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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Seven Posted - 04/28/2014 : 7:20:51 PM
Ok. The run down.

Clinically diagnosed with:
BPD (Borderline Personality)

In summary, my mind is a bit of a mess. I have tried seeking out help from psychologists, psychiatrists, and a few hypnotherapists regarding the ability to be hypnotized.

I have been told I am unhypnotizable.

The consensus on changing that from all of the doctors is "I don't know".

Does anyone know how to convert that 20-30% of the population who is declared not-hypnotizable-under-any-circumstances to hypnotizable? Hell, because I am diagnosed with DID, it should be easy for me according to what I've read. I have laid in bed, with an induction on repeat, nearly every night, for going on 4 months. I can't find the way to release and let it happen.

I am desperately seeking a way to move from where I am to a point I can be hypnotized. I would give anything I have, which isn't much.

I have tried various chemical treatments which have had studies relating to improving hypnotizability, both legal and otherwise, and have had absolutely no luck.

Please, I am open to suggestions.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
free demos Posted - 03/30/2015 : 9:21:25 PM
I agree with jeremyb, often in hypnosis the conscious mind is still there, judging, wondering if it's working. You may try a hypnotherapy induction based on confusion. And again, expect where you get to be where you're meant to get to. And that however deep or not deep it feels it's still the level at which your subconscious mind can be accessed. If you'd like a custom recording done, I'm open to that.
jeremyb Posted - 08/06/2014 : 8:32:00 PM
jeremyb Posted - 05/05/2014 : 3:30:08 PM
Hi, I think my point is that you might be expecting too much. All you need to do is be curious about what you are experiencing, for this is the hypnotic state to be curious of. I usually tell people that nothing will happen, as that is our goal, for nothing to happen and it is that nothing-ness that you notice. If people are on drugs, medications or have a hangover, of course that too effects the experience. You might not have had the right hypnotherapists to help you with.

I have a colleague who when training to be a hypnotherapist, refused to believe that when she was in hypnosis she was in fact hypnotised. She is a very smart lady and a very good hypnotherapist. One day she said to me, I realise now I was hypnotised all those times, I just didn't want to believe it. I was expecting something more to happen.
Seven Posted - 05/05/2014 : 03:27:45 AM
>In order for me to assist you, I wonder if you can tell me how you know you weren't hypnotised when laying on the bed with the induction playing? What did you experience?

Nothing. Usually by the second or third repeat, I give a basic attempt at movement, and zero sense of disconnect.

>With DID, when you dissociate, you are experiencing hypnosis. People with DID, in fact experience hypnosis quite regularly.

It is a sensation of falling back and down and feeling someone push in front. Sometimes, I share conciousness, sometimes I don't. When I'm not 'in front' anymore, there is always a definite sensation of leaving. Returning is like being shoved hard forward. I have never had any of that with hypnosis.

>Many if not most hypnotherapists understand that hypnosis is a natural state that everyone can experience.

I would love to be, I really would. I SHOULD be able to achieve those states, but as of right now, it's only the other members of me who can force it on me. I would love to find a way to achieve it as me so I can be open to suggestion from either a recording of myself or an outside party.

>It may be that all you need is for someone to show you how to connect with your own hypnotic experience, whatever that might be.

Do you have any suggestions? I've been through a LOT of mp3's. I've never experienced any form of disconnect with them. No 'paralysis', no tingly, just laying there, trying to relax, and eventually growing bored on repeat after repeat.

>Everyone's unique, and curiosity is the key.

Been at this for months. I meditate regularly, and can even achieve 'vision' state. All signs are I should be able to achieve induction/deepening, but I never experience anything when trying to follow with hypnosis. It's getting to the point it's disheartening, which is even more counterintuitive.

>A good hypnotherapist will teach you how to be curious of your own hypnotic experience, and through repeated experiences of this become increasingly assured of your being like everyone else in the world in regard to being able to be hypnotised.

Tried 3. All gave me 'homework' which I replaced my own self study with. Followed it to a T. Did not improve response. One didn't believe me I followed their instructions on homework. The other two said I have to face facts and understand I am unhypnotizable.

>You will also have as many unique hypnotic experiences to refer to.

If dissociation states are a sign, then I would love to know how that can be achieved by an external party, I really would. Who would you like me to kill to do that? (Joke)

I keep trying. I relax. I avoid analyzing. I do everything I can to blank, relax, and listen. I follow instructions. I feel nothing. I have been shoved out of front by another in my head who got extremely bored after I laid there 6 hours. I wish I could say I felt ANYTHING at ALL. At no point has hypnosis ever produced ANYTHING like a dissociative state, so I am really starting to think both are not one and the same.
jeremyb Posted - 04/29/2014 : 12:19:40 AM

In order for me to assist you, I wonder if you can tell me how you know you weren't hypnotised when laying on the bed with the induction playing? What did you experience?

With DID, when you dissociate, you are experiencing hypnosis. People with DID, in fact experience hypnosis quite regularly.

Many if not most hypnotherapists understand that hypnosis is a natural state that everyone can experience.

It may be that all you need is for someone to show you how to connect with your own hypnotic experience, whatever that might be.

Everyone's unique, and curiosity is the key.

A good hypnotherapist will teach you how to be curious of your own hypnotic experience, and through repeated experiences of this become increasingly assured of your being like everyone else in the world in regard to being able to be hypnotised.

You will also have as many unique hypnotic experiences to refer to.



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