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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Robagain2 Posted - 09/04/2012 : 7:21:52 PM
I've been hypnotizing my wife here and there for the past two weeks to help with pain (she has really bad RA) and because she wants to stop eating chocolate. We have short term success using the basics I've learned online. I've done a few mild fun tricks but nothing mean or demeaning of course so it's working.
She also wants to build more confidence in herself at work. She also has some body issues. She's beautiful, but is very hard on herself when it comes to gaining even a couple pounds. (She's actually very hot) My question is, how do I get "longer-term" effects from hypnosis? Should we just keep repeating things? Do I get more specific? I ordered Hypnosis for Change by Josie Hadley and Carol Staudacher to get the rest of the basics down. The tips I've read online have been helpful but obviously I need more training. Thanks--
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
seanpatrick Posted - 09/28/2012 : 8:49:08 PM
Hi there!

It's great that you're using hypnosis successfully with your wife! Good on ya for doing what you can. That's a real expression of love and compassion. Plus, you'll be sharpening your skills along the way! Win win win.

Erickson (hopefully you're very familiar with him, if not, I thoroughly recommend you start) enjoyed working with people to elicit responsiveness. Many times, he had a client come in who was hypnotized by another hypnotist to "never go into trance again". Now how does one work with that sort of situation? Instead of trying to convince them, force them to reject that suggestion or give them amnesia for ever receiving that suggestion . . he USED what was already there. I would say, "What was the hypnotists' name? Where were you? How long ago was this? What clothes were you wearing? What was the weather like outside? What did he look like? What was his voice like? Did he say 'Go into trance' ? Did he say 'enjoy feeling comfortable as you read'? Was he gentle and comforting or was he Commanding and Domineering?!"

What's that doing? That's eliciting in the client's mind the same situation that she initially went into trance for. That in itself will start the associative process and she'll begin to go into trance for Erickson! Once that happens, Erickson knows he and the client now have an experience of responsiveness. The client was responsive to him thus they'll be responsive in the future as well. He's building a PATTERN of responsiveness. That happens when you successfully work with the same person after a few times.

Now, regarding your wife's confidence. . . Erickson once was called to work with a 12 yr old girl who was failing miserably at reading, writing and arithmetic. Her parents were frustrated with her and they wanted Erickson to "fix her" using hypnosis. After being introduced to the little girl, Erickson noticed she was interested in playing jax.Of course, Erickson had very limited use of his right arm due to polio disease. Even though she couldn't catch all the jax, neither could Erickson. Her parents were looking skeptically at Erickson playing with their daughter on the floor when he was there to help her!

After about a week, Erickson decided to jump rope with the little girl. He couldn't jump but he could hold the rope for the girl so she could. After some time she was playing a much better game of jax and her rope jumping was improving. She also rode a bike and Erickson took note of this. The following week, he took her out on the bike with her brother. She couldn't beat her brother in a race but Erickson did just that which made her feel really good! She also noticed that if Erickson depressed the pedal with his right foot it slows him up.

The parents were disgusted with Erickson. However, shortly after all that her grades improved in reading writing and arithmetic. The parents were very confused. I remember Erickson saying, "I don't know what the child's original trauma was. But I do know what trauma I did to the parents! Because I made it awfully clear to them that the child had to learn on her OWN that she COULD do things successfully. She COULD play jax better. She COULD jump rope better. And she COULD ride her bike better. And she COULD do better in reading, writing and arithmetic. Once the child learned she could succeed, she wanted to do more of it. Her parents were making a great big "storm" over a little bit of a school difficulty.

That should be all you need to proceed with your work. A mind can work for you even when you're concentrated on other things throughout the day and night.
andrea15 Posted - 09/25/2012 : 10:05:20 PM
I agree with the previous reply and would say that even if you were really proficient at hypnotherapy it would be better to let someone else deal with the deeper issues that your wife may have. Sounds like she has low self-esteem and obviously, the suggestion and scripts that you are using will be of some help (providing they are worded carefully) but anything more than that and your knowledge of your wife and your opionions aoubt what she needs would probably cloud your judgement and influence your therapy with her.
After checking the wording carefuly there is nothing wrong with keeping up the pain free suggestions though.
patrickg Posted - 09/04/2012 : 7:28:05 PM
The long-term effects will depend on the relative strength of the beliefs you are working "against". Repeating the stuff you're doing may do it. If not, then more advanced hypno techniques should take care of things, but best to take that to someone who has experience with those things.

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