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 hypnosis and acne

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ForumMaster Posted - 05/29/2003 : 04:48:56 AM
From: thedistance (Original Message) Sent: 5/10/2002 11:14 AM
Is hypnosis effective in treating/curing acne? What studies have been done? Can an mp3/or CD be downloaded anywhere?

Please feel free to e-mail me,

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Acne Independence Posted - 09/03/2008 : 05:52:13 AM
Even i would like to know is there any treatment for curing acne because one of my friend is suffering from this disease.

gerardv Posted - 05/23/2007 : 01:57:46 AM
Can anyone respond directly to the part of original question which asks for experience, tested approaches etc.? I can comment on one slightly tangential case involving a surprising cure for warts using hypnosis.

Since others have felt justified in theorising, I'll add my two cents worth, partly in support of some thoughts expressed above: although it may be tempting to consider acne to be a purely medical condition, to be treated only with drugs etc., we should not overlook the fact the the mind and body form a poorly understood and complex whole, and there are ample examples of physical disease manifesting mental conditions and vice versa. There is no earthly reason not to suspect that in some cases, perhaps many cases, acne can be addressed through hypnosis. Not just the behavioral "picking" issues, but even the cause or symptomatology of the disease itself. Surely someone has worked at this somewhere? Hearing their actual results and approaches used would be very interesting indeed.
John D Posted - 05/25/2005 : 4:42:03 PM
I believe that most of my learned colleagues here will agree that, according to tons of research and clinical experience, the skin is the part of the body that is most susceptible to psycho-emotional problems, including stress and anxiety. Skin problems may also be external manifestations of a number of organic diseases. However, when such organic causes have been excluded by the appropriate tests, it is almost certain that a skin complaint, of whatever type, has a large emotional component.

The research and clinical literature is virtually filled with well documented cases of chronic, serious skin problems treated and permanently eliminated through the proper use of hypnosis. Dave Elman was able, on several occasions, to treat such skin problems through hypnosis in the presence of large groups of medical doctors.

If all possible organic causes have been excluded, hypnosis can be effectively used as the main therapy of choice and not just as an adjunct to other therapies in the treatment of even persistent and chronic skin problems.
HypnoDoc Posted - 05/24/2005 : 01:11:41 AM
Yes, Hypnosis can help with any compulsive behavior patterns like these. It will not be "treatment" like you would get from a physician but more like a guide helping you to make the change a permanent part of your life. All Hypnosis is self-hypnosis, so you will be doing all the work - the Hypnotherapist will just guide you along the way.
lt123 Posted - 05/23/2005 : 3:52:26 PM
I realize that hypnosis probably can't help the physical condition, but can it help with the compulsion to pick at and, hence, make worse acne pimples? I have this compulsion to pick at the acne on my face and arms that i feel like i might be able to remove with professional hypnotic treatment. Does anyone know?
ForumMaster Posted - 05/29/2003 : 04:50:40 AM
From: Tranceaction(UK) Sent: 5/11/2002 5:25 AM

It is difficult not to agree with Knight - hypnosis is not a 'Cure All' but a bout of acne MAY have its roots in a decreased resilience to the disease, and many sufferers of acne report flare ups when under stress. Hypnosis can't cure acne - but it can help reduce stress in a persons life which has the knock on effect of ensuring that the immune system has a chance to function at its best, which in turn may reduce the onset or amount of acne suffered. The point...go and see your Doctor - get some antibiotics (or whatever he prescribes) then take a long hard look at your life - if you then think that stress is affecting your immune system - seek out a way of reducing your stress. Hypnosis works for me, it might work for you - but it is best to experience hypnosis first hand, not through a general, unspecific recording, which is all you will ever get 'free' as an MP3. However don't under estimate how effective learning to really relax can be and you might even get that much from a free MP3 if you have never learnt those skills.

Tony Dickinson BGPH
Consultant Hypnotherapist
Trance Action Consultants (UK)
0800 161 33 51
ForumMaster Posted - 05/29/2003 : 04:49:26 AM
From: terrye Sent: 5/10/2002 4:40 PM

Though I have sent an answer via email, I wish to also answer this question online, since we get all too many of them. Acne for example, is a medical problem, very few of those who practise hypnosis are doctors, since few doctors will find the time to work with a client for an hour or more several times, in order to assist with a cure, and I bet dollars to dognuts that there are no doctors offering advice on this board (G)
Those who practise hypnosis, at least, the ones you can depend on for a satisfactory answer, practise in an ethical manner. We do not "treat", we do not "cure" and only when directly requested by a medical practitioner, do we get involved with a medical problem. If we fail to do this, not only are we acting in an improper manner, we are also risking a charge of "Practising medicine without a licence" among other things.
I do understand that many think of hypnosis as some sort of magic pill, but this is far from true. Also even though it is used for a multitude of purposes, it still has limits. Finally, for those who request free mp3s, very few work at all, and anything for free can be guarranteed not to work, so don't waste your time. If any of you think I am being too harsh, consider, would you ask your dentist to advise you on a problem involving say weight loss? Or "how to stop smoking? Or indeed, anything other that a problem with your teeth gums, or other associated parts? Knight.

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