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Home Page Static Ad


Home Page Static Ad included on the "home page" - plus many other pages within the HOL site.

$50 per month debit to your credit card makes budgeting your HOL static ad easy and convenient. Our AutoPay system will automatically submit your payment at each renewal date.

This is the right side panel - looks similar to the "Google ads" panel.

Great for linking to our high ranking - high traffic site as you will be featured on the main home page of HOL. Take advantage of the thousands of targeted visitors each day.

Upgrade Options - Save $

Put your AD where it will be seen!

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Price: $50.00

Main Page Rotating Banner Ad


Main Page Rotating Banner Ad included on the "main page" of the HOL site: $75 per month.

This is the banner ads section on the lower part of the HOL home page.

Good for standard 468x60 banner ads. Take advantage of the thousands of targeted visitors each day.

Optional upgrade to yearly for $750 (you get two months free).

Upgrade Option
Upgrade to Yearly (get two months free) + $675.00 

Put your AD where it will be seen!

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Price: $75.00

Specific Page Rotating Banner Ad


Specific Page Rotating Banner Ad included on the top of any specific individual listings page for your State, Country, Schools page, Guilds page or Stage page: $75 per month.

This is the banner ads section on the top part of the HOL listings pages.

Excellent for high visibility in the HOL Database Listing pages for professional practice, schools, stage shows, associations, training media, etc. Take advantage of our thousands of targeted visitors each day.

Optional upgrade to yearly for $750 (you get two months free).

Upgrade Option
Upgrade to Yearly (get two months free) + $675.00 

Which HOL Listings page for your ad?

Put your AD where it will be seen!

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Price: $75.00



Sponsorship - Show your support of the HOL web site with multiple ad placement as follows: one Home Page Static Ad, one Main Page Rotating Banner Ad and one Specific Page Rotating Banner Ad (as above): $1000 per year.

Excellent for Schools, Guilds, Associations, training media and product sales. Take advantage of our thousands of targeted visitors each day.

Show your support for HOL!

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Price: $1,000.00

Banner Ad Design


Banner Ad Design by our talented staff of artists: Still banner ad design from elements on your web site or your artwork for a one time fee. You own the banner (standard size and specs) for use anywhere on the Internet.

Put your AD where it will be seen!

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Price: $100.00

Flash Banner Ad Design


Flash Banner Ad Design by our talented staff artists: Animated banner ad design from elements on your web site or your artwork for a one time fee. You own the banner (standard size and specs) for use anywhere on the Internet.

Put your AD where it will be seen!

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Price: $300.00

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