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T O P I C    R E V I E W
deamond Posted - 05/23/2004 : 04:06:23 AM
I've been interested innhypnosis for a long time (pretty much since the first time I saw a hypnosis show on TV. i've heard of it before that, but mostly just bull**** shuff from 80's cartoons and stuff.

That was a long time ago, of course. (more then a decade now, actually!)

I've rad alot of stuff on the Internet about hypnosis and would verry much like to try it. I haven't yet tried it on another person, and so far haven't succeeded hypnotizing myself. i actually have a book on loan from a library right now about hypnosis, bt it's about self-hypnosis and never seems to get to the point.

Anyway, I have thought of a way to hypnotize someone (a particular person, if you must know) but before I go ahead with it i'd like to run it by an expert first, and ask them weather or not it would actually work. (right at this second I'm starting to hesitate sending this to a stranger, but here it goes...)

In a park in the suburb where I live, not far from a big shopping center, there's this one area near a river. Well, it's not a river, more of a cement man-made water way for I think either drinking water or rain water, or possibly both. Personally I wouldn't touch the water, just to be safe. Anyway, the water way is two meters wide, and I'd say a meter deep.

However, there's alot of grass and some big shadey trees on either side , and if you lie close enough to the ground you can only barely see any trace of the cement around the water way, and all you can see is grass and sky.

(at this point I'd like to apologize for the length of this)

On both sides, there's a hill-like slope that goes up at probably less than a 45 degree angle. It's covered in thick grass, and I think not bad to lie on. Today I actually tried lying there and I think if not for rain, cold and maybe criminals (I fear going out at night) you could actually sleed there, I think.

(that's enough of a description.)

Here's what I'm thinking of doing; I take her down there, have her lie on the hill at a slight angle.
(Inspired by Queer Eye, I might even take some lunch there in a picnick basket rather than brown paper bags. I think she likes chinese and I still remember exactly what she ordered last time we had Chinese. I'll have to figure out how to keep it warm, but I'll worry about that later.)

It shouldn't be too hard for me to get her to go along with me. I've actually had her close her eyes and imaging what I tell her before, but so far I've never actually tried to hypnotize her.

anyway, she's lying there, facing the Water (but at that angle she won't actually see the water) on the side of the hill so that her head is above her feet but she's still lying down on the grass.

I'm sitting at her head. I try to make shure she's comfortable and tell her to relax (I might even tell her something I've read in another book; don't TRY to relax, just relax and, kind of, letyour relaxation happen.)

I tell her to close her eyes and I start rubbing her temples. I then tell her to breathe in and out verry slowly, and I tell her, with each breath, slowly count backwards from 100.

After that, well, I have afew ideas for post-hypnotic sugestions, and I may also have to get her to go even deeper my imagineing a dropping thermomitor or something. I've heard that hypnosis can take anywhere from half an hour to an hour, so I'm not expecting instant results. And of course I'll have to giver her a "sleep" and "wake up" trigger, one that only I would say (and wouldn't even make sense to you).

I won't start anything big on day 1, just a coupe of things to probably test that it worked.

Although there is one thing I think we're both into; we've both seen "Bruice Almighty", and I sugested to her once that if I had those powers I'd probably give her the "pleasure", and I think she liked the idea. That's at the top of the list, I think. I may or may not do it on day 1, though. Or would it be better if on day 1 I only did hand-raising things or something?

I would apreciate any thoughts and sugestions you have, especially if you've hypnotized someone before. Anything, how likely it is to work, should I have her say the numbers or just think them, should I have her chant something else, should I have her start at a different number, should I count instead of her, anything.

There's also another location I think might work, it's further from the water and there's more shade, but the main difference is she'll be lying flat. Would this be better or is it better at an angle?

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