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Categories --> Background Music

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Atmospheres CDROM


Chestnut Mills Musicraft / CD-ROM / Published 2000

A collection of ambient music which is perfect for background relaxation, visualization, hypnosis tapes and CD's. This music includes the PERMANENT royalty fee for the purchaser to use it over and over again as the background music on their own professional cassettes or CDROMs.

Chestnut Mills Musicraft - CD-ROM - Published 2000

Click here for complete details and listen to music samples.

Please note: As digital products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

Shipping - Handling (Select one *required)

Includes the FOREVER royalty fee!

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Price: $69.95

Origins -- Guidings -- CDROM


Chestnut Mills Musicraft / CD-ROM / Published 2002

Sparse and comforting soundscapes which are designed as music for use by Hypnotherapists and holistic healers. The music here is delicate and patient. Ambient, floating tones soothe the soul and calm the mind. The great aspect to these recordings is that each cut is at least 30 minutes in length, and the price is unbeatable for the quality of the production.

This music includes the PERMANENT royalty fee for the purchaser to use it over and over again as the background music on their own professional cassettes or CDROMs.  2 cuts, total CD length over 60 minutes.

Click here for complete details and listen to music samples. 

Please note: As digital products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

Shipping - Handling (Select one *required)

Includes the FOREVER royalty fee!

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Price: $39.95

Origins -- Pathfinder -- CDROM


Chestnut Mills Musicraft / CD-ROM / Published 2003

The second installment in the "Origins" trilogy. This CD feature nature sounds intermixed with swells of caressing sound. These cuts are designed primarily for professional hypnotherapists, but are easily adaptable to other productions needing an ambient soundscape.

This music includes the PERMANENT royalty fee for the purchaser to use it over and over again as the background music on their own professional cassettes or CDROMs.

2 cuts, total CD length over 60 minutes.

Click here for complete details and listen to music samples.

Please note: As digital products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

Shipping - Handling (Select one *required)

Includes the FOREVER royalty fee!

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Price: $39.95

Origins -- Destination -- CDROM


Chestnut Mills Musicraft / CD-ROM / Published 2003

The long-awaited completion of the "Origins" trilogy. This CD features relaxing nature sounds blended with soothing swells of caressing ambient music. These cuts are designed primarily for professional hypnotherapists, but are easily adaptable to other mulitmedia productions needing an ambient soundscape.

This music includes the PERMANENT royalty fee for the purchaser to use it over and over again as the background music on their own professional cassettes, MP3s or CDROMs.

2 cuts, total CD length over 60 minutes.

Click here for complete details and listen to music samples.

Please note: As digital products can be easily duplicated we offer no refunds or returns on this item.

Shipping - Handling (Select one *required)

Includes the FOREVER royalty fee!

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Price: $39.95

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