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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Enwright Posted - 04/17/2008 : 1:00:05 PM
I have always managed to drop 25 to 30 pounds with diet and excercise but I've had a hard time keeping it off due the cravings I experience for desserts and junk foods even when I'm not hungry. I also have a problem with overeating even when i'm not hungry. After the office visit with the Hypnotist, I wasn't sure what to expect, how I would be affected or if I would continue with my old habits. I was still very relaxed when I got home. I began to rest a little and thought about the suggestions me and my hypnotist talked about. One mainly being that "I am only eating when I am hungry". There were plenty of more that I thought about as well.

Later on that evening without a doubt, I had no cravings whatsoever. There were no 1 or 2 hour struggles in my mind like their used to be on whether or not I should order a pizza, or go to the store and pick up some ice cream. Part of me would say no, I'm not hungry plus I'm trying to lose weight, the other part would say go ahead, you can always start your diet tomorrow or next week. Well of course I would give in and be right back to square one, gaining weight. I realize now that the struggles are all in my mind.

I'm not struggling with the choice to give in to my cravings for junk food, even when I'm not hungry. And even when I am hungry, I still don't feel a need to give in. So far, so good. I feel like I've won 97 percent of the battle with my weight now. I hope I can keep this up, and this stays with me forever. I feel healed now because I've always struggled with being overweight. I feel this will definetly keep the weight off for good and I will now practice it daily.

I now know its all in the spirit and the mind. The teaching that the sub-consciounse always thinks in the "Now" moment also helps. Thats cuts down on procrastination. Because I haven't had a moment where I would say I will start eating healthy and exercising tommorow, or next week, or next month, which I was noctourious for doing.

By the way, I normaly wouldn't participate or even think to do an act such as hypnosis, but the idea came when a friend of mine did acupuncture to get rid of her cravings, however I didn't want to go that route with the pins or needles. So I thought hypnotherapy could work just as well without having to be poked.
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
klogan Posted - 04/21/2016 : 12:45:13 AM
That is great news. Keep up the good work. I am glad you are getting the results you seek with hypnosis and weight loss. Especially they nasty cravings.
ssnoor78 Posted - 03/25/2016 : 7:22:02 PM
Good one Patrick

Originally posted by patrickg

That's great that you make use of the hypnosis when you need it. It is only a tool. If left on the shelf, it does no good. It can be difficult to get my clients to understand that. and improved habits.

Patrick Glancy, BCH

ssnoor78 Posted - 03/24/2016 : 10:11:46 PM
The way I am learning to deal with cravings is to remind myself / visualize of the times that I have successfully resisted a temptation. We all have at some stage resisted some sort of temptations.

e.g the other day I was walking in a super market hungry and thirsty one a hot day and I wanted to grab a bottle of iced coffee straight away and pay for it later at the counter after I had finished my other shopping. But I said NO to myself.

I think all one needs to do is to replay that NO over and over again till you actually believe that you have all the resources within you to make better Choices.

But while making a good choice and replaying that scene is fine & very beneficial we also need to :

1. Plan in advance for our response when faced with temptation and

2. To actively expect Temptations / Situations where we will need to make a Choice.

Simply hoping that the Whole Universe will start supporting our new quest for change has never worked for me and I say this form experience.

Every day one is faced with situations where he / she must make choices and we need to be aware of this.

Living means Choosing.

I can either choose consciously (and sometime in advance) or choose unconsciously using the path of least resistance or even worse have the choice made for me by someone else.
klogan Posted - 03/03/2016 : 4:02:44 PM
I really hope you have been able to maintain your positive weight loss results and have made a lifestyle change.
marcoauciello Posted - 11/27/2015 : 07:24:42 AM
Hey @Princess0479, its been long since your tried weight loss hypnosis. So how was your overall experience? I mean for how long did it worked? Have you gained weight again or are you still going fine?

Looking forward for your response.
patrickg Posted - 08/25/2008 : 11:06:37 AM
Hold your product closer to the camera when marketing it, Blaine.
Blaine.lusy Posted - 08/25/2008 : 07:52:31 AM
[spam removed by moderator - member banned]
Princess0479 Posted - 08/17/2008 : 1:56:17 PM
Patrick Thank you so much for your advice..I'll try to get a glass of water Or diet soda and walk with it that's a great idea...this event actually might be easier for me..my friends were thinking of doing this at a restaurant...i wish i knew which one then i could look online at their healtheir options..But since they are not sure yet which one we'll go to..I'll just use common sense and remmember what my hypnoticist taught me..
Also there is a little dillema..i don't have any of her CDs yet..but i can try to visualize the end result and keep myself on the right track.
And lots of praying too :) i'm spiritual..=)

Also i will try to buy her CD next time.

thanks again for your advice.

Take care Patrick!


patrickg Posted - 08/17/2008 : 10:16:42 AM
If the hypnotist gave you a cd to reinforce the session, it is good to listen to it prior to the event as a preventative measure. This gets your mind focused on your goals. At the event, have a glass of water in your eating hand to disrupt your old routines.

Expect yourself to do well and, in your mind, imagine (visualize) the things you will do to make that happen. In the visualization, focus on the people that will be there. If you choose to have cake, see your portion than omit the rest. if that makes sense..

Stay focused on the reason your are there - friends and being with them.
Princess0479 Posted - 08/16/2008 : 11:17:47 PM
Hi Enright...to the original poster..I hope you see this..because I'm just like you when you first started out...sometime this week, my mom and i went to a very good hypnoticist for weight loss, i am so excited yet scared. The first few days have been amazing, i feel just like you that i was trapped to want certain foods and always ate when i was even slightest hungry..and i need to lose probably a good 50-60 pounds or more...so far so good as well =)
I am just scared that all this good new thinking will slip away..you felt that too..What did you mean when you said that You hypnotized yourself to get back on track?
was it self hypnosis? or just a CD from your hypnotcist?

i got this done less than a week ago and like i said i feel wonderful...i did slip a little yesturday at a friends get together, but i still ate a LOT less than usual,just had a couple of sweets, yet in much smaller portions ..so amazing!

So you lost 45 pounds, that's sooo inspiring CONGRATS!! ;))

well sorry this was so long..but do you have any advice for a newbie like myself?? Any certain ways to not let this slip away?
how do you deal with strong temptations at parties or restaurants or get togethers??

I'm going to a birth-day party tommorow..there'll be food there..so please wish me luck :)
Any advice would help as well :)

thank you!


patrickg Posted - 07/27/2008 : 12:51:53 AM
Nice work! The fear of going back to old ways will be a result of the old previous efforts that had failed. That will get less and less as time goes on and you prove to yourself you can do it.

That's great that you make use of the hypnosis when you need it. It is only a tool. If left on the shelf, it does no good. It can be difficult to get my clients to understand that. They come to a hypnotist expecting a magical reduction in weight and improved habits.

Nice update :)

Patrick Glancy, BCH
Enwright Posted - 07/26/2008 : 1:10:16 PM

It has been 3 months since my hypnosis. So far so good. I have lost 45 lbs. There were times when i felt or atleast thought the hypnosis was slipping away and that I may possibly be reverting back to my old ways and eating habits. I have come to find this may be a normal process that those who have recieved hypnosis go through - Fear and depression of going back to their old ways. Whenever I would start to feel depressed, I would start to relax and hypnotize myself again. By doing that I find myself right on track again and doing better than ever. My hypnotist said the hypnosis and the feeling will stay with me as long as I want it to. I am the one that controls it. I don't wont to go back to my old ways, I only want to move forward and I'm doing just that!
Enwright Posted - 04/22/2008 : 11:21:05 AM
Thanks for the positive Encouragement Patrick! Your right, it is a shame Hypnosis is a taboo subject to so many people. My father was very much against me going to a hypnotist. He thought it was occultic, a scam and that I would turn out much worse. But so far this is the best healing I could've ever recieved and the best practice I could have ever learned. The habits I had with overeating and procrastination with diet and exercise was Dangerous! As we all know Obesity is one of the largest epidemics and killer in America. I never want to go back to my old thought process and behavior patterns toward food again. I am now only eating when i want nutrition and I don't really want fast food or restaurant food. I am now eating way more veggies and fruit. I know it's still gonna take dedication and hard work to lose the weight, but now its been made much more easier with the hypnosis.

There was only about two times I was going to eat restaurant food. I was going to order something from their Healthy Menu over the phone. When I went to pick it up, they told me they no longer make the entree I ordered on the menu. This happened again on Saturday at another restauruant. So it seems even whenever I am going to eat a meal at a restaurant, something wierd happens to where I can't eat. My friend was also trying to invite me out to eat another day. And as we were leaving, something important came up to where she had to rush and run an errand so we never did get to go out to eat like we planned. Very strange huh? or it could just be coincidence. But either way I really don't have a desire anymore to go out to eat, sinceI am getting out of the habit of associating food with activity and pleasure.

But yes, I would say your sub-consciouse is the closest thing to magic in helping to achieve your goal or getting you to where you want to be.
patrickg Posted - 04/21/2008 : 10:30:41 AM

Congratulations on your progress!

The publics general perception of hypnosis is pretty antiquated and inaccurate. I think that keeps more people from using this modality for behavior modification.

I'm glad you were willing to give it your best and make it work for you.
I always enjoy hearing anyones success with hypnosis. Especially the sense of 'relief' they experience when their mind stops fighting with itself.


Patrick Glancy, BCH

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