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The Hypnotist’s Bible by Delavar


If you only ever buy one book on hypnosis, make sure this is the one as the contents are worth many times the price.

Click here for complete information about this great book.

Hardcover version was $199.95 - now on CDROM and reduced!

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Price: $74.95

The Professional Art Of Stage-Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy & Complete Mind Therapy


This publication represents an entire training course in all areas of the hypnotic industry. Containing around 400 pages, this course reveals in a simple step-by-step manner the true inside secrets of the professional Mind Therapist and Stage Hypnotist! In short, this course will even take the novice to advanced professional standard with ease. Even established and experienced hypnotists will learn much from Royle's hypnotic masterpiece.

Click here for complete information about this book on CDROM.

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Price: $99.95

The A To Z Of Hypnotherapy Treatment Scripts


Anyone who is serious about becoming truly successful in the World of Mind Therapy using Hypnosis needs this manual which is supplied on CD-ROM in HTML format which can easily be viewed using Microsoft Internet Explorer and similar programs. Well over 60+ Hypnotherapy Treatment Scripts which have been tried, tested and proven to be effective in the real world are included along with a bonus section explaining in simple step by step detail how to write your own scripts for any other things you may encounter during your work. Whatever problem your client has from A through to Z you can bet your bottom dollar that this CD-ROM contains a powerful treatment Script for it!

Click here for complete information about this book on CDROM.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $79.95

Make A Million From Hypnotherapy


The aim of this amazing publication is to teach Hypnotherapists and others in the Mind Therapy business how to make maximum money for absolute bare minimum investment of time or effort on your part! If your not already in a position whereby you have more clients than you can handle, all of whom are eager to pay you £250+ for a single one hour session – Then you need this step-by-step blueprint for success!

Click here for complete information about this book on CDROM.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $99.95

Hypno-Tricks (How To Be An Instant Stage Hypnotist)


This is a complete course in Pseudo Hypnosis enabling the reader to learn how to present an entire act of apparently genuine Stage Hypnotism without using any Stooges and without ever hypnotising anyone!

Click here for complete information about this book on CDROM.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $79.95

The Lazy Man’s Guide To Stage Hypnosis!


In many locations around the World it is now practically impossible to obtain Public Liability Insurance cover as a performing Stage Hypnotist or indeed obtain a licence to perform a show from many Council districts in the UK. But worry no longer, as television Hypnotist Jonathan Royle has saved the day with the release of this publication which reveals in a simple manner, all of the UK hypnotic laws and guidelines and then assesses and suggests in detail, all the loopholes they may contain.

Click here for complete information about this book on CDROM.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $79.95

Royle-Reveals (How To Be An Alternative Or Mainstream Comedian)


Whether you just want to add a little humour to your presentations or lectures, or your hypnotic or psychic shows, this publication is the one for you. Within this hilarious text, you are taught how to become an alternative or mainstream comedian!

Click here for complete information about this book on CDROM.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $39.95

From Zero To Hero (The Autobiography Of Jonathan Royle)


As you read Royle’s Life Story you’ll learn many of his Secrets of Success and will discover how he has gained Millions of £££/$$$ of Free International TV, Radio, Newspaper & Magazine Publicity for his Hypnotic Talents! This book is both highly entertaining and truly inspirational as you follow Royle’s life story to date which at times is Stranger than Fiction!

Click here for complete information about this book on CDROM.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $39.95

Discount Bulk 7 CDROM Compilation Offer


All of the Seven Books by Royle in this series are entirely different in content and as such you are advised to get a copy of them all! 

Click here for complete information about this 7 series of books on CDROM.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $369.95

The Professional Art Of Stage Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy & Complete Mind Therapy


Two amazing courses in one! For your one time investment you will be sent on a quality CD-ROM stored in both Word & PDF formats the entire text which makes up our now out of print course “The Professional Art of Stage Hypnosis” and also the entire text which made up our now out of print “Course in Hypnotherapy & Complete Mind Therapy!”  

Click here for complete information about this two course package on CDROM.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $99.95

Relax, Listen and Improve Exercise and Fitness with HYPNOSIS


Improve Exercise and Fitness An excellent program to help you improve yourself through encouraging your exercise and fitness program to be more enjoyable and productive using relaxation therapy (also know as guided meditation). Now you can use Hypnosis to help apply yourself to gain determination, resolve and results from your exercise and fitness routine.

What could be easier? Just do as the title suggests; Relax, Listen to the soothing voice and accomplish your goal. Listen to the soothing suggestive therapy in bed as you drift off to sleep or while relaxing in a comfortable chair.

Hypnosis has been demonstrated in numerous psychological studies to provide effective techniques both for inducing positive emotional states – and also for replacing self-defeating behavior patterns with more attractive and life-enhancing alternatives.

Your choice CD or Instant Download

Click here for complete details - save shipping time and money with MP3 Instant Download.

Please note: As digital products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item. MP3 files are very large (20+ MB) and may require a long time to download on slower connections. Not for Resale.

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Just Relax and Listen - what could be easier?

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Price: $19.95

Chris Lee - Live & Outrageous


Filmed live at a University Students Union Event as you watch this tape you will discover why Chris Lee has rapidly established himself as one of the funniest, most original and busiest adult comedy stage hypnotists in England!

The "Live Show" Training Videos are available in VHS/PAL, NTSC & SECAM video formats. They are also available at no extra cost in DVD format (DVD-R player compatible).

Click here for complete information about this Video / DVD.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $39.95

Chris Lee – Mindbender


Filmed in a Public House venue you’ll see how Chris Lee handles this very different audience and performing environment with ease and how he injects hilarious one liners throughout his show! If you are seriously thinking about becoming a Stage Hypnotist then order this tape right now and as you watch it remember that Chris Lee was originally taught by Jonathan Royle. You’ll also see Chris perform many original routines which don’t appear on any other tape of this kind and as such this title is unreservedly recommended!

The "Live Show" Training Videos are available in VHS/PAL, NTSC & SECAM video formats. They are also available at no extra cost in DVD format (DVD-R player compatible).

Click here for complete information about this Video / DVD.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $39.95

Chris Lee – The Mesmerizer


On this tape you’ll see Chris Lee performing at a Working Men’s Club Style venue where the audience are mainly made up of the older generation and as such a totally different approach is called for. Watched in conjunction with Chris Lees other tapes you’ll see how he adapts his show to suit every style of venue and audience age group! Once again this tape contains many hilarious routines many of which have never been released on a Hypnosis video before!

The "Live Show" Training Videos are available in VHS/PAL, NTSC & SECAM video formats. They are also available at no extra cost in DVD format (DVD-R player compatible).

Click here for complete information about this Video / DVD.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $39.95

Chris Lee – No Trance


Filmed at a Night Club style venue, on this tape you will see Chris Lee using every trick in the book to make his show a success! Under the most awkward performing conditions imaginable and to an audience more interested in talking to each other than either watching or participating in a Hypnotic show Chris finally turns things in his favour!

The "Live Show" Training Videos are available in VHS/PAL, NTSC & SECAM video formats. They are also available at no extra cost in DVD format (DVD-R player compatible).

Click here for complete information about this Video / DVD.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $39.95

Chris Lee – Returns


Following the huge success of the live show which was filmed to make "Live & Outrageous" Chris Lee was asked back to the same venue in just a matter of weeks! This tape captures his hilarious return visit and shows that on his "Second Coming" Chris Lee is even more outrageous than the first time and truly is following in Royle's (his tutors) footsteps!

The "Live Show" Training Videos are available in VHS/PAL, NTSC & SECAM video formats. They are also available at no extra cost in DVD format (DVD-R player compatible).

Click here for complete information about this Video / DVD.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $39.95

Chris Lee – Discount Bulk 5 VHS / DVD Offer


Order all five Chris Lee Titles at the same time and we’ll give you a bulk discount. If purchased separately these 5 VHS / DVD would cost $199.75 but we will send them all to you in one box for only $175.95!

The "Live Show" Training Videos are available in VHS/PAL, NTSC & SECAM video formats. They are also available at no extra cost in DVD format (DVD-R player compatible).

Click here for complete information about this 5 Video / DVD set.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $175.95

Hypnotorious Live - 2000 by Jonathan Royle


Filmed live on Royle’s 25th Birthday at a large Theatre Venue in the Greater Manchester area this tape shows Royle at his hilarious best. All of the various induction techniques are shown, including probably the fastest induction of several volunteers ever seen on video.

The "Live Show" Training Videos are available in VHS/PAL, NTSC & SECAM video formats. They are also available at no extra cost in DVD format (DVD-R player compatible).

Click here for complete information about this Video / DVD.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $39.95

Dirty-Trancing – Vol One by Jonathan Royle


Filmed at a Birmingham Hotel’s Private Party during 2003, this tape is both highly hilarious and invaluable to any budding Stage Hypnotist who wants to learn how Royle deals with performing on a tiny dance floor area where the audience are just inches away from him and his entranced volunteers!

The "Live Show" Training Videos are available in VHS/PAL, NTSC & SECAM video formats. They are also available at no extra cost in DVD format (DVD-R player compatible).

Click here for complete information about this Video / DVD.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $39.95

Dirty-Trancing – Vol Two by Jonathan Royle


Filmed at a Birmingham Hotel’s Private Party during 2003, you’ll laugh until you cry as you see the Man whose thinks his testicles are talking to each other, another man who thinks his private parts are on fire and the man who has a sexual encounter with a sheep!

The "Live Show" Training Videos are available in VHS/PAL, NTSC & SECAM video formats. They are also available at no extra cost in DVD format (DVD-R player compatible).

Click here for complete information about this Video / DVD.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $39.95

Hypno-Tricks by Jonathan Royle


Filmed Xmas 2002 at a Restaurant in Yorkshire, this tape shows Royle performing for a boozy Christmas Party Crowd. Watch a true professional at work and observe how Royle gets the audience on his side and makes them keep quiet during the Induction process!

The "Live Show" Training Videos are available in VHS/PAL, NTSC & SECAM video formats. They are also available at no extra cost in DVD format (DVD-R player compatible).

Click here for complete information about this Video / DVD.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $39.95

Mindgames by Jonathan Royle


Filmed at a student wine bar in Manchester this tape is invaluable educational material as you will see what happens when only two people volunteer to take part and only one of these takes it seriously enough to go into trance. Royle was a surprise performer at this venue as the management had just changed and they had forgotten to advertise the show!

The "Live Show" Training Videos are available in VHS/PAL, NTSC & SECAM video formats. They are also available at no extra cost in DVD format (DVD-R player compatible).

Click here for complete information about this Video / DVD.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $39.95

Hypnotic Party Time by Jonathan Royle


Filmed at a Rugby Club venue in Warwickshire, UK, Royle arrived at this show to discover that the concert secretary had advertised the wrong date and as such the audience consisted of only 12 people! Despite these next to impossible performing conditions Royle manages to get almost half the audience into trance and performs a most entertaining show.

The "Live Show" Training Videos are available in VHS/PAL, NTSC & SECAM video formats. They are also available at no extra cost in DVD format (DVD-R player compatible).

Click here for complete information about this Video / DVD.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $39.95

Erotic Hypnotics – Live by Jonathan Royle


Filmed at a Charity Fund Raising event at a Working Men’s Club in Royles home town of Rochdale you’ll learn how Royle performs a show to a mixed audience when all his on stage volunteers are men! See the men giving birth to babies and becoming the worlds greatest strippers, then they believe they are the Village People doing the YMCA and even become sexually turned on as they rub each other’s Knees.

The "Live Show" Training Videos are available in VHS/PAL, NTSC & SECAM video formats. They are also available at no extra cost in DVD format (DVD-R player compatible).

Click here for complete information about this Video / DVD.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $39.95

Take A Trance On Me by Jonathan Royle


Filmed at a private party in a very noisy gay friendly night-club venue Royle has to use every trick in the book to make this show work! You’ll see how he does a short pre-show act to get the audience into the right frame of mind for things to work and then how he uses various suggestibility tests to convince some people to take part and also to get the audience on his side.

The "Live Show" Training Videos are available in VHS/PAL, NTSC & SECAM video formats. They are also available at no extra cost in DVD format (DVD-R player compatible).

Click here for complete information about this Video / DVD.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $39.95

Discount Bulk - 8 - VHS / DVD Offer by Jonathan Royle


For those of you who are serious students of Stage Hypnotism and performance Hypnosis we are for a limited time only offering a bulk discount off the usual selling price of these tapes when all eight titles are ordered at once.

The "Live Show" Training Videos are available in VHS/PAL, NTSC & SECAM video formats. They are also available at no extra cost in DVD format (DVD-R player compatible).

Click here for complete information about this 8 Video / DVD series.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $249.95

There’s No Such Thing As Hypnosis by Jonathan Royle


Learn Hypnotherapy from this complete ten Video / DVD training course.

Once you have watched this entire ten volume video course, comprising well over 11+ hours of intensive information packed training, ploys, strategies and amazing techniques you will know far more about both Stage Hypnosis, NLP and Hypnotherapy (That is of practical use in the real world) than most of the so called established Professionals.

The Ten Video /DVD Training Videos are available in VHS/PAL, NTSC & SECAM video formats. They are also available at no extra cost in DVD format (DVD-R player compatible).

Click here for complete information about this 10 Video / DVD complete course. There is way too much to list here.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

Reduced was $999.95!

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Price: $579.95

Hypno-Tricks by Jonathan Royle


Learn Stage Hypnosis from this complete three Video / DVD training course.

This complete step by step training course in “Hypno-Tricks” comprises of (3) three amazing instructional videos and an information packed CD-ROM which are worth many, many times their weight in gold to any professional working performer and/or therapist!

The Three Video /DVD Training Videos are available in VHS/PAL, NTSC & SECAM video formats. They are also available at no extra cost in DVD format (DVD-R player compatible).

Click here for complete information about this 3 Video / DVD complete course. There is way too much to list here.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $359.95

The Art Of Professional Hypnotherapy - Volume One by Jonathan Royle


The first part of this two part series - a complete course covering all aspects of Hypnotherapy. The two unique training videos which follow will teach you about NLP, Hypnotherapy and Complete Mind Therapy (CMT).

Each Training Video / DVD are available in VHS/PAL, NTSC & SECAM video formats. They are also available at no extra cost in DVD format (DVD-R player compatible).

Click here for complete information about this Video / DVD course. There is way too much to list here.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $79.95

The Art Of Professional Hypnotherapy - Volume Two by Jonathan Royle


The second part of this two part series - a complete course covering all aspects of Hypnotherapy. The two unique training videos will teach you about NLP, Hypnotherapy and Complete Mind Therapy (CMT).

Each Training Video / DVD is available in VHS/PAL, NTSC & SECAM video formats. They are also available at no extra cost in DVD format (DVD-R player compatible).

Click here for complete information about this Video / DVD course. There is way too much to list here.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $79.95

The Art Of Professional Hypnotherapy - Volume One & Two by Jonathan Royle


This is both parts of this two part series - a complete course covering all aspects of Hypnotherapy. These two unique training videos will teach you about NLP, Hypnotherapy and Complete Mind Therapy (CMT).

Each Training Video / DVD is available in VHS/PAL, NTSC & SECAM video formats. They are also available at no extra cost in DVD format (DVD-R player compatible).

Click here for complete information about this Video / DVD course. There is way too much to list here.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $134.95

The Art of Professional Stage Hypnotism - Volume One by Jonathan Royle


On the first volume of this trilogy you will be taught in a simple step by step manner numerous Suggestibility Tests which used the way Royle teaches are guaranteed to work on almost everybody all of the time!

Each Training Video / DVD is available in VHS/PAL, NTSC & SECAM video formats. They are also available at no extra cost in DVD format (DVD-R player compatible).

Click here for complete information about this Video / DVD course. There is way too much to list here.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $79.95

The Art of Professional Stage Hypnotism - Volume Two by Jonathan Royle


On Volume Two of this trilogy Royle teaches you in a simple step by step manner a total of 15 different tried, tested and proven to work in the real world professional Hypnotic Induction Techniques.

Each Training Video / DVD is available in VHS/PAL, NTSC & SECAM video formats. They are also available at no extra cost in DVD format (DVD-R player compatible).

Click here for complete information about this Video / DVD course. There is way too much to list here.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $79.95

The Art of Professional Stage Hypnotism - Volume Three by Jonathan Royle


The final volume of this trilogy brings together everything that you will have learnt from the previous two volumes and then continues to teach you pretty much EVERYTHING that you’ll ever need to know to become both highly competent and confident in all areas of Stage Hypnosis!

Each Training Video / DVD is available in VHS/PAL, NTSC & SECAM video formats. They are also available at no extra cost in DVD format (DVD-R player compatible).

Click here for complete information about this Video / DVD course. There is way too much to list here.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $79.95

The Art of Professional Stage Hypnotism - Three Volumes by Jonathan Royle


As a limited introductory offer we are giving you the chance to order all three volumes of this amazing trilogy at the same time at a greatly reduced price!

The purchase price of the three separately is $239.85 but you can get them together for only $199.95!

These Training Video / DVD are available in VHS/PAL, NTSC & SECAM video formats. They are also available at no extra cost in DVD format (DVD-R player compatible).

Click here for complete information about this Video / DVD course. There is way too much to list here.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $199.95

Discount Bulk Audio Cassette Offer


For a Limited Time we are giving you the chance to get all nine of the quality audio training titles in this series at the same time at a greatly reduced price. When ordered all together at the same time you may have all nine tapes, a $288 value for just $194.95, with free shipping! 

Click here for information about this complete audio program and series.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

Free Shipping!

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Price: $194.95

Secrets Of Hypnotherapy


This tape by Jonathan Royle discusses approaches to successful Hypnotherapy.

Click here for information about this complete audio program and series.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $32.95

Secrets Of Psychotherapy


This tape examines Psychotherapy and Hypno-Analysis. Actual case studies are discussed to illustrate how to find the true cause of many psychological problems and then how to rectify or remove the underlying cause so that the symptoms disappear! A must have training audio for anyone who truly desires to understand how the human mind works both to create and solve problems!

Click here for information about this complete audio program and series.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $32.95

Stage Hypnosis Fact or Fiction


The true inside secrets of Stage Hypnosis are revealed on this 90 minute audio recording. Originally released in Jonathan Royles former stage name of Alex-Leroy this tape accompanied his 1993 Training seminar of the same name and is absolute dynamite for any serious student of Stage Hypnotism!

Click here for information about this complete audio program and series.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $32.95

Secrets Of Stage Hypnosis


Great audio training tape on Stage Hypnotism, which covers in-depth many of the subjects covered in Jonathan Royles Books on the subject.

Click here for information about this complete audio program and series.

Please note: As media products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

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Price: $32.95


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