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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sue Posted - 04/14/2004 : 05:51:21 AM

Has anyone out there dealt with this successfully?

Thank yuo.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Matrixman Posted - 04/16/2004 : 06:03:30 AM
Hello Sue

I did this very quick so just bare with it. and ask any questions if you need to.

So you think that you can’t do this or that thing related to writing, that’s fine, you see when we have a so-called block of some kind or another, it can and sometimes becomes a issue, and it the issue of this or that block that we will address with this little game with in the Art of self, now the Art of self is stepping up and doing something that takes a little effort, yet at the same time, doing nothing, and that part of you that needs to know what to do and will do what it needs to do, in just the riGht ways that work for you, and you know just how to rigHt, knowing how to feel in just the rIght ways, so has you feel the righT ways to feel you could just think about other time that you have written in just the Right ways, now, knowing just the riGht ways will work for you, now and then will all need to take just a little time to learn new ways of doing thing’s so as you sleep at night, in that time you can create all the new learning’s that you need to learn in just the rIght ways, so as you can just as easy turn thing’s around, so they work out in just the righT ways you can and could just by knowing what not to do, for the other thing’s to take over so as you become more aware of just how good feeling’s feel you can take just a little time to see in you minds eye, just the end product that you want to see, and as that comes together, you can get the best feeling’s about just what is the riGht thing for you to write.

Now that’s just a little bit of something for you other than conscious mind, yet you need more, now because this is a massage board, and the only thing I have to go on, is you written syntax, I need you to do something that might seem a little strange, well it not really that strange yet it might seem that way, or not, if you could just for a few moments just go over this little game, you might be surprised just how this works, this is what I want you to do, get some paper and a pen, and Write or the thing’s that you think are stopping you from being a brilliant and competent out-side world writer, know you could just use keys words or you could add lots of detail, that’s up to you. Take some time doing this.

Now the next step take some time doing this if you “had” all the right feeling, thought, ideas, and you new you could write for publication with all the right skills and with all the best ides, so anybody would enjoy reading your work, on an other paper write how this would be, how would it look sound, feel, etc. and do ether key words that support this new way of being.

Next fold each sheet of paper and hold one in one hand and the other in the other, and think about in detail, about what’s no each piece of paper, what are the thing’s that are getting in the way? And how would you like them to be instead? Now imagine that the paper with the not so good stuff turn in to a ball of light, and it might have a colour, and the other does the same, and maybe that has a different colour, now I want you to same something like this to the not so good thing’s in that hand, even though you have been trying to help me, I deeply and completely accept myself. Do this just a few times, Now with the other hand the hand with the good stuff, say something like, thank you for being there, now it time to shine, or some thing like that, now imagine that the fundamental aspects of each, set of good, and not so good, start to generate an energy ball, and as you do this just push the two together, and allow them to blend, and become something new, and as this new set of feeling’s happen in just the right ways, you can take just the right bit’s that work for you.

Now this is just and idea and sometime it’s enough and sometimes it takes a little while longer.

Just play around with the pattern, do some time line stuff, time distortion is fantastic for create confusion, that allows you to create loops and nested loops with in a frame, of frames that will allow you to get just what you need, to do this stuff really well. And you did.
Sue Posted - 04/16/2004 : 04:53:10 AM
You're a very good man, Matrixman.

I have a purpose which sits well with me, I know when it's right (kinaesthetic check), however, writing just anything is easy but it remains as a diary entry rather than something to be polished for professional consumption. I have subjects in abundance and I know what I'm talking about. I like your idea of 'helping a friend' though but the 'all writing is the same' idea is harder to believe at the moment.

It has been suggested to me that I should have hypno to get rid of the block and instill confidence. I do have quite a lot of experience of hypno and NLP, none of which worked. And it is rather hard to find anybody who is experienced in this area, although there are a couple of chaps in London who will deal with creative issues.

I'll get there though, and I don't particularly care how.

Thank you.
Matrixman Posted - 04/15/2004 : 04:21:27 AM
Hello Sue

What popose would you have for writing for the out side world, once you have popose your brain will want to write, what would happen if you just wrote anything, just like you do for work, friends, and your self, what would happen if you just did it that way, with out thinking about who's it for?

I just what you to consider that how do you know when your writing is good? How do you know when your writing isn't good? what would you need to feel, so you new that your writing was good for the outside world?

If you could just get a sense that all writing is the same, what would that be like?

What would you have to believe so this would work for you?

What subjects would you write about and do you know about what your writing about?

What would you have to do to feel that you have the skills to do this in just the right ways, for this to work for you.

If you had a friend that was in a accident and he/she needed your help to write a script for a play, how would you need to work so you could pull this off?

What would be the best frames of mind for you to be in? So you could do this with ease?

Please consider all the above points and then get back to me, and I will do the last step which is a little more playful.

Free your mind it's the "right" thing to do.
Sue Posted - 04/14/2004 : 2:15:45 PM
Well Matrixman,

what can I say? Thank you for your kind offer!

What I am looking for is this - not 'How can I write? How can I be creative? etc. etc.' but 'How can I write for publication?' because I can write for myself, my friends and my work perfectly well thank you but when it comes to writing for the outside world, i.e. writing that has no specific and known-to-me audience in mind, it becomes arch, naff, anal, tense, unfunny, not good, dull, rubbish, unreadable junk.

Thank you.

Matrixman Posted - 04/14/2004 : 09:23:12 AM
Hello Sue

I have done some intesting stuff with this subject, if you want, tell me a little about what you want to write about, and I will shead some more light on the matter, and because, i'm in a really good mood today, I will give you some of my time via, this board or e-mail and I'll do it just because writers block doesn't need me think about createing anything new. if your willing to take a few simeple steps you could be writing loads of stuff with in a few short hours.

And there will be no need for any trance work, cos it's not needed for this type of so-called block, Ho and It's FREE

Your already a genius

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