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 hypnotherapy to block voices?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
3trips Posted - 11/28/2010 : 1:56:22 PM
I have a couple questions regarding hypnotherapy, for one can you use it to access the part of the mind where one would hear voices, (what if the voices heard come from the realm where we pass when we go to sleep: theory.) could you use it to block a voice with suggestion, i tend to use positive thinking to push it away and works for a few min then finds a way back in. my conditions not dangrous and i can manage my life well, im not in crises or anything. I just hear this one voice that constantly invokes negative thoughts in my mind, i can tell it comes from him in a suggestive form. from a personality aspect of the voice it wants destruction and anger to be part of my life. could this be part of my subconscious manifesting in an unusual way. is there a way to find out? i feel he tries hard to make me live with it in my mind constantly. i try hard to keep matras and reinforcing positive thought, ( telling it, that its not part of me, i will not cater to its destructive needs by complaining, or offering any imaginative moment for it. repeating to my self " i am only positive energy, i will not let this be part of me") i feel like this voices sits at my door waiting to come in this way. could being hypnotized be used to at least suggest to my subconscious not to listen to this one voice, I dont know where it comes from but it will offer something destructive to a spiritual aspect of my being, its hard to ignore this part, i feel some times this could be true, and mostly though sensations of the minds eye.

I hear other voices but these voices are kind and friendly, at a couple points i feel iv had a religious experince. is it possible to access this to find out if its true? basicly what could hypnotherapy do for some one that hears voices good and bad on two levels a logical mental aspect and a spiritual aspect?
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
3trips Posted - 11/30/2010 : 1:35:03 PM
he thinks im depressed and stressed, dosnt say much about the voices them self, i told him some of the symptoms i was having regarding visions and sensing them around, premonitions and feeling them. and he just tells me that that stuff isn't true, that iv lost my mind, im mentaly ill, honestly i dont feel ill, i feel normal, iv felt ill befor i know what it feels like. right know i fell fully capable to live life, i just hear these voices, the only thing wrong is the voices, im not maniac, schizo, unbalanced, and there stumped, they just want me to handle it, and i tell them i can i just need help handling the depression and anxiety that come along with it, they wont touch me that way. iv been on the same meds for the past 10 years. and things have to stay the same even though they have nothing to do with my mental stuff.
patrickg Posted - 11/30/2010 : 10:36:31 AM
What does your doctor think?
3trips Posted - 11/30/2010 : 10:22:54 AM
it was weird, they started for the first time in 03 and it was about being Jesus, I denied it tooth and nail told them i wasn't. little paranoid and out of it. it was the fighting that put me in the hospital, then in 08 it was like a trance, i wasn't completely coherent, and paranoid, then in 09 they came back but differently there were good ones and bad ones. it was more structured, i could tell who they were by the way they feel around me, i could sence there presence. it lasted from 09 till now but its been nice ones and mean ones. mostly nice now but the one mean one. they tried me on meds in 03 then took me off then in 08 they never put me on anything, the diagnosis changed too, then in 09 they put me on risparidal consta been on it sence and the diagnosis changed again. the symptoms changed alot in 09 though, i would feel there presence in me, they felt like they could cause mental blocks, i started seeing vision, and premonitions, they weren't just talking to me they were showing me pictures to talk to me and tell me stories.
i dont know if it matters but it seems the voices have to do with religion and spirituality, I had died 3 times and had NDE every year for the past 10 years over each winter.
patrickg Posted - 11/29/2010 : 7:46:57 PM
3trips, how long ago did the voices start? Where you taking other meds before they started? Or, started medication after the voices?
3trips Posted - 11/29/2010 : 7:44:17 PM
thank you every one sorry didnt mean to exclude any one im tired and in a hurry to get to bed, really thank you for your help,
3trips Posted - 11/29/2010 : 7:42:51 PM
cool thank you patrickg, i just want this to stop, i saw a native American healer and the only thing he said was that im supposed to be going through it. I cant find help any where. and honestly im handling it well, I all ways have some one to talk to and say good morning to when there good which there all ways around but so is this bad one. the doctors are limited on what they can do with me considering i have an existing medical condition. I'm running out of answers, and honestly im starting to think i need a exorcism. its been a wild ride, what if i told you that i had physical interaction with them, like being thrown around my bed, or getting tickeld, being pulled to the end of my bed, it cought me off guard at first but now im use to it and usaly a women will come out after she pulls me down my bed giggleing and laughing, we usaly start talking about good things
patrickg Posted - 11/29/2010 : 12:41:42 PM
Beliefs, thoughts, memories, mental processes... they occur as pathways in the brain made-up of neurons. These pathways are being triggered ALL the time. And, you can have two pathways, with opposing beliefs occurring at the same time. Everyone experiences this same thing to different degrees. The stronger, more dominant, that the pathway is, the more influence it holds in a person's mind.

The more these two pathways, or 'parts', disagree, the more separate they feel...a sense of dissociation. Depending on the person, these parts work to influence a person's thinking and behavior in different ways. Verbally, in a voice, is one of those ways.

Using hypnosis to address this type of thing works pretty well.
3trips Posted - 11/29/2010 : 12:15:40 PM
I am seeing a Pdoc and on one medication regarding the voices, im on two other medications regarding attention disorder and depression, i beleave the depression is due to the voices to an extent, i dont beleave these voices are an extent of my own mind but a separate entity, i feel its more intelligent then i am,(my voice,inner voice which i still have is only as intelligent as i am im guessing) what i feel is these voices come from the same place a voice could come from as you were going to sleep, being from the realm of sleep where your wide open to everything. I guess i kinda feel my mind is stuck in such a realm of consciousness and its not moving from it. something is keeping me here even when i sleep i feel i dont sleep very deeply any more.

i guess that's why i wonder what aspect it could have if it were something other then my own mind. i feel that this could be separate then my own mind and even spiritual in nature. I dont want to beleave it is happening to me but i keep finding facts and points that tell me this is more then my own consciousness. could i go under to at least conform where the voices are coming from, my own mind or something else. I feel im seeing one thing and my mind is trying to protect its self and convincing my self its an illness, when a small part of me doesn't think it is. that this could be what its turned out to be. in which case i dont think ill ever pull out of this state im in. and have to live with it all together.

being said do you think a therapist would/could put me under and pull me back to reality mentaly, theorizing that i am stuck in a mental state of perception? maybe im wishing for to much with this. and im looking for a miracle.
patrickg Posted - 11/28/2010 : 3:29:13 PM
can you use it to access the part of the mind where one would hear voices

Yes,it's possible.. but... there are variables... is the voice an organic/physiological issue? Is it a memory of another person's voice? Is it your own voice expressing 'subconscious' thoughts? Or?

i try hard to keep matras and reinforcing positive thought, ( telling it, that its not part of me, i will not cater to its destructive needs by complaining, or offering any imaginative moment for it. repeating to my self " i am only positive energy, i will not let this be part of me")

IF (capitalization/emphasis is on purpose...)it is your own mind's expression, working against the voice/thought in this way may just increase it's 'strength' and increase the sense of duality/separation this opposing thought has.

basicly what could hypnotherapy do for some one that hears voices good and bad on two levels a logical mental aspect and a spiritual aspect?

Hypnosis may be able to help you address and mediate with this voice/thought. Perhaps reducing the voice's influence and possibly removing it all together. If the voice is a memory of another person's voice and/or words, it could get a similar type of result. If the issue is organic/physiological, hypnosis will do very little, or nothing at all. And, may exacerbate the issue short term.

***BUT!!! if you choose to pursue this angle with hypnosis, you must first have a psychologist or psychiatrist approve this approach for you. I've worked with clients with similar issues while they are seeing a MD, Psychologists or psychiatrists, with the doc's approval.
Matrixman Posted - 11/28/2010 : 3:24:22 PM

This 2 volume PDF book set will give you a rich set of insights, and useful ways of changing inner voices- http://www.realpeoplepress.com/pages.php?page=Downloads&osCsid=98516af2200cd43df49ec353d737173f

HypnoDoc Posted - 11/28/2010 : 2:27:05 PM
Are you currently seeing a Doctor and in treatment for these conditions? In most cases a Hypnotherapist will not get involved if you are already in a treatment program of some kind. Are you on any medications? Make sure you make these things known should you ask any Hypnosis Professional for help.

Any advice that you will get from here should be based on our knowing your complete situation in advance.

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