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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ajax83 Posted - 11/16/2011 : 9:57:54 PM
Hi everyone,

I'll just get right to the point. At age 20 I made the decision that I would do whatever it took to overcome the issues that have plagued me for as long as I could remember. Fast forward to age 28 and I have discovered that I have a core belief that states, 'My purpose in life is to suffer.'

Happy days.

I've been working with a hypnotherapist and he says that this is an ideantity level issue and that everything I do, everything I experience is filtered through this belief and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophercy.

Now my question is, could I use hypnotherapy to replace that core statment with something positive, such as: 'My purpose in life is to love life and the people in it' or 'My purpose in life is to achieve my maximum potential'?

Thanks to everyone who repondes to this post.

Andrew :)
16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ajax83 Posted - 11/19/2011 : 12:38:21 AM
Thank you Patrick. I appreciate the time you've taken to discuss this with me.

patrickg Posted - 11/19/2011 : 12:25:06 AM
I don't see that last one as an option either.

I think the best option is to deal with it one way or another. The current guy... he should be taking care of this issue without you having to "wait".. that just seems ridiculous to me.

Ajax83 Posted - 11/19/2011 : 12:08:34 AM
So basically I have to have another session with my hypnotherapist, find another hypnotherapist or try to figure it out on my own?

Of course I could just go back to the old mundane existance with an undercurrent of saddness, but I really don't see this as an option.

patrickg Posted - 11/18/2011 : 10:54:37 PM
From what I understand of your posts, you have a realistic perspective and expectations.

Of course my perspective of YOU is limited to the info her and my interpretations of it.. but...

When the big bad emotions are buried/blocked/whatever and are finally exposed, it's like taking the skin off of your finger tip. Slightly more sensitive than it was before.

And that increased sensitivity brings about a distracting amount of emotional stress. Often enough to be debilitating/crippling, as you describe. And, if that is left as-is, the person either recreates the old blocks/defenses (meds) to block the hurt, or they heal on their own.

My view is, that when the hurt is bad enough, it is unlikely to heal on it's own. If it could heal on it's own, it probably would already have done so at this point. To me, it sounds like if you could get this figured out on your own, you would have by now.

There is no magic bullet. There are effective measures to take in order to progress toward your goal.
Ajax83 Posted - 11/18/2011 : 10:40:43 PM
Originally posted by patrickg

Call that hypnotist and tell him the situation. Tell him you want in NOW to get this issue dealt with. He stirred it up.

Depending on how much you want to... umm... motivate him, tell him what you're telling me, that you're anxiety/depression is so high you don't know what you'll do and that you might have to go talk to a doctor about the situation in the hopes that medication will help you.

He'll should want to avoid that... strongly. Because he'll look like a fool to the doc.

If he won't do it, then call around for another hypnotist experienced with analytical hypnosis.

Your situation CAN be improved.

I was planning on having one more session with him and moving on to someone else if he is unable or incapable of help me.

I feel like I have to be clear about something. I don't expect to not have to make an effort for what I want in life. If I want to write a novel then I have to spend the time to work out the story and the characters and the themes and then go ahead and write the novel and redraft until it's at a publishable standard.

I'm not looking for a magic bullet. I'm looking to be able to wake up in the morning with enthusiasm and motivation because I feel good about myself and life.

In your opinion does this sound like I am in a holding pattern waiting for something to happen but not actually doing something to make it happen? Or does it sound like my emotions are crippling my ability to function?

I personally think that it's the latter.

patrickg Posted - 11/18/2011 : 8:15:23 PM
Call that hypnotist and tell him the situation. Tell him you want in NOW to get this issue dealt with. He stirred it up.

Depending on how much you want to... umm... motivate him, tell him what you're telling me, that you're anxiety/depression is so high you don't know what you'll do and that you might have to go talk to a doctor about the situation in the hopes that medication will help you.

He'll should want to avoid that... strongly. Because he'll look like a fool to the doc.

If he won't do it, then call around for another hypnotist experienced with analytical hypnosis.

Your situation CAN be improved.
Ajax83 Posted - 11/18/2011 : 7:55:05 PM

I'm not sure how long he's been practicing, but he used to be in IT before this.

During our last session he said that he can't change my identity and that I'm holding on to this. I kind of understand that part of the problem maybe that I am holding on to this baggage, but in all honesty I don't consciously want to feel like this.

I used to be able to get out of bed in the morning but now everything is to hard. I've never experienced anything like this before in my life and I'm starting to entertain the idea of taking medication, something that I've vemenantly disapproved of all my life.

All I want is to not feel like this and to be able to control my emotions so that I can get on with my life. I guess the inexperience with this level of depression/anxiety is disturbing me a little.

I could live in a penthouse apartment surrounded by lingerie models and mountains of money and I'd STILL be miserable. Now I am at the point where I ask, what do I do? Is there anything I can do? Or do I just accept that I am going to feel this way all my life?

patrickg Posted - 11/18/2011 : 08:57:03 AM
How long has he been practicing? I used to focus on the "one-session-wonder" work with clients, but stopped that years ago because it is impractical and unrealistic for many situations. Like yours.

I disagree with the delay in responding to clients and not making appointments. Whether a practitioner is busy with other people or not means nothing. In the interest of beneficence, if he can not appropriately care for his current client load, he should reduce that load to the point that he can.

There are people with similar situations to you that can experience enough heightened anxiety/depression after some work that results in them having suicidal thoughts. It's irresponsible to make people wait.....

And now I'm ranting. Seen this enough times around here to really irritate me. :/

I mean, at least he could have warned you of this potential so you're not searching on internet message boards for the info a good hypnotist should readily supply their clients with.
Ajax83 Posted - 11/18/2011 : 01:04:44 AM

I saw him on Wednesday and he told me to give him a few days and then call to make an appointment. Before that I had a session with him three weeks prior and it took him the three weeks to get back to me with an appointment time.

I'm not a complete insecure mess; I do understand that he's got other clients and his own life as well. Myabe the raw state I'm in at the moment is making me impatient. He also prides himself on having no more than a single session with his clients and if they need a second he doesn't charge them. I've had 5 sessions.

I don't think I'm a special case or anything; I'm sure that there are other people who have suffered more in life than I have. I agree with you that this is the time to address this issue now.

Okay, now I'm ranting. The one thing I realise is that on an emotional level I am at my lowest point ever, but if I didn't feel the way I do then maybe I'd have some leg under me.

patrickg Posted - 11/17/2011 : 7:58:13 PM
A sense of suffering/despair within us can create a negative perspective bias... events are perceived through the filter of our beliefs/behaviors and trigger further emotional reactions.

A negative memory bias also can take hold, whereas our memories can also be biased toward a negative perspective.

All of this tends to combine and have a cumulative effect over time. Relatively increasing the intensity of a reaction.

Combine that with, when we remove emotional blocks/barriers/coping mechanisms using hypnosis or any other method, we can be more emotionally volatile.. and that is the time to address that core issue....

From what you describe, I disagree with his "waiting" view, unless he does not know how to directly address the core emotions you're now experiencing.

How long is he "making" you wait?

Ajax83 Posted - 11/17/2011 : 6:50:00 PM

I guess I was asking about the topic of core beliefs in general, but I'll be specific.

The belief that I'm meant to suffer pretty much destabilaises everything in my life. As an example, a friend of mine dragged me to a Dave Ike seminar last month and this persistent feeling of dread and dispair set in and it took me about a month to get past it.

Now whether or not the world is becoming a fascit police state is irrelivent. What is relivent is my psychology; I mean there had to be people who lived in some of the worst regimes in history and still had great lives because of how they felt about themselves and the people they cared about.

Now I saw on the news yesterday taht the US is sending 2,500 Marines to northern Australia (I live in Melbourne), this pissed off the Chinese. Then very next report was how the government was cutting funding to public hospitals, denied the creation of an anti-corruption commission and is increase police recruitment, strictness of laws targeting those deemed to be 'hoodlums' and now has the authority to audit security cameras nationwide.

You can imagine what happened to me emotionally. Again, what is happening in the world is irrelevent, what is happening to me emotionally is relevent.

Is this paradigm of suffering that I'm carrying around so strong that every single thing that happens to me, the people I care about and the world at large, tainted by this filter only to produce the feelings hopelessness, dread and dispair?

I guess the 4 sessions I've had with my hypnotherapist has stripped away layers of crap that was disturbing me before. Now I've discovered this suffering issue and since nothing else is drawing my attention its affects are more potent.

What I want is to be emotionally free to live and explore my life. My hypnotherapist is a bit of a hardnosed individual and he makes me wait before making appointments so I feel pretty helpless at the moment because trying to lift my mood has thus far failed. Nothing that used to give me joy does so anymore. So I'm in a holding pattern and my hypnotherapist says that I am at the effect end of the equation.

Well, that is my situation. Like I said, I want to be free of this bull**** so I can live my life. And trust me over 8 years of trying to get my life together, I've pretty much tried everything. Since hypnotherapy I've felt worse than before and I'm sick of the 'poor me, little me, I suffer and dispair'.

Sorry for the length of this, but here it is.

Thanks again,

Andrew :)
patrickg Posted - 11/17/2011 : 09:39:50 AM

I'm not sure what else you should know because I'm not that aware of your situation.

If you have any further questions, please post away. I'm quite free with my views and opinions. :)
Ajax83 Posted - 11/16/2011 : 11:57:52 PM

Thank you kindly, sir. This clears up a lot for me. Is there anything else I should know about this issue?


Andrew :)
patrickg Posted - 11/16/2011 : 11:39:54 PM
Yes, you are close.

It can be very tricky to figure out the "why" on our own.

The point of using a hypnotist skilled in analytical hypnosis techniques is that they can help you locate the "why". It is important this part of the process is done in a skilled way so as not to "lead" you in any direction.
Ajax83 Posted - 11/16/2011 : 10:33:00 PM

So it stands to reason that I would need to understand why this belief is in place (for example, I hate myself so therefore I deserve to suffer) and then go about undermining this reason to weaknen the belief so that it can then be replaced.

Am I close?


Andrew :)
patrickg Posted - 11/16/2011 : 10:06:49 PM
You can use "analytical hypnosis" to address the foundation that this belief is built upon. That has the potential to shift the belief to the point of being a non-issue.

The potential to "replace" that belief will depend on how dominant/strong/persistent the belief is in the first place. When the target belief is strong enough, the chances of simply replacing/over-riding it or slim.

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