of carbs, you replace that behavior with something new. Then you practice that new behavior and feel good/proud of it. Repetition and emotional association are great ways to establish new behaviors.

Good luck,

Patrick Glancy, BCH

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