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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Leobons Posted - 11/14/2014 : 6:31:31 PM
A very little event is disturbing me a lot. I wish to forget it. I know what a lot of you are gonna say: you have to learn from it, we are our memories, etc. I've heard all of that. I wish I could erase that, gone!
I feel ashamed by it and I feel like this bad memory is gonna prevent me from ever enjoying life like I used to.
It seems like all the drugs are still very experimental and only tested on animals, so now I'm hoping hypnosis can do it, maybe not "wipe out" if it isn't possible, but make my brain not to have access to it. I think this could be done since the shame I feel is from a person I see in a regular basis and there are no hard feelings between us but I always feel diminished in this person's presence. Actually I feel this person's presence shaming me 24/7 being in the same room or in the other side of the world.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
klogan Posted - 02/15/2016 : 11:56:51 PM
I would do a dissociation process. I would also extract the lessons from that person and then turn those memories into black and white images. Stop the sound and movement of any images. Push them outside of you and then place them 200 feet behind you. So it is like a spec of dust. No longer a part of you. Then I would do forgive for them and yourself.See the good and how maybe they made you a better person. Next cut the etheric cords. That is what is triggering you. Some people can be energetically connected to us and cutting those cords are pretty powerful.
free demos Posted - 03/30/2015 : 9:14:55 PM
Hypnosis is a relaxed state where the conscious mind goes to sleep and the subconscious mind (where memories are stored and where aspects of our personality get built) can be accessed and dealt with, so to speak. By re-experiencing certain memories we get the opportunity to learn from them and release the drama/trauma that they hold for us. So rather than 'get rid of' your painful memories, you'll be able to reassess what actually happened there, see why they plague you, and transform your experience of them to something positive.
HypnoDoc Posted - 11/24/2014 : 11:14:03 AM
Excellent answer Tiffany.
Welcome to the HOL forum.
Theceosassistant Posted - 11/24/2014 : 07:16:04 AM
I know you want to forget that the event never happened but our bodies have memory sensors and sounds like your bodies memory sensors are being activated everytime you are in the precense of this person to make you feel those feelings of Shame. You can erase it or should I say Repress the memory which is easy but those feelings are going to do more damage to your body by repressing them which is ultimately what you are asking to do. When you repress memories or events you are actually giving up your Power to conquer the situation and if that is your goal then yes it is possible. Remember that every negative emotion/energy that is not released has the potential to create dis-ease in the body which affects you bodies natural ability to fight off diseases.
I hope this helps!!

Tiffany, The CEOs Assistant

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