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 Is Acupuncture technique effective - quit smoking

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Bevis Posted - 02/25/2009 : 05:52:06 AM
I'm looking for ways to quit smoking and came across the terminology "Cold Turkey exercise." What are Cold turkey and acupuncture methods? Are they really helpful? Is there another method available to quit smoking.

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
andrea15 Posted - 01/07/2013 : 2:22:09 PM
That's a bit of a red herring. I do not find any difference between clients who smoke heavily and want to give up and those who smoke as little as 6 a day! In fact you could argue that the heavy smokers were more motivated to give up on several levels finances, health, social, lack of free will etc.
TonyM Posted - 11/30/2012 : 08:16:19 AM
I use to smoke and went Cold Turkey, same for my friend. It worked for both of us but it does require discipline. I wasn't a heavy smoker so it was easier for me to give up.
patrickg Posted - 11/12/2012 : 11:25:18 AM
There appear to be some aspects of hypnosis in acupuncture in that there are often suggestions given, and people tend to achieve a hypnotic state during the treatments.

At the same time, clinical studies using acupuncture for smoking cessation have results comparable to cold turkey and placebo.

Pain management with acupuncture appear OK for short term results.
andrea15 Posted - 11/12/2012 : 10:03:42 AM
Acupuncture as I understand it tries to vreat another habit/distraction by placing a seed in your ear and giving you instructions to press it every time you feel like a cigarette thus giving you something else to think about and distracting from your original thought.
jennifermorris04 Posted - 11/07/2012 : 12:26:19 AM
Acupuncture is an Asian method of healing,They use thin needles and puncture your skin at certain places,Acupuncture is a treatment that takes about fifteen minutes,The best part is of Acupuncture technique that its really works! It takes pain away and you'll be amazed.
ForumMaster Posted - 02/26/2009 : 01:10:44 AM
Rookie Spam Technique 101

Bevis (IP in India) comes in and pretends to ask a serious question - a while later Albert (IP in India) comes in to deliver the spam payload.

Sorry guys we don't allow paid spammers to post their links in our forums.
Albert Posted - 02/26/2009 : 12:53:07 AM
Cold Turkey exercise means quitting straight forward at once. Like just waking up after a night’s sleep and deciding not to smoke anymore.
Ear acupuncture is the most common form of acupuncture treatment to help quit smoking. Often, small ear seeds can be placed with tape over the useful points in the ear, and allow you to stimulate these points at home between treatments. Do consult an acupuncturist or community acupuncture clinic where you can receive treatment several times per week.

Recently, I found a site... [Spam removed by Moderator].
patrickg Posted - 02/25/2009 : 09:01:37 AM
Cold Turkey is you working against your own behaviors. It works less than 10% of the time. Nicotine replacement (patch, gum, inhaler) works only a little more often.
Cold Turkey leaves a lot of room for accidental habit replacement (gum, candy, food, toothpicks, etc), rather than habit stopping.
Matrixman Posted - 02/25/2009 : 07:21:22 AM
acupuncture methods belong to chines medicine and really is out side the scope of this forum topic base, Cold Turkey, it nothing move than forcing yourself to stop doing a specific set of behaviors. and if you are able to do Cold Turkey- then it will strength your ego in only good ways, because you are doing something by yourself for yourself- as for acupuncture you really do need to talk to someone who as been trained for the most appropriate advice.


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