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T O P I C    R E V I E W
waltersch1969 Posted - 04/01/2012 : 11:39:03 PM
Gidday Mates, How does one go about getting the basics, such as finding out how to read written scripts and blocking out background noise while under hypnosis.
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Zenith_now Posted - 05/14/2012 : 12:33:41 PM
Walter, I was living in Melbourne for the past 12 years (just moved to Berlin now). I got recommended to see a therapist by the name os Daisuke - he is Japanese (i've been to Cairns a few times and know there is a bit of a Japanese crew up there) so maybe he will know who to put you onto. His number is: 0415648582. He is super friendly. I did a few sessions with him last year and it really helped me (i was focusing on quitting smoking and feeling less stress).. but he does heaps of other stuff. hope he is able to put you onto someone in Cairns.
patrickg Posted - 04/05/2012 : 6:06:59 PM
So, based upon your info, my opinion is:

Your "depth" of hypnosis is good.

The script/suggestions you're using can use some tweaking...
email me directly and I'll reply with a script that may help, as well as give you ideas to work from.
waltersch1969 Posted - 04/05/2012 : 2:30:59 PM
Dear Sir,
Thanks for your response,
I would have to say it was like time distortion as 20-30 minutes is a long time to swing a pendulum. So that is normal?
Very little else happened during that time apart from the fact that I was concentrating on the pendulum.
I am actually trying to avoid a dirty great stainless steel ball in my knees and the command for that is "Repair your leg" "repair your right leg" and "the only sound you focus on is the sound of my voice for 45 minutes".
The ketone problem is an issue I have with the Australian Govt being with stellazine drug also known as her majestys drug and the "di*K*ead" drug i'm ashamed to say.
patrickg Posted - 04/05/2012 : 12:45:26 PM
Some people are able to maintain trance for longer than others initially. Most people are able to increase the time/effectiveness with practice. Like any skill a person learns. 20-30 mins isn't bad at all. Are you saying the time passed quickly? Like "time distortion"? Or?

The length of time is going to matter much less than what is done during that time.

What are your using for your script/visualization/suggestions? What are you working "against" with your efforts - what is the cause of the ketones? Diabetes? Diet? Are you intending to "avoid" knee surgery through hypnosis?
waltersch1969 Posted - 04/05/2012 : 02:05:52 AM
I got the recording and played it but I was unable to maintain a trance for longer than 20-30minutes but I could sort of enter a trance, with me swinging a pendulum all the time, the clock initally said 7:52 then said 8:27,when I last checked is this normal?
Also no change to the kneecaps.
Any suggestions gladly read.
waltersch1969 Posted - 04/03/2012 : 02:03:00 AM
I'll give it a go thanks :)
patrickg Posted - 04/02/2012 : 7:04:53 PM
I know of people in Brisbane, but even that would be a bit of a drive :)

Recording yourself works fine, unless an individual has self-worth/esteem trouble. Then they may reject the suggestions because they don't trust/believe their own self/voice.
waltersch1969 Posted - 04/02/2012 : 6:51:04 PM
Cairns, Australia is where I live and I'm not putting on everyone but most Hypnotherapists with integrity live in Sydney or Melbourne and are a good 10000km away,
As for recording myself I heard that won't work, actually because the brain will not recognise it's own voice.
I have some books coming and I appreciate your help
patrickg Posted - 04/02/2012 : 3:33:32 PM
Which city, in the land of Oz, do you reside? I know of at least a few people down there that are very reputable.

Recording yourself reading your script, then playing it back for the session works fairly well.

Suggestions within the script that act as deepeners, such as something like "you may notice sounds around you, and the only sound you focus on is the sound of my voice. Any extra sounds just help you go even deeper relaxed."
waltersch1969 Posted - 04/02/2012 : 2:36:29 PM
Dear Sir,
Yes, Do it myself is pretty much my only option as professional hypnotherapists here are highly likely to call people slags under hypnosis. I would love to pay for the advice (in Aussie Dollars, if possible).

I can write the script but am unable to read it.
patrickg Posted - 04/02/2012 : 10:43:43 AM
Is Do-It-Yourself your only option, or, would you consider going to a professional hypnotist to get you started? I do believe that could be a huge benefit to getting you started.
waltersch1969 Posted - 04/02/2012 : 05:22:22 AM
Dear Sir.
I need to replace my knees and remove ketones. I have a reasonable understanding of hypnosis at amateur level so i am proceeding with caution and i guess my goals are to make myself resemble a normal human after being drugged for many years by force and to make myself employable.

When I say I'm an amateur I say that because it's been years since I've done design work like Lamborghini's, Ferrari's ,etc
patrickg Posted - 04/02/2012 : 12:54:10 AM
Those sound like such simple questions, huh? :)

How involved do you want to get with your reading?
What's your experience with hypno at this point?
What are your goals/intentions?

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