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 Part of me has regressed and Im suffering from it

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
SmallSounds91 Posted - 02/17/2011 : 6:43:40 PM
Dear community,

During the last 4-5 monthe I have suffered terribly and I hope that when reading this thread you can help me by answering my questions and give me advice. In late November of 2010 I began having vivid flashbacks of my childhood my thoughts were so uncontrollable and so vivid that I could remember close to everything of when I was about 3 years old in my cot, and my brain started even going further back, and from there I started excuse me, I started urinating uncontrollably sometimes whilst my thoughts just got vivid again, close to the end of all this I can only describe it as the thoughts literally hurt my brain, and then one day I was lying in my bed trying to get rid of the thoughts and suddenly I started yelling "No, no!" over and over for about 20 minutes uncontrollably, and from there my whole body started suffering from a kinda of fit I couldnt control any part of my body, my arms were flailing around, my legs were kicking and I could not move, about 5 minutes or so after, I started screaming in a pitch I didn't know I could scream in.

I was put into care for almost a month and recently I have explained my whole story to a hypnotherapist with a much more detailed account and she believes it to be, just like me, to be a self reegression.

This has to be one of the worst experiences in my whole life, and I have been suffering and I have been so scared about all of this, part of my brain just completely feels as if im a very young child and part of me understands that im not but it just feels like my brain has just been in a complete daze all the time now, Ive lost a lot in my life because of this, I cant speak as well as I could I cant think as logically about things in my life anymore and probabky the worst out of all of it I lost a lot of feelings for my best friend, like i have to force my brain to even see her as a companion. I need help and advice about what Im about to ask and I hope sombody can answer my questions, and if you would like me to describe in better detail some things I am happy to do that too.
I am desperate for your help and advice so please treat this thread with respect
My questions are regarding age regression therapy:

With regression therapy can the mind truely go back to the thoughts and the feelings that I had before this incident happened? I know the unconscious mind is very powerful for things like this but I'd really appreciate an answer to this question.

And also can the person undergoing age regression therapy really come out of regression and be that person they were before the incident took place?

And lastly I was hoping to be reccomended any websites that can help me with a kind of regression preparation sort of thing where they offer free links or mp3s for self regression help.

I hope that you understand that I am desperate I have suffered so much during these past 4-5 months I've lost myself ive lost feelings and desires for things that I knew I wanted, a lot of my mind has been replaced with things I experienced probably more than 10 years ago and I am almost 20 years old. Please help and advise me on how I can go back to who I was, I hope you respect me and my post, if there is anybody with specialist knowledge and or experience with age regression or has had an experience simmilar to mine I will gladly explain myself in much more detail about what has happened, Thankyou

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
patrickg Posted - 02/17/2011 : 10:14:34 PM
Yes, you're reading my post correctly. :)
SmallSounds91 Posted - 02/17/2011 : 7:35:38 PM
Really appreiciate the reply and it's quite nice to know that you're a specialist in this type of thing and that you're saying that it is possible to perhaps regain myself if I read your post correctly.
patrickg Posted - 02/17/2011 : 7:03:26 PM
Memories with strong emotions tend to stay much more vivid/real to the mind. And, the memory tends to keep the subjective perspective of the age we were at the time the event occurred.

When working with memories, it is about addressing the perspective the mind has held of the event, and reducing/ending the associated emotions.

Yes, it is possible when done with a well trained and experienced hypnotist.

People tend to feel much more focused after this type of work. More so then they were before the 'incident'.

This is the type of work I specialize in. I would NEVER recommend a person to attempt to 'fix' this on their own. Find a professional you can trust to take you through this. It will give you much better results. My website (link below) has a lot of information about this type of work.

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