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T O P I C    R E V I E W
kitkat Posted - 01/08/2008 : 05:07:58 AM
About 3 months ago i had a hypnotherapy session.
It turned out to be a mistake. Trance felt wierd like mind seperated
kind of like concious and subconcious seperated. Is that normal?
Then he gave pictures but my mind couldnt picture them properly i
think they did nothing. Ten minutes into session brain lost control
and a dong block shot up my head which turned my eyes up into my head. Then a spiral line went around my mind for protection then at end of session i was detatched from my body and my mind went forth into this transition that i should not have made.
Seperation of mind body and environment. Dont know if i came back into reality or not. I left feeling scrambled. I knew something was wrong. I was stuck in a kind of detatched zone and my eyes were wrong.
I think it happened because of the antyphsicotics i was taking at the
time. Anyway my brain feels wrong like its stuck in a bubble of some
kind. This sucks. Its giving me nervous feelings. This is draining me
physically and phsicologically. My question is is the dong block eyes
turning upward, spiral mind detatched from mind body environment transition thing reversable. I want my brain free so i can do with it
what i want. Not this bubble. Hypnotist says i had abnormal reaction.
Well da. Is this reversable all this stuff? Is this pyisical or phsichological? Cant he just put me back the way i was. Now he wants my entire hystory from a phsichologist. this sucks. I went to him for something that realy happened to me but he thinks it was a dillusion cos i was on antiphsicotics. How do i get this reversed asap. ps im not psichotic im normal. I told him im over what happened to me this is much worse. I cant and wont live this way. What the hell do i do?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Matrixman Posted - 01/21/2008 : 8:00:15 PM
"This message is for educational purposes only no liability can be asserted to the author of Hypnosis on-line by reading on you agree to this stipulation"

YOU really need to consult your doctor- as soon as you can, in fact right after reading this,or as soon as you can- if you are reading this at night, you need to be taken of the drug, as it reads like you are having an abreaction to the meds, YOU NEED TO GET CLEAN BEFORE YOU GO NEAR HYPNOSIS AGAIN.. you also need to stop smoking the weed, as the inhibitor function- from the Zyprexa- seems to be conflicting with Marijuana- receptor functions..

kitkat Posted - 01/21/2008 : 01:44:14 AM
Zyprexa, marrijuana bad combination.
Current symptoms,Hard empty pressure echo killing me.No sensation in brain.brain trying to create lines in empty space.Something seperated or detatched.Concious mind?Or subconcious.Theres 2 of me in there.and their seperated.No sensation in brain.Brain trying to create lines in empty space.Not suucceding.How to give empty space a feeling.You cant.Perception change?Spacial change? Seperaton?What happend at trance and trying to come out of trance?Back of head has to catch up with front part.I have to rematerialise.Brain has to jump out into reality.All i am is an echo and a bubble i stuck around my head in fear at the end of trance.Im dying.Cells are moving
position and not getting rid of waste products.No feeling of activity
or sensation.im seperated.
mark-gil Posted - 01/08/2008 : 12:07:43 PM
Every hypnotherapist should begin the initial session with an intake interview form for the client to fill out. This form requests medical and psychiatric history and physicians names and addresses.
Failure to have such a form filed for each client can result in great vulnerability if a criminal or civil suit is filed by a client.
(Lack of due diligence--a form of malpractice)
HypnoDoc Posted - 01/08/2008 : 11:52:36 AM

Was the Hypnotherapist a professional or someone who was just learning?

Any pro would have asked if you were on medication in a pre-session interview and once they knew you were under a doctors care for psychosis, would have NOT proceeded any further. What is the name of the Hypnotist?

What condition are you treating with the antipsychotics: Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, mania, delusional disorder or some other?
Matrixman Posted - 01/08/2008 : 05:49:52 AM
Hello the answer is yes you can be put back to the way you was- - just out of curiosity- which using ur words- antiphsicotics are you/ was you on- and did you tell the the person you was working with that you was on meds? The specific anti-psychotic drug- will allow me to understand its pathology and the way it binds in the brain-


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