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 HELP needed with Spontaneous regression

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BrianWK Posted - 02/07/2011 : 11:22:34 PM
I tried Ultra-Height technique with my girlfriend last night. All went well until she was searching for a difficult answer, and suddenly she half-opened her eyes, but still in a very very deep trance, as her eyes were irresponsive. And trouble began from there: she became irresponsive at all! Like in a coma state (for those who are not familiar with ultra-height, to reach this level a coma state is needed). Then I tried to stop this process by emerge her, but failed she was still irresponsive. I even used the coma threat but it did not work this time. Out of despair, I used my nail to press the area between her nose and upper lip (its an old method to wake people up from blackout). Then she did wake up, but she spontaneous regressed into 2 years ago, when we just met! She was then frightened! Because I hypnotized her just before we went to sleep, so we were wearing very few things (I had only an underwear on!). I tried to convince her that this is the year of 2011 already, and showed her the calendar and stuffs. Then somehow she believed that she was time travelling! And grabbed a mirror started studying her looks (btw, she moved her body with no difficulty at all). I secretly pinched her hard, and she did not know at all! So I knew that she was still in a very deep level of trance!

Then after spending 20 minutes on convincing her that after we met we have progressed into a very loving relationship. I even her few secrets of hers to convince her. And finally, she agreed to allow me to put her back to 2009 (I convinced her that it was me who caused her to travel in time). Then I did a instant induction again, and said to her, now you will be back to the year 2011 and we are doing hypnosis. Then I emerged her. This time, she was still in 2009 but few months after we met. And she was frightened again and started crying! I then pinched her, she wasnt responsive! So she must have been in very deep trance still. I quickly soothed her this time, and did an instant induction again. Then I thought of the hypnosleep technique which I then used on her. Then asked her what year she was in, and thank GOD this time she really went back to the current time!
Then I asked her what she remembered. She had absolutely no memory of those two wake-ups the only thing she remembered was that she was trying hard searching for the answers when she was in ultra-height state.

Please dont get me wrong here. I dont think ultra-height has anything to do with this. Probably because I did something wrong. My questions are: how should one handle this kind of regression when the person wakes up but still in trance? I was really freaking out inside when she regressed, because I was afraid that she would have been trapped in the memory of 2 years ago and then lost her memory of those 2 years!
Have anyone encountered or heard of this kind of phenomenon? And how should one handle it professionally?
If she had refused to be hypnotized by me during her waking regression, would she be able to emerge by herself? Just imagine that had she not being my girlfriend, she would not have allowed me to perform instant induction during the regression, because she would have not recognize me at all and saw herself in a strange place with a strange man, she would have gone nuts! Now I am frightened even think of this could have happened!

Professionals! Please help me out here!
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
patrickg Posted - 02/08/2011 : 09:34:54 AM
I didn't assume there was any evil intention :)

Just seemed like you were interested and curious. That can sometimes be a dangerous mix. I don't think it would necessarily harm her. But, it could harm her understanding of hypnosis, her trust in you, and your relationship.

How to deal with it depends on the situation.

You obviously have some skill and there are other issues you should be prepared to deal with when working in Esdaile and UH (somnambulism is usually enough depth for hypno work). So, what I would respectfully recommend at this point is good, quality training.

You'll want an instructor that has experience in analytical hypnosis, and more specifically, affect bridge age regression. An instructor like that should have the practical knowledge AS WELL AS the experience to help you progress in a solid way.

BrianWK Posted - 02/08/2011 : 02:12:18 AM
Thanks again for your reply, Patrick.

First of all, I'll NEVER EVER experiment on my girlfriend ever again. Because I really freaked out last time. Nor will I attempt to "fix" her problems using this kind of hypnosis!

Believe me, I Never wanted to hurt her in any way. Should I have known that I might cause any problems at all, I would have never hypnotized her!

Now my concern is that I am really interested into hypnosis, and want to become a full-time hypnotist in the future. So I really want to know if, by any chance, in the future, this kind of thing happens, how should I or could I handle it?

And just to clear this matter out. when she was in UH, she did not seem to have any emotional conflict. We have lived together almost 2 years already, and we are very attached to each other. And we both love each other very much.

The reason I "experimented" on her is purely out of convenience. There's not any "evil" intension at all! Please be assured on this matter.
patrickg Posted - 02/07/2011 : 11:52:41 PM
I'll repeat from my other reply. Working with a friend or family member is NEVER in their best interest. It introduces personal elements that complicate the whole hypnotic process.

It is EXTREMELY rare that the client will "awaken" while hypnotized. That would signify she was VERY emotionally conflicted. Being hypnotized by a boyfriend who is essentially experimenting on her would sure be a possible source of this emotional/mental conflict.

So, to answer your question about what you may have done wrong.

1. Do NOT work with your own girlfriend in the manner you are attempting. You are more likely to cause her difficulty than to help her. If she had not been your girlfriend it is much more UNLIKELY that she would have partially emerged during the UH. But, then working with your GF AND doing UH multiplied your potential for trouble.

So, as a professional who has worked with this before, my offer of help is the recommendation for you to stop messing with your girlfriend. If I offer further recommendations I fear you would feel comfortable to continue with her.


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