ePayment Options


There are several ways to make ePayment (electronic payments) for your HOL products that you select from our shops.  Scroll down to review them all. 

To see information about our HOL shop FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) click here.

Note: We take security seriously and monitor for fraud for your protection.  See more about our secure transactions here.

Pay by Credit Card


The easiest and fastest way:

You can order with any major credit card from anywhere in the world in any currency by simply completing the order process within our secure online shops.  At the end of the order process you will be taken to a secure transactions page where you can safely enter your credit card information. 

You can order with any bank debit card (or check card) if your ATM card has the Visa or MasterCard logo. It may be used everywhere credit cards are accepted, including over the Internet and in our secure online shop.

Credit card orders are placed through our secure transaction servers using TELEsitesSSL Digital Web Server Certificate. This ensures that all information you send to us via our shopping cart processes will be encrypted.
Other Currency



All prices are displayed in US Dollars.  We do not accept checks or money orders in any other currency except US Dollars. 

If you pay by credit card then the currency is automatically exchanged during the transaction.  Simply complete the transaction in our online shops in US dollars and the conversion to your currency will happen automatically.

To view current currency exchange rates click here.  For your convenience there is a link to the current exchange rates on the top of every shop page.

Note: We take security seriously and monitor for fraud for your protection.  See more about our secure transactions here.

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