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T O P I C    R E V I E W
hnmike Posted - 10/12/2009 : 01:07:32 AM
Hello. I stumbled on a torrent for a group of erotic hypnosis files. I became tempted and tried it out. I listened to about 1 or 2 a night for three or so days in a row because they were interesting, and I wasn't even sure I was getting hypnotized.

Buy the end however, I think one of them gave me an eye twitch (it had me stare at a .gif image the whole time) and another gave me a stiff neck/shoulders. Plus, my mind keeps drawing my attention back to them, even though that was a few days ago now.

She used mind trickery, nlp, reverse psychology, a heaping amount of positive reinforcement, all that good stuff, but even though I was listening and acted out some of the stuff she said, I'm still not sure I was hypnotized, because a couple had amnesia trigger trickery at the end, but I remember the whole thing.

Am I just not waiting long enough or will my mind focus on hypnotism forever? Ok, maybe not forever, but it is a bit hard to concentrate in this post-hypnotism world. I know that she, of course, would try to make it as addicting as possible so that people would buy more, but I wasn't looking to get addicted and I thought anything to that effect would wear off shortly anyway.

Also, I am just imagining that I got those symptoms from the hypnosis or could it be coincidence? I managed to calm down the eye twitch a lot though, but my shoulders still seem stiff.

Thank you for any response.

Edit: To clarify, I believe I had a bit of an eye spasm problem before, but they were far apart. Now, they are occurring very frequently, in which my lower eye lid pulses.
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
hypknomark Posted - 12/21/2009 : 4:13:36 PM
It helps to have a tall chair so that you can rest your head back on it. Sitting in a chair in a very relaxed state for a period of time can cause neck problems. Nothing serious, just the stiff neck you are talking about.
hnmike Posted - 10/14/2009 : 12:51:07 PM
When you mentioned stress reduction, I thought about it, and realized I was freaking out a bit. With a clearer head, I believe that the reason for the stiffness is that I have been clenching my teeth tighter than normal without realizing it for these past few days, and this was keeping my neck stiff. A clue was I noticed my teeth were hurting a bit.
patrickg Posted - 10/13/2009 : 7:36:19 PM
Hypnosis audios can be helpful to many. But, they can not come close to a one-on-one session with a good hypnotist.

With practice audios can help a person manage a behavior. And potentially, over time, over-come it.
hnmike Posted - 10/13/2009 : 7:27:30 PM
I don't know if I want to try hypnosis again so quickly. Sorry I wouldn't be able to afford a session like that normally, but if your work ends up helping me, I'll be sure to try to repay you (spreading your good name around and such).
patrickg Posted - 10/13/2009 : 6:18:45 PM
Eye twitching is pretty common but tends to be the upper lids. And, does tend to reduce over repeated hypnosis practice.

BTW, there may still be a torrent around with my stress reduction self-hypnosis audios.
hnmike Posted - 10/13/2009 : 4:45:51 PM
Thanks for your responses. I wasn't sure if this was the right forum, but I wanted an unbiased opinion.

As more time moves forward, focus is easier to gain like I figured it would be. I was mostly concerned about the physical symptoms, in which my eye twitching is still a bit of a problem, and whether or not I should look into reasons outside of hypnosis. However, my neck/shoulders aren't as tense anymore, so I'll just give my eye more time also.
patrickg Posted - 10/13/2009 : 3:06:06 PM
It's possible, but not common, for an individual to achieve deep states using an audio w/o prior training.

The signs you experienced could be from hypno.. or could be coincidence. Not being able to tell.. and not having an experienced someone nearby viewing you... is one of the reasons self-hypno can be difficult.

Eye twitch is common when achieving depth. Stiff shoulders and neck generally happen with someone who is not in a position that is physically comfortable for them, or, has some resistance to the hypno induction.

Post-hypnotic amnesia is NOT an effective/reliable test.

From what you described, I'd say you were getting yourself hypnotized. As far results from the audio... that's a completely different thing.

Most people can not tell if they are 'hypnotized' or not. Most people are in a measurable mental state of 'hypnosis' around 3/4 of their day. It doesn't feel that 'odd'.
hypjunkie18 Posted - 10/13/2009 : 2:46:53 PM
It sounds like "she" is a very poor hypnotist and you are most likely fine. The thoughts in your head could very well be causing the minor discomfort you are experiencing.

You were probably not hypnotized either. Through personal experience, most recordings do a poor job of taking someone into a deep hypnotic state. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think most hypnosis programs are designed to take people deep into hypnosis.

I think although abreactions are rare, they are common enough for a hypnotist trying to make money to stay away from them. What I mean is, I doubt a hypnotist is going to be able to drop someone into a deep state of hypnosis through a general recording and I don't think they would want to.

A light state of hypnosis is good enough to cause change in most people and your willingness to change (or suggestibility) would probably have more effect on whether or not a specific audio did anything for you.

Does that answer your question?

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